Blink, Chapter 2: One Year & One Month

Mar 14, 2011 00:08

Title: Blink, Chapter 2: One Year & One Month
Author: dolce_amore93
Rating: PG-13
Genre: This one is so fluffy.
Characters: Luke/Reid
Summary: Takes place August of 2011. Reid and Luke are in the midst of moving in together, and take a break from the heavy lifting to record their first voicemail together.
Disclaimer: I do not own LuRe or ATWT.
Author's Notes: Chapter 2, yay! Thank you guys so much for the awesome response for Chapter 1 - it was so appreciated! I love writing slice-of-life fics - glad you love reading them! This is 2 for 2 with the fluffy one-shots, I know. I assure you that they won't all be this fluffy though, lol! By the way, I'm sure you could figure this out by the dates I'm listing, but I place the start of Luke and Reid's relationship in July 2010. Comments = love. <3

One Year & One Month - August 2011

“Did you seriously just take a shower?” Luke asked with a laugh.

“Either that or there’s a major leak in the bathroom ceiling,” Reid replied, motioning to his wet hair.

“Why did you feel the need to take one smack in the middle of the day?”

“Directing idiotic movers makes me sweat.”

Luke sighed. “It wouldn’t have killed you to help me and Casey out, you know.”

Reid held up his hands. “That may be true regarding my life, but my career? Not so much. Definitely would’ve killed it.”

“What are you doing?” Luke asked as Reid laid down on the hardwood floor, his hands behind the back of his head.

“Sleeping,” he replied flatly. “Directing idiotic movers makes me tired, too.”

“You’re tired? How can you sleep when this is so exciting?” Luke asked cheerily.

“Mm, don’t worry, I’ll manage,” Reid mumbled.

Luke snaked over from his spot on the couch and straddled Reid. Reid opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow. “I just took a shower. You’re contaminating me,” he smirked. He ran his hands up Luke’s sides and shivered as Luke adjusted himself on his hips. The man seemed to be under the impression that he could do such things and not make Reid extremely, extremely hot for him.

“Oh, am I?” Luke laughed. “You got a date or something?” Luke grabbed Reid’s hands and held them both around his hips.

Reid smiled slightly. “With constructing a nightstand and unpacking your oversized box labeled “Closet”, yes, very hot date. Are you storing Noah in there?” he cracked.

Luke shot him a scolding look, but laughed. “Okay, you can do that, but first we have to set up our answering machine,” Luke said. He pointed to the phone beside him, grinning like a child with a brand new toy.

“First? First we have to do it? Why? Who’s going to call us on our home phone anyway?”

Luke huffed. “No one, because they’ll probably be afraid that you’ll answer.“

“I told you that the time I hung up on your mother was an accident,” Reid replied with a smirk. Luke rolled his eyes.

“Whatever. Can you just sit up for a second and help me record it?” Luke asked. He got off of Reid, much to the older man’s dismay.

Reid groaned, looking up at Luke as he pressed buttons on the phone randomly. “Why don’t we just let the robotic voice person thingy be our voicemail message?” Reid asked.

“Because it’s cold and unwelcoming,” Luke replied, scrunching his nose.

“Sounds good to me.”

Luke shot him another look and with that, Reid sat up. He scooted over beside Luke, pulling one leg toward his chest and stretching the other. He put an arm behind Luke’s back and resting his chin on Luke’s shoulder.

“Okay, ready? I’m going to hit this button and when the phone beeps, we talk into it. It’s on speaker phone.”

“Okay…” Reid replied cautiously. Luke hit the button without another word; apparently he was suffering from temporary amnesia in thinking that Reid automatically knew what to say with these types of things.

“Hi! You’ve reached Luke and Reid!” Luke started in and overly happy tone. Reid cringed.

“Okay, okay, stop. Why so cheery?”

“I’m always cheery.”

“Not that cheery. Jesus. This,” he gestured between his body, Luke’s, and around the space that was their new home, “Would not be happening if you were that cheery.”

“The sex still would be happening, though.”

“Of course. Just not the relationship part.”

“Noted. If I ever want to get rid of you I’ll just eat a lot of sugar and drink a few too many lattes.”

Reid laughed. “Sounds good. But you’re not getting rid of me.”

“Mm, hope not,” Luke replied. He leaned into his boyfriend and nuzzled his neck. He straightened back up. “Okay, seriously, let’s try this again. Don’t interrupt me this time, ‘kay?”

“Okay. Carry on,” Reid groaned.

Luke hit the button once more. He tried his best to speak more like himself and not like the phone-version of himself. “Hey! You’ve reached Luke and Reid.” Luke paused and stared at Reid in silence. Reid shrugged, and Luke sighed, ending the recording.

“Aren’t you going to talk?”

“What? Talk about what?” Reid asked, a bewildered expression striking his face.

“You know… ‘We can’t come to the phone right now, leave a message after the beep,’?” Luke suggested.

“You don’t think the caller will be able to come to the conclusion that we can’t come to the phone when gee, I don’t know, we don’t come to the phone?”


“And do they really need to be told to leave a message after the beep? Have you ever heard of a person who started speaking before the beep?”

“Reid,” Luke mock-scolded.

“Oh, what part of that isn’t true? Just tell the caller that they called the right house and be done with it.”

Luke gave Reid his best puppy dog eyes. “Reid, please? I really want it to be a message from the both of us. It’s our house. We live together officially now, and I’m proud of that. Please?”

Everything they did together for the first time was of the greatest importance to Luke. The first time he signed a birthday card “Love, Luke and Reid” you would've thought that he had just completed his first novel by the way he was smiling. Reid was happy about those things too, but just… inwardly.

Reid gave a relenting sigh. Like he could seriously turn those eyes down. “Fine.”

“And actually put some effort into it,” Luke replied.

“Oh, I don’t do anything half-heartedly, Mr. Snyder,” Reid assured him.

Luke hit the button on the phone again. “Hey! You’ve reached Luke and Reid.”

Reid leaned in to the phone. “We’re not home. Leave a message and we’ll get back to you if your name is Katie, Jacob, Natalie, Ethan or Abigail. Bob, call my cell. Lily, whatever engagement you want us to attend, we already have plans. Noah, we’re busy having sex. Bye!”

Luke glared at Reid. “Ha ha, very funny.”

Reid smiled, looking quite proud of himself. “I liked that. Let’s keep that one,” Reid said.

“Uh, no.”

“Why not? I put a lot of effort into it,” Reid replied. “I even personalized it to answer our most frequent callers.”

“How considerate of you,” Luke replied flatly, never losing the sparkle behind his eyes when he and Reid bickered. “Can we do it again, being serious this time?”

“Your wish is my command, Richie Rich,” Reid replied, smiling devilishly. Luke huffed dramatically at which Reid chuckled.

Luke hit the button again as Reid silently lamented his lost, brilliant voicemail recording. “Hey! You’ve reached Luke and Reid.”

“We can’t come to the phone right now. Leave a message after the beep and we’ll get back to you,” Reid added.

Luke grinned, happy with the result. He looked down at the phone and frowned to see that the ‘record’ button he had pushed was not lit up. “Oh shit,” he said, pressing the button once more.

“What’s wrong?” Reid asked, furrowing his brow.

“It didn’t… oh shit! Yes it did. I didn’t think it was recording but it was.”

“And now we have the angelic prince of Oakdale cursing at the end of our voicemail,” Reid snickered. “Does mommy know that you say bad words?”

Luke laughed and elbowed Reid in the stomach. “Shut up. Ready to do it again?” Luke said anxiously.

Reid shook his head. “Nah, I think my voicemail recording days are over.”

Luke gaped. “No. We can’t leave it like that.”

“Oh yes, we can. Besides, I gotta get back to my expert furniture building skills.”

“You’re not an expert, you’re putting screws in holes,” Luke said dully.

“Which I think I’m quite the expert at.”

“Mm,” Luke agreed.

“And so are you,” Reid added. Luke’s eyes smiled.

“Glad you think so.” Both men were quiet for a moment, peering around their living room. “Do you like it? Our house?”

Reid decided long before they moved in together that he’d like any house that included a Luke. “I do. I think we did a good job picking it out. If only it were in another town,” he joked. “And the house number… the house number I don’t like. Why does it have to be 591?” he asked, a slight look of disgust crossing his face.

“Why don’t you like odd numbers?”

“I like symmetry,” Reid replied.

“Because the brain is symmetrical?” Luke asked.


“I read that people with perfectly symmetrical faces are considered the most good looking by others,” Luke said.

Reid thought for a moment. “You have the most symmetrical face I’ve ever seen, then.”

“Aww, that’s just the most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me,” Luke grinned. He leaned back against the sofa and stared at the smooth ceiling, with its warm, curved edges that met the top of the walls so easily. That was like the theme of the entire house - warm and just… easy. Homey. Home.

fanfiction, rating: pg-13, fic: blink, !author/artist: dolce_amore93

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