Title: The New World
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi/Sungmin, and all variations thereof
Word count: 3,024
Rating: PG-13
Summary: “That’s not it, hyung,” said Kyuhyun quietly. “We - we slept together, in China.”
A/N: For
dear_whimsy. Happy Birthday! Next time I say hey, do you want birthday fic? say no, because then you won’t end up with fail!fic.
“Fuck,” said Kyuhyun, face buried into the pillow. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“We just did,” said Zhou Mi, completely deadpan. Kyuhyun lifted his head off the pillow in order to glare at him.
“I know,” he said, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, a coping mechanism. “That’s the problem, isn’t it?”
Zhou Mi softened a bit, let his fingers brush over the skin at the base of Kyuhyun’s spine softly. “It’s okay,” he murmured. Kyuhyun lay back down. “You don’t have to tell him, you know. We can just pretend that this never happened, if you want.” His fingers paused for a second and retracted, but not before Kyuhyun felt the slight trembling, the nervous shake of that’s not what I want. “A drunken one night stand, we can call it, a mistake. We can just forget about it.”
“There a few problems with that scenario, Zhou Mi,” said Kyuhyun, voice muffled.
“Yeah?” asked Zhou Mi casually, and his voice shook.
“The first,” said Kyuhyun, “is that neither of us is drunk. Neither of us has had any alcohol in the past twenty four hours, in fact. The second is that this isn’t something as spontaneous as a one night stand. We’ve been leading up to this for weeks, and you know it as much as I do.”
The trailing fingers that dipped lower with each touch; the hugs that grew more firm and daring each time; the lips that brushed closer with each whisper, more of a kiss than anything else; yes, they had been building up to this, Zhou Mi knew, knew that it had grown and grown until it was no longer possible to ignore it. It had grown until it became clutching arms and sweat and heady moans, until it became what it is now.
“And,” went on Kyuhyun, interrupting Zhou Mi’s thoughts, “what if I don’t want to forget about it?”
“But he,” said Zhou Mi, a little disconnected as Kyuhyun’s thumb rubbed against his hip. “What happens when - what will you do?”
“Don’t think about it now,” said Kyuhyun, and when he kissed Zhou Mi, he didn’t think about it. It made him guilty at how easy it was to forget him.
“Hyung,” said Kyuhyun, touching Sungmin on the arm. “Hyung, can I talk to you?”
“You already are, Kyuhyunnie,” said Sungmin, and hugged him tightly, fingers pausing just so that Kyuhyun knew just how happy Sungmin was to have him back, to be able to speak without the crackle of static marring their voices. He was happy to have him back to be able to hug him like that, to have the chance to touch him; it made Kyuhyun feel slightly nauseous, that happiness.
“No, in private,” said Kyuhyun, and motioned towards the door, and Sungmin followed him from the room, where a party was taking place, and into one of the bedrooms, Kyuhyun’s own, where Zhou Mi was waiting, picking at the duvet cover.
Sungmin stopped, looking a little confused. “I thought you said in private,” he said, a little accusingly.
“It’s related to him,” said Kyuhyun, and pushed his fingers in his pockets so no one could see they were shaking - the two probably knew they were anyway. “We - I have something to tell you.”
“Is this about all the touching over in China?” asked Sungmin, a bright smile on his face that make Kyuhyun’s chest hurt. “Because I totally understand, it’s just fan service, right?”
“That’s not it, hyung,” said Kyuhyun quietly. “We - we slept together, in China.”
Sungmin froze, eyes widening just enough for Kyuhyun to think, bitterly, that perhaps it would have been better if he’d walked up to him and kicked him in the stomach. There was a tenseness in him, in his back and arms, that made Kyuhyun want to run his fingers across his neck and kiss him softly, but that luxury had been stripped from him, the moment that he had done the same with Zhou Mi. Sungmin closed his eyes and took a shaky breath, and Zhou Mi made a choked noise. Kyuhyun was stuck between the two.
“J-just the once?” asked Sungmin, opening his eyes again - too bright, too casual, too at ease with the situation. Would you forgive me, thought Kyuhyun, if I told you what you wanted to hear?
“No,” he said softly. “We - a few times, actually.”
Sungmin was silent, eyes searching for - what, Kyuhyun didn’t know. He didn’t know what to look for in himself for an answer, for an explanation. Was there an explanation, other than lust and touches and the inability to control themselves? Probably not, and that’s what burnt the most.
“We can forget about it,” said Sungmin, a little desperately. “Can’t we?” He seemed to be refusing to look at Zhou Mi, who’s gaze was fixed onto the floor, and was instead talking to Kyuhyun. “Pretend that it never happened?”
Kyuhyun shook his head. Sungmin actually smiled, a horribly bright smile as he blinked back tears. “I guess that’s it, then, isn’t it?” he asked.
This had been too simple, too quick; Kyuhyun was not quite on the same footing as Sungmin, still a little unsure, so Sungmin’s words made little sense to him, until Sungmin reached up and wiped at his eyes. “Don’t, hyung,” said Kyuhyun a little desperately, and started forward, and Sungmin shoved him away roughly.
“No, Kyuhyun,” he said, voice cold and harsh, and then he scrambled for the handle and was out of the room before Kyuhyun could stop him. He stood there for a second, arms by his side, until Zhou Mi’s hand found his.
“We knew what would happen,” he said softly.
“Don’t, Zhou Mi,” said Kyuhyun. “Just, don’t.”
He convinced himself that he wouldn’t cry over this.
There was an unwritten rule in the band; no one got involved in the relationships of others. There were friendships that are different to each member, friendships that could conflict in the occurrence of an argument. As such, no one commented on the tension between Kyuhyun and Sungmin, on the fact that Sungmin basically ignored him, and snapped when he was forced to talk, though there was no doubt that everyone knew about what had happened. Kyuhyun received a few glares from Eunhyuk over the course of the next week, but Eunhyuk knew better than to get involved. Everyone knew better.
Everyone, that is, apart from Heechul, who was beyond the normal rules anyway.
“You fucked up,” he said, when they’re both drunk, Heechul’s arms slung over the table and his head resting on the back of his hands, Kyuhyun sprawled on his chair. “Really fucked up.”
“I know, hyung,” said Kyuhyun. “Don’t - fucking rub it in, I know what I’ve done.”
“I have to make sure of these things,” said Heechul, trying to take another sip of beer with his chin still near the table. “It could, you know, affect the band.”
“You don’t give a fuck about the good of the band,” said Kyuhyun. “You just care about the gossip I could give you.”
Heechul cackled. “You know me so well,” he said. “So, really, what’s he like?”
“Who?” asked Kyuhyun. It was hard to think with the fuzziness of alcohol in his mind; possibly Heechul was just taking advantage of this.
“Zhou Mi, of course,” said Heechul, reaching forward and shoving at his thigh.
Now that was a question and a half - what was Zhou Mi like? Kyuhyun didn’t pretend that he didn’t know what Heechul was getting at, that he wasn’t asking about his personality or his interests; Heechul was never interested in that sort of things, just the intimate details, the sex - there’s a reason he likes to hide trashy romance novels under his bed.
But Zhou Mi - all Kyuhyun can say about Zhou Mi is that he is different. He’d always thought that the theory was that you had a type, and that was why the same girls always went for men who screwed them around, why some men always seemed to go for the girls with chests the size of their heads. He has already tried to look for something that Sungmin and Zhou Mi have in common (in the bedroom, that is, because outside of it, there’s the unbearable cuteness and too many other things to count), but so far has been forced to draw a blank.
Sungmin is - was - vicious in bed, all dark eyes and grasping fingers, biting and sucking with the confidence that came from having been around Kyuhyun since the boy joined the band, the confidence of knowing exactly how to go about it, until he was straddling Kyuhyun’s hips and drawing out his name with hard, fast strokes. Zhou Mi, on the other hand; he’s breathless, willing, practically submissive, with soft moans and reaching hands and closed eyes. Zhou Mi nibbles on skin and kisses softly and deftly; Sungmin licks along burning flesh and kisses hard, with a grin of I know you want me. Kyuhyun did - he still does, but the sight of Zhou Mi’s smile still makes the heat build in his stomach.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” he said, and downed his glass.
“You learn well, magnae,” mumbled Heechul incoherently into his arm.
“I know you’ve just gone through a break up and you are horribly heartbroken and shit,” said Zhou Mi tensely, “but I thought you said that you didn’t want to forget about this.”
“Fuck off,” said Kyuhyun, arm thrown over his eyes. “I am horribly heartbroken over this.”
“I know you are,” said Zhou Mi, and his fingers played with Kyuhyun’s sleeve. “It just seems like you’re avoiding me.”
Kyuhyun didn’t answer, because the truth was that he was avoiding Zhou Mi, but probably not for the reasons that Zhou Mi had managed to come up with. It had nothing to do with embarrassment or regret or shame, and everything to do with uncertainty and an urge to not mess this thing up any more than it already was. It was through a feeling that he had, one which said that doing anything with Zhou Mi was offensive to Sungmin, would hurt him even more than he already was, but trying to make amends with Sungmin was unfair to Zhou Mi.
“I feel like a fucking girl,” said Kyuhyun.
“You’re acting like one,” said Zhou Mi, disgruntled in a way that Kyuhyun had never thought he was capable of. “Look, will you just decide on what to do? I can’t hang around forever, you know.”
Kyuhyun acknowledged this by reaching up and wrapping a hand around Zhou Mi’s neck, and he pulled him down to kiss him. “I hate it when you go all bossy on me,” he grumbled. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Fine,” said Zhou Mi against his lips. “If you aren’t going to do something about it, then I will.”
Kyuhyun, busy with the buttons on Zhou Mi’s shirt, made a noncommittal noise in his throat.
Zhou Mi knocked on Sungmin’s bedroom door nervously, standing with a large bottle of the rice wine he’d brought from home and two cups balanced awkwardly in his hand. This could, he knew, either go horribly wrong, or maybe just a little bit wrong. When push came to shove, he’d rather the second option, but he had a feeling that it was going to be the first.
Sungmin opened the door, already clad in his nightwear, a pair of mint green jogging bottoms, a pair of headphones around his neck, and Zhou Mi tried to ignore the sharp line of his hip that ended just above the waistband of the pale pants. Sungmin’s eyebrows shot up, and then narrowed.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” he said, and tried to shut the door; Zhou Mi stopped him with a foot placed between the door and the doorway.
“No, hyung,” he said, a little desperate. “I just wanted to talk to you. About - things.” He waved the bottle in the air. “I brought this.”
Sungmin considered the proposal - he couldn’t really do anything else with Zhou Mi’s foot in the way, and then he opened the door and stalked back inside. He snatched up the clothing piled on one of the beds and dropped it on the floor, before he sat on his own bed, cross legged, glaring at Zhou Mi, who still hovered nervously at the door.
“Come in,” said Sungmin, and Zhou Mi thought, well, that’s one obstacle I’ve overcome.
“Who,” he said, and his voice faltered slightly as he sat down on the bed that Sungmin had just quickly cleaned. Sungmin held out his hands, demanding, and Zhou Mi smiled slightly and handed him the bottle and one of the cups, and watched as he poured it out expertly. “Who do you share a room with?” he asked, when he had a drink already down him and one well on the way.
“Shindong and Donghae,” said Sungmin. “But Donghae is at Kibum’s tonight and Shindong is visiting his parents for a couple of days.”
“So you’ve got the room to yourself,” said Zhou Mi.
“I did have,” said Sungmin. “Until you came along.”
There was a biting undertone in the statement; Zhou Mi knew that Sungmin wasn’t just speaking about the room, and Sungmin knew that he knew. “I,” said Zhou Mi. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“But it did,” said Sungmin, hands shaking as he lifted his cup to his mouth.
“It did,” said Zhou Mi. “But Kyuhyun, he - we were both to blame, and he’s so confused right now. He loves you, hyung, he really does. But then I came into the picture, and now he doesn’t know what he wants or how he feels, and he’s scared that maybe he’s ruined everything with everyone, and I don’t think he wants to lose you in the end. I think that’s the last thing he wants.”
“I know that,” said Sungmin, his voice a strange mix of hidden tenderness and harsh overtones. “It’s not like I’m not aware of what must be going through Kyuhyun’s mind. But it’s hard on me too.”
“I’m sorry, hyung,” said Zhou Mi. “Truly, I’m so sorry.”
When he glanced up Sungmin was looking at him with eyes that seemed bright in the semi-darkness of the room. “Shut up and get drunk with me,” he said, tone unreadable.
“Kyuhyun,” said Eeteuk, distracted by the black mess that Eunhyuk had managed to create on the stove. “Could you go wake Sungmin up? He’s going to be late at this rate.”
Kyuhyun pushed his chair away from the table with a sigh. There was no point in pointing out to Eeteuk that Kyuhyun was probably the last person that Sungmin wanted to see at this point in time, not when Eeteuk had a band emergency. It was a safer option to just go into Sungmin’s room, wake him quickly, and then get out of there before Sungmin realised who it was.
That was the plan; what happened when he opened the door to the room was that he stopped dead after taking a couple of steps in, as he realised that there was, in fact, two bodies in Sungmin’s bed. Fuck, he thought, feeling like someone had just punched him, fuck fuck fuck and then he tried to back out of the room quietly but hit his foot on one of the dressing tables.
One of the bodies stirred a little at that, face coming into view for just a second, and Kyuhyun froze for a split second as he realised that it was Zhou Mi; that it was Zhou Mi who had Sungmin’s head tucked under his chin. And then Kyuhyun groped for the door and ended up knocking every can of hairspray from the table.
Sungmin moved; eyebrows furrowed as he realised that there was an arm around his waist; opened his eyes to look at Zhou Mi in terror, and then he scrambled upright, at which point he noticed Kyuhyun standing shocked near the door. He squeaked, turned onto his front, and buried his face under his pillow.
“Hey,” said Zhou Mi, sitting up and stretching casually.
“You fucking bastard,” said Kyuhyun in Mandarin. He was suddenly reminded of all the times he had ever felt like hitting Zhou Mi - there were a lot of them. “What are you doing?”
“I’m sorting it out for you,” said Zhou Mi, and began running his hand softly up and down Sungmin’s back. Sungmin wiggled pathetically and made a humming embarrassed noise.
“How is this sorting it out?” asked Kyuhyun, fists now clenched. “Surely this is just making it worse.”
“You’d think so,” said Zhou Mi, smug and relaxed, “but doesn’t this just make it easier for you?”
Kyuhyun stopped, and sucked in a breath. Zhou Mi was actually right, for the first time that Kyuhyun had ever known him. Sungmin wriggled again, but the sound he made this time was more of a breathy sigh which sent a shock running through Kyuhyun’s body, the hair on his arms standing on end; the thought of Zhou Mi and Sungmin suddenly seemed twenty times of hot. Zhou Mi grinned at him, and Kyuhyun came a little closer to the bed.
“You’re so manipulative,” said Kyuhyun, sounding grudgingly impressed. “Also, a sex fiend. You got it twice yesterday.”
“Some things I learnt from you,” said Zhou Mi, leaning back in the bed and his hand coming up to play with Sungmin’s hair. At that, Sungmin flipped over quickly and sat up, scowling; he always did turn angry when he was embarrassed.
“KOREAN PLEASE,” he demanded loudly, and then squeaked as Kyuhyun pulled him forward and kissed him deeply; moaned as Zhou Mi’s lips found his shoulder; stared with wide eyes as Kyuhyun pushed him back into Zhou Mi’s chest, and Zhou Mi’s arms came around his waist and Kyuhyun’s hand slipped under the sheets.
“Hyung,” said Kyuhyun, translating the words that Zhou Mi whispered into Sungmin’s ear as he moaned around his fingers. “Welcome to the new world.”