the recent JKR interview was going to be the starting point for a discussion I've been having with myself about the various endings it's possible to have for favourite characters - do we always want the happy ending? However, I was then going to end up with a fic which has already taken me a ridiculously long time to finish, given that it was
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(Plus, Luna and Neville are spot on, and I do like your Theodore. Yay for non-icky Slytherins!)
Theodore is being rather insistent at the moment, just as I'm meant to be writing for femgenficathon... I might well end up having to write more him soon. Yay for non-icky Slytherins, indeed. But very glad you thought Neville and Luna were in character. I hadn't tried writing them before.
Best of luck with Theodore and the whole him not being properly female. =D
Nothing weird about going looking for Alice/Frank, by the way - admire your taste!
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