Hear Me Now: Chapter Six

Sep 24, 2010 15:57

Title: Hear Me Now
Author: dolce_amore93
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: G-R
Genre: Future-Fic/Angst/Romance (And I guess AU - I like living Reid)
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Wish I did, but alas, I do not. This story is based off of the song "Hear Me Now" by Secondhand Serenade. Again, not mine. :)
Chapter Title Song Lyrics Credit: Snuff by Slipknot
Summary: Upon being told by Reid that he is in love with him, Luke freezes up. Not because he doesn't feel the same, or because he's unhappy, he's just... afraid. Out-of-control. Panicked. For reasons he can't even figure out himself he knows he simply cannot repeat those three little words back to Reid. So, like a frightened child, he runs away to New York, leaving everything and everyone behind without warning. After a year of being gone, he misses home. He misses Reid. He's ready to return to the place he pushed away. He has no idea what awaits him, but he knows one thing for sure - he's not afraid anymore.

Author's Notes: Ooh guys, this one is angsty! Thank you so much for your awesome feedback. I <3 you. I'm sick and the medicine I'm on makes me oddly "jittery" (no better way to describe it, lol), so I apologize for any spelling mistakes. I'm not typing my most accurately today, lol. Comments = love.


Chapter Six: The Air Around Me Still Feels like a Cage

Luke froze for the millisecond that his eyes matched Reid’s. He rose slowly from his seat the second Reid looked away, and walked over to the cutout in the side of the corridor where Reid was filling out paperwork. Reid didn’t look up - he didn’t need to. Luke’s scent brushed up against him and he quivered.

“Reid,” Luke said gently. Reid remained focused on the papers before him.

“That’s me,” he replied coolly.

Luke waited for Reid to match his glance. After a moment of silence, Luke continued anyway. “I… just wanted to let you know I’m back.”

“I can see that.”

“I don’t want to take up too much of your time…”

“Too late,” Reid retorted.

“I wanted to tell you in person,” Luke continued.

Reid let out a bitter laugh. “That’s a first.”

Luke let out a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry I didn’t have the guts to tell you in person that I was leaving.”

Reid finally looked up at Luke, his eyes fiery but uncharacteristically wilting sorrowfully at their edges. He grabbed Luke’s arm and dragged him into the nearest exam room.

“What do you want me to say, Luke? What can I say to make you stop broadcasting my private life in front of my staff and just leave me the hell alone?”

“I don’t want you to say anything,” Luke replied in a whisper, staring down at his feet. “I just wanted you to know I’m back now to…”

“To get the awkward first meeting out of the way sooner rather than later? It’s been great. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m actually needed elsewhere.”

“I’m sorry, Reid,” Luke said. “I know you must hate me.”

Reid tensed up at the thought of hating Luke. He hated what Luke did. He was pissed off as hell at what Luke did. He was pissed off at Luke. But he didn’t hate Luke. He could never hate Luke, as hard as he tried.

“… but you’re not calling me Mr. Snyder,” Luke added, the slightest tinge of hopefulness in his tone.

“Why would I give you the satisfaction?” Reid replied bitingly.

Luke scrunched his forehead in confusion. “I… don’t understand.”

“I call you Mr. Snyder, you get the confirmation of the damage you’ve done and therefore get to carry on with the “Woe is me, Reid is angry’ and ‘Woe is me, it’s all my fault’ wallowing that you’ve no doubt been doing for a year anyway. Don’t play games.”

“I’m not trying to play games, I…”

“Mr. Snyder didn’t quite literally jump out of our bed one day and take off like a coward. Luke did,” Reid said, cutting Luke off. He gave Luke one more sharp glance before diverting his eyes. Luke went to speak, but Reid couldn't take it. He could barely breathe in the same space as Luke right now without feeling claustrophobic, let alone listen to another second of this. He hurriedly brushed past Luke and left, shutting the door behind him.

rating: r, fanfiction, fic: hear me now, !author/artist: dolce_amore93

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