Title: Drabbles 08
Fandom: Super Junior AU (High School)
Pairing: Various (Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Hankyung/Heechul, Kibum/Donghae, Joomyuk-the-man-whore)
Word count: Between 300 and 1000
Rating: PG - R
Summary: Super Junior AU Drabbles part 8
A/N: Wow~ Writing Kihae at night makes it turn out vaguely smutty! That's always good to know (I've literally just finished that one).
I have this total thing for Zhou Mi as a complete manwhore. I really don't know why just - I think it's a sortofkink like Donghae's English and Heechul in general.
Are you aware of how hard maybesortof!fairytale!Hanchul is? I feel like stabbing myself in the eye.
Sungmin / Kyuhyun / there are some things you can only do naked / PG-13 / 321 words
Sungmin stood at the edge of the veranda, arms resting over the small fence, leaning against it as he looked up at the stars that stretched out into the distance until he lost sight of them, countless millions; there was nothing like that in Seoul. He found himself trying to name the different constellations, but his science lessons failed him, and instead he just stood and admired the beauty and stillness of space unmarred by streetlights and the noise of cars.
Footsteps signalled Kyuhyun’s arrival and he wrapped his arms around his waist and rested his chin on his shoulder, breath soft and ruffling Sungmin’s hair lightly. “You’re sly and sneaky,” said Sungmin, taking care to keep his voice quiet. “And I love you for it.”
He felt Kyuhyun shrug. “It’s my father’s fault,” he said into Sungmin’s ear. “If he didn’t want me to make a copy of the key to the lake house and bring my boyfriend who he hates down for the weekend, he should have left the set of keys lying around.”
“You broke into his office and took the keys.” Sungmin pointed out.
Kyuhyun’s lips curved against his neck. “Anyone could have done it,” he murmured. “He should get better locks.” Sungmin laughed at that, and looked out over the lake again. The sight of the moon shimmering on the surface of the water gave him an idea.
“Hey,” he said, grinning mischievously. “Do you want to go for a swim?”
Kyuhyun squeezed his hand for a second and then pulled away to lean against the fence. “It’s nearly midnight,” he said. “And we didn’t bring anything to swim in.”
“Exactly,” purred Sungmin, and stepped between his legs and kissed him, fingers undoing the top buttons of his shirt, and Kyuhyun smiled knowingly, and slid his hands under Sungmin’s t-shirt and over the skin of his hips.
They never did make it down to the lake.
Heechul / Siwon / can you keep a secret / PG / 591 words
Siwon watched as Heechul watched Hankyung go into the school covertly out of the corner of his eye, twirling a piece of hair from his fringe absently with his finger, chin supported on the table by his other hand. He had never seen that expression on Heechul’s face before; it was almost as though he was day dreaming, face blank but eyes thoughtful. It made him smile.
“So when are you planning on asking him out?” he asked, poking him in the shoulder and grinning.
“The day I ask him out is the day you stop being so annoying,” said Heechul without looking at him, and instead pretending to be focused on his meal. Siwon thought that maybe he had got somewhere with this one, that Heechul wasn’t going to deny it like Hankyung was still doing, but then Heechul frowned slightly and turned towards him. “Who are we talking about, anyway?”
“Hankyung!” said Siwon loudly, exasperated, and a couple of people who were sitting along from them on another picnic bench turned towards them with a curious expression; Heechul raised an eyebrow at him. “Hankyung,” said Siwon, voice quieter, slightly cowed.
“I’m never going to ask Hankyung out,” said Heechul, looking at him with an expression which suggested that he thought that Siwon was completely insane. “I-”
“If you tell me that you don’t like him,” hissed Siwon, pointing a finger at him, “I will - I - I will sneak into your house at night and cut your hair for you!”
Heechul gaped at him and grabbed at the bottom of his plait. “What the hell, Siwon? That’s a horrible threat!”
“Yeah, well,” said Siwon, beginning to feel ashamed of himself for saying it. “I’m just a little bit sick of all this.”
“I wasn’t going to deny it anyway,” said Heechul, flipping his hair back over his shoulder. “I like Hankyung and that’s all there is to it.”
“Good,” said Siwon.
“Don’t tell him,” said Heechul, suddenly confrontational, looking at Siwon with intense eyes. “Whatever you do, don’t tell him. I know you two talk about me sometimes. Please, keep it a secret. He won’t be able to take it.”
“He likes you too,” muttered Siwon under his breath, just low enough for Heechul to pick up on him saying something, but not enough for him to be able to make out the words. “So why aren’t you going to ask him out?” he asked quickly, when Heechul looked at him questioningly.
“Because he doesn’t know,” said Heechul; there was something like sadness in his tone, as he poked his chopsticks at the noodles he had brought from home.
“Doesn’t know what?” asked Siwon, confused.
Heechul looked at him sharply, eyes narrowed. “Don’t make fun of me, Siwon,” he said, voice low and harsh, incredibly pissed off. The venom made Siwon jerk back slightly, frowning - sometimes he forgot about how quickly Heechul could get angry.
“I’m not,” he protested. “What doesn’t he know?”
Heechul’s glare faded as he seemed to realise that Siwon honestly didn’t know what on earth he was talking about, and he just shook his head and smiled, a little sadly. “Never mind,” he said, standing up and putting the remainder of his meal in the bin. “It doesn’t matter, Siwon,” he added, picking up his bag from the bench and pausing to look out over the field. “I just don’t want to ask him out.”
“But why?” called Siwon, as Heechul walked over to the school. He just waved a hand at him and didn’t answer.
Kyuhyun / Sungmin / unwanted attention / PG / 384 words
What Kyuhyun hates most of all about the way people perceive Sungmin is that they only focus on what they consider to be the negative aspects of his personality, what they call the ‘girly’ parts to him, and they fail to notice that there is more, so much more to Sungmin than his sometimes effeminate nature. It is not that Kyuhyun denies that Sungmin can be girly, that he wears a lot of pink, that he likes soft toys, that he follows fashion magazine like they’re his bible - Kyuhyun would just like people to recognise that just because Sungmin can be girly, that doesn’t mean that he is any less of a boy.
Sungmin wears pink because it suits him - he loves the colour, but he actually prefers the more stereotypical blue, but blue clothes tend to not look as good on his frame. He may have wide eyes and full lips and a soft voice, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t masculinity there, in the slope of his nose and in his chin, and in his arms and legs. People look at Sungmin and think that he is unthreatening, someone who would be able to be overpowered easily, but Kyuhyun knows that Sungmin would be able to snap their arm easily.
People see flirty Sungmin and think that he is easy, just someone to mess around with, and they think that that is why he is with him. They are wrong on both accounts. They say that Sungmin is so close to being a girl that it must be like dating one, but they are wrong too. Kyuhyun is attracted to Sungmin; to his effeminate side, bossy and sensual and subtle, and to his masculine side, loud and brash and sexual. They say that it must be like having sex with a girl, but Sungmin bites and Sungmin’s rough and Sungmin takes control more often than not, and so they are wrong too.
Kyuhyun would like people to truly look at Sungmin, to see him as the mixture that he is - not a girl, never a girl, nowhere near being a girl - and to see past what they consider to be negative, and to stop dismissing Sungmin because of something that they don’t understand - judging him for being something that he isn’t.
Heechul / Hankyung / your advice is crap / PG / 603 words
Hankyung and Heechul were sitting on Hankyung’s sofa together watching the late night showing of Heechul’s favourite horror film when Joomyuk burst through the front door, attached at the lips of a handsome boy who, while he wasn’t taller than Joomyuk (who is a freakish giant, according to Heechul), was at least taller than Heechul, and quite good looking, if you liked your men long haired and pierced - which, clearly, Joomyuk did. The noise of them clashing around in the hallway caused Heechul to stick his head out of the doorway, only to retract it almost immediately, looking both disgusted and a little in awe.
“Oh,” said Joomyuk, coming to stand in the doorway, hand fisted in the material of the other man’s shirt. “I didn’t realise you’d be over tonight, Heechul.”
“Yeah,” said Heechul, and just raised an eyebrow. Joomyuk winked at him, pulled the man that he was still holding in for a kiss, and then muttered something about not wanting to disturb them, before pulling the man down the hallway into his bedroom and slamming the door shut after them.
“Someday,” said Hankyung, turning his attention grudgingly back to the television (Heechul knew his scary films). “I’m going to sound proof his room.”
“Does he do that a lot, then?” asked Heechul, resting his head back on Hankyung’s shoulder and looking more interested in his question than the film.
“Most weekends,” said Hankyung, wondering if he could turn the channel over without Heechul noticing. “He’ll go to a club or a bar and come back with a pretty thing.”
“Male?” asked Heechul.
“If it breathes, has two legs, and is good looking, Joomyuk will sleep with it,” said Hankyung with a grin. His hand came to a rest on the television remote, and Heechul immediately snatched it from his grasp without even looking at it, apparently having sensed the danger before Hankyung had started to move.
“Sounds like he’s just having fun,” said Heechul, laughing slightly. “I’m a little jealous, in fact.”
Hankyung laughed too, and ran his fingers through Heechul’s hair. “He’s jealous of us,” he told him. “He keeps saying that he wants what we have. So I told him that perhaps, instead of just having countless one night stands, perhaps he should ask one of his good looking people out.”
“What happened?” asked Heechul, muting the screen as two women began to scream.
“He chose a girl that he met a month ago, and who had left her phone number on his bedside table. He’d quite liked her, so he’d kept it, and they dated for around two weeks before she dumped him. He was heartbroken, kept moping around the place, and then the next Friday went out and slept with some English guy that he managed to convince to come back, though I have no idea how. And he’s been worse ever since then.” Hankyung finished his story a bit sadly, because ‘being worse’ had meant that he kept coming into the kitchen each Saturday and Sunday morning to find someone new cooking.
Heechul started to laugh loudly at him. “Okay,” he said, tears in his eyes. “Okay, you are never giving advice ever again. Apparently, you are crap at it.”
“I was just trying to help him,” protested Hankyung.
“Yeah, well.” Heechul was still smirking. “He couldn’t ever have what we have anyway.”
“I suppose,” said Hankyung, a little doubtfully. “I mean, where’s he going to find another sarcastic cross dresser in Seoul? I think I’ve got the only one.” He hoped that he had the only one; two Heechuls just didn’t bear thinking about.
Donghae / Kibum / handcuffs / R / 997 words
Kibum is sitting studying in his room, when the door opens, and when he glances up, it’s to see Donghae sashaying up to him with a pair of handcuffs held in front of him by his index finger. Kibum stares.
“Look what I found,” choruses Donghae.
“What?” asks Kibum, staring a little more. “Why - did you just sashay up to me?”
“That’s not important,” says Donghae, and shakes the handcuffs in front of his eyes. Kibum begs to differ.
“I didn’t even know your hips moved that way,” he says. “I mean, I can see Heechul being able to do that, but you?”
“I’m a man of hidden talents,” says Donghae, and juts his hip right into Kibum’s line of vision, the skin covered by a couple of levels of fabric that Kibum sort of wishes weren’t there. “Anyway,” goes on Donghae. “Not important. What’s important are these.” And he holds up the handcuffs again. Kibum ignores them.
“Why are you here, anyway?” he asks, and Donghae pouts at him, and Kibum reaches out and pushes the hand holding the metal cuffs in his face down, so that he can look at Donghae in disapproval without hindrance.
“You said your parents were out tonight,” says Donghae. “So I came over.”
“I said my parents were out tonight and I was going to study,” corrects Kibum.
“Kibummie,” trills Donghae, patting him on the cheek. “I know by now that by that you mean that I should come over and we can have totally hot sex all night.”
“No,” chokes Kibum. “No, that’s not what it means at all. It means that my parents are out and I’m going to study.”
Donghae smiles at him, just cheekily enough that Kibum has to drop his pen and grip the edge of the desk to stop himself from lunging forward and kissing Donghae on that patch of skin that has been exposed by his polo shirt. Donghae has left the buttons open. You know what you do, thinks Kibum darkly.
“Yeah,” drawls Donghae, and Kibum vows to stop Donghae spending so much time in the company of Heechul, because he should have known that he’d pick up things that Donghae should never know, especially when he’s hot enough just standing there, casually posing and holding a pair of fucking handcuffs, without drawling. “Studying me.”
“No,” says Kibum firmly.
“Human body,” says Donghae. “Antomy or whatever it is.” And he reaches over and quickly clicks one side of the handcuffs onto Kibum’s wrist. Kibum looks at it, and looks back up at Donghae, eyebrows raised.
“You’d better have the key to this,” says Kibum coolly. Donghae just grins at him, which could say anything, really, and grabs hold of Kibum’s other wrist and handcuffs that one too. Donghae has clearly been working on his speed, because Kibum can’t remember his reflexes ever being this slow before; this could have something to do with the fact that he can see Donghae’s collarbone, where the material of his shirt has slipped down, and his gaze was rather fixated on that, rather than on Donghae’s hands, which are - pulling his arms up and hooking them over the television stand that used to hold his television before his mother decided that it was detrimental to his studying and got rid of it, but his father never got rid of the stand.
So now Kibum’s arms are stretched above his head, and he can’t move away, and he is sitting in a chair, and now Donghae is taking his shirt off and straddling him, pulling at the buttons of his school shirt, which he still has on, and running his tongue across his throat.
“Fuck, Donghae,” he says, pulls his arms down a little, the stand shakes, and Donghae does something with his tongue on the spot underneath his ear, and Kibum shudders. “Okay,” he says loudly. “Okay, if we’re going to do this, then fucking kiss me.”
“Mmm,” says Donghae, and kisses him roughly, and he tastes like chocolate and smugness and cunning, and he pulls away, one hand cupped around Kibum’s neck, the other trailing down his chest to pull at his belt, and he smiles, eyes dark, hooded, knowing, his tongue poking out a little, and he regards Kibum like he’s a wolf whose plan for eating Little Red Riding Hood has just gone particularly well; Kibum makes a sound that is a little a growl, but is mostly a mewl.
“Anatomy,” he gasps, correcting Donghae’s mistake earlier, and Donghae’s smile switches from sultry to amused, with a dash of look at you, you think you’re so smart.
“Yes,” he says, and he has managed to get Kibum’s pants undone and his hand is suddenly and without warning underneath Kibum’s underwear - Kibum closes his eyes tightly, so that he won’t see that smile. “Anatomy. Muscles, bones and organs. Sexual organs.” Donghae’s mouth is right next to his ear, hot and moist, and he keeps saying things, unconnected words, and it isn’t what he’s saying, it’s his voice, low and dark, that makes Kibum’s breath hitch.
“This would work better if you released my wrists,” he manages, and opens his eyes, and Donghae is staring at him, eyes wide, and Kibum can see what he wants, sees it written all over his face, and he laughs slightly. “You’re such a slut,” he says, and Donghae bites his bottom lip and it is hot enough for Kibum to wrench his wrists down and pull the stand from the wall, and he pushes Donghae backwards quickly so that he falls onto the bed and Kibum throws a leg over his waist and kisses him deeply.
“Mmm,” says Donghae again, and Kibum vows that he is going to make Donghae scream, when he can take his chance with an empty house, and Donghae grips his arms and gives a breathy laugh.
“Slut,” growls Kibum playfully, nipping at the skin of Donghae’s neck.
“I try my best,” moans Donghae.