Last Night on Earth || Part Two

Dec 26, 2010 00:47

Title: Last Night On Earth
Author: dolce_amore93
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/Drama
Warnings: Deals with end-of-show sadness - you know what I speak of.
Summary: Reid finally gets to see Luke on Christmas Eve.
Author's Notes: Hey guys! Here's Part Two of Last Night On Earth, which is part of the series Three Flights Up. This is NOT the final part of Last Night On Earth like I originally mentioned. It's too long! Expect a Part Three soon, and if I can't seem to stop myself from continuing to write this (lol), a Part Four as well. Thank you so much for your patience and awesome support. I so appreciate it. Comments = love!

Part Three will be coming soon!


Last Night One Earth || Part Two

Luke returned to his mother’s home from the pond to find his mother staring incredulously at him. “Sweetie, what are you doing still wearing jeans and a sweatshirt? The girls and Ethan are already in the car, ready to go!”

Luke sighed. “I know. I don’t think I’ll be going with you to Grandmother’s house.”

“Why not?” she asked, tilting her head slightly.

Luke shifted uncomfortably, and Holden cleared his throat. “Its fine, son. If you decide you do feel up to it, come on over. If not, don’t worry about it. Okay?” he comforted, patting Luke’s shoulder. Luke nodded and offered a small smile.

“Tell everyone I said hello,” Luke said as his parents walked out the door.

“We will!” Lily said cheerily. “We’re spending the night in Grandmother’s guest rooms… you sure you want to be here all alone?”

Luke nodded. “I’m sure.”

Holden gave Luke a knowing smile before following her out the door.

The second that the house was cleared except for Luke, Reid felt his feet hit the hardwood floor, feeling the relief from the constant brightness in heaven. He patted his waist down, making sure he had made the trip all in one piece and smiled with satisfaction. He glanced at his watch and shifted uncomfortably to find that it was already 7PM. He only had until dawn. It wouldn’t be enough time, but then again, no span of time would amount to the whole enchilada with Luke other than forever.

He walked out of the random “our house is so huge we just have a piano in here” room and into the living room to find Luke. His breathing deepened as he laid eyes on the blonde up close for the first time in months. He looked as young and sweet and doe eyed as the first time he met him. When Reid had quiet time in heaven, time to reflect on his life - he remembered quite a bit. He remembered the patients he saved. He remembered the sting of the patients he lost, quietly wondering if they were somewhere up in the clouds as well. Mostly, he just remembered Luke.

Luke looked right through him the first time he looked in Reid’s direction, and it stung like hell. Reid paced around the living room, waiting for a creak the floorboard made or the shuffle of his feet to make Luke take another glance. After a moment, he caught Luke’s gaze and Reid's breath hitched.

Luke stared curiously at him for a moment before turning away, shaking his head. ‘I’m crazy,’ he murmured.

“True, but not because of this,” Reid replied, a smile crossing his lips. Luke jumped at the sound of the familiarity of the deep, smooth voice. “I’m really here, Luke.”

“Reid?” he asked. He turned around and stepped towards what he thought could only be a figment of his imagination. He looked at him partially with horror, at which Reid wanted to go sit in a dark corner and get himself back to Brad - to sulk and have a beer together. The fascination and utter love that also burned in Luke’s eyes were what kept him grounded.

“It’s me. I’m here,” Reid replied carefully.

“I’m hallucinating,” Luke said.


“I’m dreaming,” he replied.

Reid shook his head.

“I’m drunk,” he said.

“Stop it, Mr. Snyder,” Reid said. Reid reached out carefully and touched Luke’s hand, at which he jumped. “I’m here.”

“I don’t understand,” Luke said, shaking his head. “I don’t… I mean… Reid.” He looked in his love’s ocean blue eyes and knew he could not possibly recreate them in a hallucination or dream or state of drunkenness. “How?”

“I… I was given a Christmas present a little early,” Reid explained. “Do you remember Katie ever rambling on about Brad coming to see her on Christmas Eve?”


“Turns out she doesn’t have as overactive an imagination as I thought she did,” Reid replied.

Luke gasped. “This… is this the same thing? Can you stay? Reid,” he murmured as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend for the first time in months. “Oh my God. I’ve missed you so much! I’ve hoped and prayed and begged for you to come back to me, but I never thought…”

“I’ve missed you, too,” Reid said, his eyes squeezing shut as he felt Luke similarly squeeze his arms around his torso

“You’re a… ghost?” Luke asked innocently as he pulled back, his arms not leaving Reid’s sides.

Reid shrugged, “I’m not sure what I’d call myself, but sure,” he replied. He knew that right in the midst of all of cynical Oakdale he’d find Luke, who didn’t doubt the reality of his being there; who believed and trusted with his entire heart.

It took a minute at looking at his lost and found lover for the other emotions to set in. Luke wanted to hit him, scream at him for leaving for so long and then just popping back in unexpectedly, teasing his heart in this way. He wanted to slam Reid against the wall, to feel alive again. To make Reid feel truly alive again. For a fear of seeing the man he loved so much it hurt simply shatter once again, he resisted It didn’t matter. How could anything possibly matter more than this, than right now? Luke placed a hand on Reid’s chest and shuddered at the thumping his heart.

Reid just studied Luke as the younger man stared at his chest, taking in every feature again. Luke’s eyes were perfectly shaped, his eyes the deepest and purest chocolate he had ever seen, more deep and pure than even the chocolate that came in a bow-accented, heart shaped box. His lips looked just as soft as they were to the touch, pillow-like and warm. And the shape of his cheeks, his almost button-like nose, all of it came together to create the face that tucked perfectly into Reid’s whenever they kissed.

Luke ran a gentle hand up Reid’s chest, along his neck and grazed his cheek, at which Reid quivered slightly. He hadn’t felt such warmth in what felt like a lifetime and just a few moments all at the same time. Luke moved his fingers delicately across Reid’s face in silence, memorizing the hollowness below his jutting cheekbones, the sharpness of his jaw line, and the definition of his lips. His eyes weren’t bruised anymore. His lips weren’t blood stained anymore. His Reid.

Reid stood still, breathing shallowly, allowing Luke to explore as much as he wanted. More than anything, he wanted Luke to know him. He wanted Luke to know how much he loved him. He wanted Luke to just know.

The tenderness and warmth of Reid’s skin made Luke’s heart swell. Reid was there. Really there.

“I don’t even know where to start,” Luke said shakily. “There’s so much to say and so much to do and…” he ran a few shaky fingers through his hair, “I’ve thought about something like this happening for so long. Now that its here I don’t know where to begin.”

Reid leaned in and kiss him, their lips crashing together as Reid cradled Luke’s face in his hands in the way that Luke had been craving for what felt like an eternity. It made Reid seem so sturdy, so secure. Safe.

Luke pulled away not half an inch. “We have a ‘to be continued’ still hanging in the air.” Reid nodded in agreement., his eyes smoldering.

Without another word, Luke took Reid’s hand and guided him to the bedroom. Shutting the door behind them, they took each other one more time clothed before they began to slowly undress one another. For more than just the obvious reason, their first time wasn’t beginning the way Luke expected. Everything was so… calm. Nothing but serenity and love filled the room as they carefully unbuttoned each other’s shirts, breath mixing together.

Luke stared wide-eyed at Reid’s chest after removing his shirt. It was beautiful. It wasn’t bruised, it wasn’t broken. Matching the stark lines that made Reid’s face so striking, his body was well-defined, his pecks, abs, the muscles in his shoulders and back all looking as if they were painted on. It was just the way it was the first time he had seen Reid shirtless. Not at all like the second time. Nothing like the second time.

His hand came back up to Reid’s face, who leaned in the younger man’s touch. He leaned in, their foreheads rustling against one another before Reid brought his face in all the way for a kiss. Their lips moved together, sucking on each other’s bottom lips and finally each other’s tongues before pulling back ever so slightly, staring intently at one another.

Luke’s entire body trembled. It was too much. To go from feeling numb for nearly four months to feeling this way was a shock to the system. Reid ran a comforting hand up his arm. “It’s okay,” he whispered.

Luke nodded. Everything was okay. Reid made everything okay again. At the same time, he felt like he could burst into tears at any second, at the excitement, at the passion, at the surprise, the worry of what happened tomorrow, the eagerness of what would happen right now. Their foreheads bumped together once more, and Luke’s lip quivered.

“W… why did it take you dying for me to tell you how much I love you? I love you so much,” he sputtered. “So much,” he repeated, his voice lowered.

“It doesn’t matter what we didn’t do before,” Reid replied. “We have right now. I know you love me. I knew that you loved me then, and I know now, too.” he said gently. “I love you. You know how much, right?”

Luke nodded, trying his hardest not to break down in tears. “Uh-huh.”

Their lips pressed against each other again, fully knowing that the other person had never wanted anything or anyone else more than they wanted to be together in the closest way possible without physically climbing into the other person’s bones and breathing with them. They fell backwards onto the bed, and nothing else in the world mattered. In that moment, they were together forever.

fanfiction, fic: last night on earth, rating: pg-13, !author/artist: dolce_amore93

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