The Taurus and the Piscquarius

Jan 13, 2011 21:37

Title: The Taurus and the Piscquarius
Author: dolce_amore93
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own LuRe at all.
Summary: Upon learning that there is a 13th zodiac sign, Luke and Reid discuss astrology.
A/N: Seriously guys - an astronomer just decided to tell us that there's a 13th zodiac sign, so now most people's zodiac signs have shifted. WTH? LOL. Hope this news doesn't cause too much distress (though I'm rather perturbed that I'm no longer a Pisces, because I just so AM a Pisces). Credit goes to and for the zodiac info that helped me out with this fic. I didn't have to make up a single thing about their signs, which is a little scary. Comments = love.


“Reid!” Luke yelled from the bedroom. Reid came darting in from the kitchen where he had been fixing himself a midnight, after-sex snack. Katie was away researching a story for WOAK and took the kid with her, leaving the apartment nice and quiet. Well - quiet except for the sex part.

“What’s wrong?” Reid asked, whisk in hand.

“I… what are you making?” Luke asked, pointing at the whisk.

“Eggs, but I didn’t make them yet. Is there a reason why you just shrieked my name as though a murderer just climbed through the window?” he asked, his eyes wide.

Luke smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry if I scared you. Everything is fine. Well, sort of. I just read that I’m not a Taurus anymore!”

Reid just stared blankly at him for a moment. “Um… okay. Why is this something to yell about?”

“Because!” Luke yelled, looking as though it was oh-so-obvious. “I strongly identify with being a Taurus, Reid. Now some stupid astronomer - “

“I doubt he’s stupid, but go on,” Reid interjected.

Luke huffed and continued. “Some astronomer far more intelligent than you or I -“

“Well I wouldn’t go that far,” Reid interrupted again.

“He said that there’s a thirteenth zodiac sign and now we aren’t the same zodiac signs anymore,” Luke finished in a distressed tone, ignoring his boyfriend. “I’m different now.”

“Zodiac signs and horoscopes are a bunch of garbage that make psychics and imaginative 99 cent magazine writers way too much money. You’re not seriously upset about this,” Reid said flatly. Luke nodded quickly. Reid groaned and set the whisk on the nightstand, scooting into bed beside Luke and huddling over his iPhone to read the article for himself.

“Your birthday is May 16th, right?” Reid asked. Luke nodded. Reid smacked him playfully on the forehead.

“What was that for?” Luke asked.

“Your sign didn’t change, you moron. According to the chart you were a Taurus before, and you still are.”

Luke studied the chart and blushed. “Oh… you’re right.”

“Of course I’m right,” Reid replied with a wink. He looked over the quick description of a Taurus and smiled. “Actually, this is oddly accurate. Look at what it says - a Taurus is dependable, caring…”

“Aww!” Luke squealed.

“Persistent, determined,” Reid continued, elbowing Luke in the ribs.

“Being persistent gets you a lot in life,” Luke replied matter-of-factly. “It got me you.”

“It sure did. You’re lucky it didn’t get you kidnapping charges too, Mr. Snyder,” Reid teased.

“It got me you,” Luke repeated sweetly, and Reid rolled his eyes.

“Ha! Look at that - a Taurus doesn’t like to be rushed. Mr. ‘Give Me Twenty Minutes and I’ll Be Done with My Hair’,” Reid said. He looked at the symbol for Taurus and raised an eyebrow, running a hand down Luke’s thigh.

“I didn’t know you were a bull.”

Luke grinned. “Sure am.”

“I’m good at bull riding,” Reid said, his eyes narrowing seductively.

“Meh, you’re okay,” Luke joked. His eyes twinkled as he intertwined his fingers with Reid’s fingers. “So do you believe in astrology now, grumpy?”

Reid shrugged. “Eh. It’s a fluke that you’re like your sign.”

They looked back at Luke’s phone, their cheeks pressing together to both get a good look. “You’re not a Pisces anymore!” Luke exclaimed, and Reid pulled back.

“Oh golly, I can feel the identity crisis setting in already!" Reid remarked sardonically. "Oh, and my ear? Yeah, it was right next to your mouth. Thanks for yelling,” he grumbled.

“You’re an Aquarius now,” Luke sighed. “I’m sure your traits still fit a Pisces, though,” he said, studying Pisces traits more closely before bursting into laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Reid asked.

“Oh my God - the stars really were off. As a Pisces you would be sympathetic, shy, kind, compassionate - ha!”

“Oh, don’t hold back your amusement on my account,” Reid replied sarcastically.

Luke could barely keep a laugh back. “I’m sorry, but this is just so not you. At all. I mean - it says Pisces are sensitive, Reid.”

“I’m not cold and unfeeling all the time,” Reid protested.

“You’re not cold or unfeeling ever, you just try to act that way,” Luke said gently, still dancing his fingers around Reid’s. “But you’re hardly sensitive,” he added with a smirk.

“Thank God,” Reid replied. “If you saw me as sensitive I’d be afraid that Oakdale softened me. Ugh.”

“You poor thing, that would just be awful,” Luke replied.

“It would be, actually.”

Luke shook his head and looked at his phone. “Now you’re an Aquarius, so let’s see… an Aquarius is intellectual…”



“A bit,” Reid joked.

“Loyal - you better be, Oliver,” Luke mock-warned.

“I am,” Reid said with a nod, leaning his head into the nook in Luke’s neck.

“Unpredictable, independent… hates extravagance and people who show off - Reid, you are such an Aquarius.”

“I’m glad the stupid astronomers got their stars sorted out, then. I’d hate to be thought of as compassionate when I’m really…” he scanned the line describing his new sign, “A detached, perverse hater of emotions,” he said with a closed-mouth smile.

“That’s my guy,” Luke replied affectionately. He leaned in and pecked Reid on the lips. “I love my Aquarius very, very much.”

“Love you, too. You don’t wish I were a nice, sweet Pisces, though?” Reid asked, half-jokingly, but with vulnerable eyes.

Luke smiled softly, shaking his head. “You’re everything I want, regardless what your zodiac sign is,” Luke said.

Luke looked at the ‘Love Match’ for Taurus/Aquarius and grinned. “Listen to this,” he said. “’There’s a mutual fascination between Taurus and Aquarius because they’re so different. They’re are drawn to each other and have potential for long-term harmony. Taurus is good with practical matters, and this is good for Aquarius, who struggles with earthly matters. Taurus may find Aquarius too idea oriented, and be unnerved by the off the wall thought patterns of Aquarius. Taurus loves tradition, while Aquarius shirks the status quo, opting for the innovations of the future. Aquarius resists merging and can live in the mind, while Taurus renews itself through physical intimacy and sensual pleasures. On the up side, Taurus can manage the day-to-day, and Aquarius comes up with the big picture plan. If they can handle the gulf that naturally exists here, it might work.’ That is so us!” Luke yelled happily.

“We already knew that we work,” Reid replied, moving his fingers up to Luke's chin.

Luke smiled. “Yeah, I know. It’s kind of cool that the stars agree, though,” he said dreamily.

“Fact it is not, but I guess it is pretty cool,” Reid relented with a sigh. There was no arguing with Luke's imaginative side. He wouldn't have it any other way. "Even if our signs shifted and we weren't the same according to the stars, we'd still be us, you know. You'd still be Luke and I'd still be Reid, and we'd still be a little too cute for my taste."

Luke giggled. "I know we would be."

Reid became serious. "We aren't going to change, Luke. I know you're used to change happening all the time with the relationships in your life, but we won't change."

Luke leaned into Reid on the mattress, bumping their temples together. "I know."

After a few moments of silence, Luke kissed Reid suddenly and sat back up. “It does kinda suck that you’re just plain allergic to fish now. It’s no longer ironic,” Luke mused.

“It is a bummer,” Reid agreed. “An Aquarius is like a fish, though, no?”

Luke shook his head. “An Aquarius is a bearer of water, but it’s actually an air sign.”

“How do you know so much about this crap?” Reid asked, scrunching his brow.

“I like astrology. And you can’t ever tell me again that astrology isn’t accurate, so stop calling it crap,” Luke said.

Reid slowly snaked atop Luke. “Oh no,I think astrology is highly accurate. As a matter of fact, I need some more practice bull riding, and here you are. Look at that - the stars have aligned perfectly,” he murmured, kissing up Luke’s arm and making his way to his mouth.

“Don’t you want to go make your eggs?” Luke asked faintly in between kisses.

“They can wait. We can’t go against what the universe wants, Luke.”

fanfiction, fic: the taurus and the piscquarius, !author/artist: dolce_amore93, rating: pg

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