Title: Drabbles 13
Fandom: Super Junior AU (High School)
Pairing: Various (Kangin/Eeteuk, Kibum/Donghae, Hankyung/Heechul)
Word count: Between 300 and 900
Rating: PG - R
Summary: Super Junior AU Drabbles part 13
A/N: Hanchul in this really does hurt my heart ;____; It hurts my heart irl too, but I love writing Hanchul in this so much sometimes ♥ Okay, I'll stop being emo now, and just say that yes, phone calls was inspired by Heechul's cyworld entry about Hankyung, and yes, I want to marry them together.
umberela, LOL HERE BE YOUR PROMPTS :DDDDDD I swear, I am still writing your Shihanchul!
Ryeowook / Kyuhyun / let's run away and join the circus / PG / 309 words
At some point after Kyuhyun started going out with Sungmin, but before Ryeowook started going out with Yehsung, Ryeowook turned to Kyuhyun and said, miserably, “We should run away and join the circus.”
Ryeowook was sporting a colourful bruise across his cheekbone from where he had fallen against the arm of a chair; Kyuhyun’s father had just rung to tell him that there was an associates meeting that night which he hadn’t been told about and which he had to prepare for. He had had to leave Eeteuk’s flat early, and Ryeowook had joined him - he was, Kyuhyun knew, miserable without Yehsung and unable to enjoy the light hearted atmosphere of the room, although Ryeowook wouldn’t admit it. Now they were sat on the bus together.
Kyuhyun thought about the suggestion for a minute. “Would it stop me having to go to a family dinner?” he asked.
Ryeowook nodded. “Probably,” he said. “And it would mean that I wouldn’t have to actually go home.”
“What would we do, though?” asked Kyuhyun. “You can’t run away and join the circus if you don’t have the skills to be in the circus.”
“What skills do you need?” asked Ryeowook. “I always thought they trained you.”
“You’re small,” said Kyuhyun in a dubious tone. “I suppose you could be a tightrope walker.”
“You could be a lion tamer,” said Ryeowook brightly. “Your father would have to given you respect then. You could set wild animals on him!”
Kyuhyun was silent. “Sungmin probably wouldn’t speak to me again,” he said eventually.
“Score,” said Ryeowook with a grin, and Kyuhyun laughed.
“I wonder how Yehsung’s getting on,” he said, and Ryeowook took the bait and changed the subject. He was, Kyuhyun knew, completely serious about the idea. Kyuhyun could have been dragged into something that Sungmin wouldn’t have liked - it didn’t bear thinking about.
Eeteuk / Kangin / what is this feeling? / PG / 840 words
Last year of middle school. Final week of term. Kangin had a girlfriend. Eeteuk was - jealous?
He wasn’t too sure. He had never felt jealous before, so if this was it, he didn’t have anything to compare it with. He also wasn’t sure if he was jealous over Kangin’s attention being directed elsewhere, or whether it was something else, whether his feelings were getting the better of him.
They were set to move in together that next week. Eeteuk felt like calling the whole thing off, because if the girl was invited over regularly, sitting and giggling, curled up against Kangin’s side, he would probably end up throwing something at the two, something sharp and possibly deadly.
The thing was, he had always been the most important thing in Kangin’s life, and he resented the girl for threatening that position. It was irrational and possessive - it wasn’t the girl’s fault, after all. He hadn’t even seen the two together; he knew the girl by sight only, because Kangin was remarkably private about the whole thing. The fact remained, however, that Kangin had to check before he agreed to anything, that he couldn’t be around as much before there was a girlfriend there, an outsider to think about.
With two days left to go, Eeteuk turned up at Kangin’s house with an ankle that caused pain to shoot up his leg every time he stood on it to find that Kangin was out on a date.
“I think he’s at a movie room,” said his mother, looking a little nervously at him. “I can call him, if you want.”
“No,” said Eeteuk quickly, trying to cover up his obvious disappointment. He motioned to the stairs. “Is it okay if I go upstairs and wait for him?”
“Of course, dear,” said Kangin’s mother. “Would you like some hot chocolate?”
Armed with a mug that was almost too hot to hold, Eeteuk climbed the stairs, and said a quick hello to Kangin’s brother who was playing video games before he entered Kangin’s room. His ankle was beginning to really hurt, so he sat on Kangin’s bed and brought it up to his chest and poked at it dubiously, before taking a sip of his hot chocolate. It was swelling before his very eyes. It would have been cool to watch if it was anyone else; as it was, it just hurt.
He lay on the bed, trying to ignore it in order to get his thoughts in order. It surely wasn’t healthy to keep coming back, like he had done for the past few weeks, to the fact that it probably wasn’t a good idea to move in with Kangin, not when he was completely in love with him. Doing so was just setting Eeteuk up for a whole lot of heartache, watching Kangin cavort with a series of girlfriends, while Eeteuk watched longingly from afar - as Sungmin had put it - or while Eeteuk moped and whined about it - as Heechul had put it.
He sat back up and took another sip of hot chocolate, and had just put it back on the bedside cabinet when there came a loud hammering on the stairs and then Kangin burst through the door, pulling his coat from his shoulders. “What happened this time?” he asked, voice loud and frantic.
“K-Kangin?” stammered Eeteuk, blinking a little. “What are you doing here?”
“Is it your ankle?” asked Kangin, ignoring him in favour of taking his foot in his hands gently. Eeteuk hissed. “Jesus, is it broken?”
“No,” said Eeteuk with a sigh. “I think it’s just sprained. Why are-”
“What happened?”
“He threw a vase at the door when I was leaving and I got a shock and fell down the front stairs,” said Eeteuk, a little impatient but blushing nonetheless. “Kangin, why are you here?”
“Mum called,” said Kangin. “She said you were here so I caught the next bus back.”
“Where’s Eunchan?” asked Eeteuk. He only used her name around Kangin - it was simply ‘whatsherface’ the rest of the time. Heechul had taken to calling her The Outsider.
“Don’t know,” said Kangin. “I left her at the movie room. I told her that you had a family emergency and needed me, and she got weirdly angry. I don’t even know, she said something about how there wasn’t room for three in the relationship. She said that if I left, then we were finished.” He smiled a little sheepishly. “So I left,” he finished simply.
“You,” said Eeteuk, voice thick. “You shouldn’t have done that, Kangin.”
“Come on,” said Kangin in a jovial tone, grinning and rummaging around in a drawer. “You’re more important than any girl. Look, a support for your ankle.” He placed the bandage in Eeteuk’s hands and ruffled his hair before turning away. Eeteuk, furiously blinking back tears and trying to quash down the hope that bloomed in his chest every time, was reminded once again that Kangin had a horrible way for not knowing the feelings that he evoked in Eeteuk.
Donghae / Kibum / everything is wonderful / R / 423 words
“This is most probably the worst idea you have ever had,” said Kibum, as Donghae’s hand started to unravel his tie. “And that includes that time that you decided to see if snails moved faster if you held a magnifying glass above them.”
“I don’t have bad ideas,” said Donghae, and chose to not comment on the apparently cruel nature he’d had as a child. “I have very good ideas.”
“No, you don’t,” said Kibum, as Donghae’s hands began to slip inside his shirt and pull open more buttons. “You’ve had a succession of very bad ideas that you seem able to make sound like good ideas at the time, rather like this one.”
“How can this be a bad idea?” Donghae mumbled against his lips as he backed Kibum against the cubicle door, Kibum protesting against it just a little bit, it had to be said. “We’re not in lessons, and we’re having sex. This is fantastic!”
“Yuh huh,” murmured Kibum. He wasn’t really listening to whatever it was that Donghae was saying, because the pressing issue was literally pressing, and it was slightly distracting to have Donghae’s mouth kissing his neck like that, hot and wet and all he could think was fuck this is so hot.
“Fuck, this is so hot,” he gasped.
“I know, right?” said Donghae and he sounded like he was laughing.
“Are you la-aughing?” he asked, trying to sound annoyed and frown, but Donghae’s hand slipped under his waistband with soft, fluttering fingers, and his voice cracked half way through the sentence and his expression turned somewhat less of a frown and more of a bite of the lip and flickering eyelids.
“Only slightly,” admitted Donghae, and his voice was slightly horse. “It’s just - I fucking love this. I fucking love that - you’re Kim Kibum, the quiet one, the stoic one, the one that the girls are a little bit scared of, for all that they’re in love with you. And I’ve got you with your back against the door in a school bathroom cubicle with my hand down your pants and my name on your lips.”
“Shut - fuck up,” said Kibum, and kissed him roughly, almost missing. “Fucking bastard,” he mumbled against his lips, as he grabbed at Donghae’s hips through his shirt so hard that he knew it would bruise even through the material and Donghae whined against him. “Fucking, fucking bastard,” and it’s really getting hard to think right now.
But then, hasn’t it always been hard to think around Donghae?
Hankyung / Heechul / phone calls / 414 words
“So you’re going to get me a present, right?”
“Haven’t we already had this conversation?” Hankyung frowned slightly as he pulled another one of his shirts from his suitcase. “You know, in the airport before I went through check-in, three hours ago?”
“I’m making sure,” said Heechul, a little petulantly. “I want a present!”
“I know you do,” said Hankyung. “It’s all you’ve talked about since you heard I was coming here.”
“I need something to make up for your abandoning me,” said Heechul with an air of annoyance. “I can’t believe you’ve just left me.”
“It’s for a week, Heechul,” said Hankyung. “I’m visiting family.”
“That doesn’t make it any better,” said Heechul.
“What do you want?” asked Hankyung, holding the telephone against his ear with his shoulder as he put his clothes in the wardrobe of the room he had been given at his cousin’s house.
The answer was immediate, tongue firmly in cheek. “World peace.”
“For a present?” prompted Hankyung.
“A car?”
“Try again.”
“Fuck you,” said Heechul. “You’re not going to get me anything I want.”
“I don’t think you really know what you want.”
“What do I want, then?”
“Clothes,” said Hankyung. “I’ll get you clothes.”
Heechul considered this. “Lots of clothes?”
“Yeah, whatever,” said Hankyung.
“Chinese clothes? Bright colours?”
“The brightest,” said Hankyung. "And the Chinese-iest. Wait, is that even a word?"
“No," said Heechul dismissively. "Moron. Also, just for me? Because seriously, I’ll break up with you if you come back with a lantern for Siwon like he wanted.”
“But I already promised!” Hankyung threw himself onto the bed with a heartfelt sigh.
“Well, you’re promising me,” said Heechul.
“You don’t care what happens to me at all,” said Hankyung. “I think he’ll hit me if I don’t get this for him.”
“Xiao Li can get him one, she’s always going to China.”
“You’re so selfish.”
“Screw you,” said Heechul, and then there was shouting in the background, and Heechul screamed that he was on the telephone down the stairs. “Mum wants me to, I don’t even know, to be honest. No, wait, fuck, I think she’s ironed through my favourite jeans, the bitch!”
“I’ll get you a new pair,” said Hankyung. “A pair of Chinese ones.”
“Oh, like China’s got anything really worth having,” said Heechul with a snort. “I don’t even know why you’ve gone.”
“I miss you too,” said Hankyung.
“Hannie,” said Heechul triumphantly. “You just saw me at the airport. Three hours ago.”
Hankyung / Heechul / day off / PG / 757 words
He had waited outside the gates for Heechul for as long as was feasibly possible, and had managed to make it into the classroom just as the bell rang; there was no message from Heechul to explain his absence and when lunch time came around, Donghae and Eunhyuk practically dragged him from his classroom in order to get an answer quicker.
He sat on the picnic bench with everyone listening into the conversation, Donghae trying to get one ear to the telephone as Xiao Li frantically asked questions in Mandarin about whether this was usual to Siwon, who couldn’t understand a word of it and just shook his head sadly. When Hankyung said, “Hello, it’s Hankyung,” Eeteuk and Sungmin practically toppled over, they were leaning so far in to hear.
“Hankyung?” said Heechul’s mother, and then gasped. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I forget to tell you.”
“Is Heechul okay?” Donghae whispered, and Hankyung repeated the question for him.
Heechul’s mother tutted. “He’s unwell,” she said. “It’s because he’s too thin, you know? We think he’s caught some sort of flu.”
“Oh,” said Hankyung and twisted his fingers in the material of his trousers. “Is it okay if I come see him? I’ve got a strong immune system, if that’s a problem.”
“It should be fine,” said Heechul’s mother doubtfully. “Heechul’s just terrible with things like this. No one else in the world would probably catch it.”
Hankyung hung up and relayed the conversation to the others. “I want to go see him,” said Xiao Li immediately.
“No,” said Siwon firmly. “You’re as bad as Heechul is.”
“And you’re certainly not going,” said Kangin, before Eeteuk could even open his mouth.
Hankyung ended up going on his own; Heechul’s mother did her usual act of letting him in and then disappearing off with a smile, and so Hankyung made his own way up to Heechul’s room on his own, bursting through the door and saying loudly, “Remember when you said that I couldn’t get away with…” and he trailed off suddenly, as the bundle of covers stirred slightly. “Shit, sorry,” he said.
“Hankyung?” Two bright eyes looked out over the top of blankets and then disappeared again. “Urgh,” said Heechul’s muffled voice. “Don’t look at me, I look like shit.”
“Um,” said Hankyung, and sat on the edge of the bed. He put his hand on where he thought Heechul’s back was; the lump gave annoyed wiggle. Slowly and carefully, Hankyung pulled the covers down, Heechul stirring only a little in order to shift onto his back. His hair was stuck to his face with sweat, expression rather glazed. “Hey,” said Hankyung softly.
“The light hurts my eyes,” mumbled Heechul, as an explanation as to why it was so dark in the room. “Fuck, I can’t even work up the energy to be bitchy at people.” He waved a hand limply in Hankyung’s direction. “I’ll get you later for being so loud - Hankyung, just kill me and put me out of my misery.”
“Come on,” said Hankyung and pulled him up by the shoulder and held him upright. Heechul groaned but didn’t protest otherwise, sitting there as Hankyung slipped onto the bed and sat, cross legged, behind him. He lifted Heechul slightly to put him in his lap, head cushioned against his shoulder as Hankyung rested against the wall, and pulled the covers back over them with his free hand.
“You’ll get it too,” said Heechul sleepily, eyes already fluttering shut, skin hot against Hankyung’s. “It’s like being continually hit in the head with a mallet.”
“I don’t catch things easily,” said Hankyung, stroking his hand up and down Heechul’s arm.
“You should be running away and creating charms to shield you from the tragedy that is this,” said Heechul, a little incoherent as he drifted off. “Not, whatever this is. What is it that we are doing? Are you groping me? I’m not well, you know.”
Hankyung fell asleep eventually too, cocooned in the blankets and warmth, Heechul’s feverish skin burning against him. Heechul, like this, never moved, hands against his stomach as he slept with fluttering breaths. They stayed like that until Heechul’s mother came in and made Hankyung leave the ‘sick room’ for half an hour in order to eat. Heechul insisted on being fed by Hankyung later on, his demand lukewarm at best. Hankyung actually wished for the old, demanding, sarcastic Heechul back.
“Masochist,” said Heechul fondly when he was well and Hankyung confessed to him. “Go get me some apple juice, would you?”