Guidelines 2019

Aug 08, 2019 19:13

Guidelines 2019

It's that time of year again and that means it's time to start signing up for the Dokuga Holiday Exchange! Side note for those that have participated in the past, I will be trying to gather up as many banners as I can, from as far back as I can so you guys can have access to them again. I will post them here for you to save once I do. (Still on my to-do list, but haven't gotten around to it yet.)

Important Dates of 2019:

August 08th - September 30th - Sign ups

October 1 - The names and prompts will be sent to you.

December 10 - Stories/Art are due by midnight EST, granted you haven't requested an extension.

December 25 - December 31 - Posting of gifts will begin on the 25th and continue to the 31st until all gifts are posted. This is a tentative schedule and may be expanded if there is a very high turn out.


- Please use the following form when signing up:

Dokuga Username (if applicable):

LiveJournal Username (if applicable):
Email Address:

Ratings You Are Not Willing To Write/Draw:

Ratings You Do Not Wish To Receive:


Are You Willing To Be A Pitch Hitter?:

Age Statement:

Code Word:

- The whole point of this is to be a gift exchange. To get a gift, you must give a gift. If you drop out or disappear, your gift will be given to the group as a whole. Those who disappear without word will be banned from the exchange for one round.

- The story/art must be centered around the Sess/Kag pairing. It doesn’t necessarily have to be focused on romance - it can be based on first impressions, friendship, even some sort of hatred. Side pairings are fine, just as long as it focuses on the relationship between Sesshoumaru and Kagome. This is Dokuga, after all!

- Gifted works must be new to the exchange. Sequels to previous works, new chapters to a current story, ‘deleted scenes’ from other stories, or anything related to any of your previous work isn’t allowed.

-The story/art can be any genre, though you should go by the prompts given to you to make your best judgment. If your prompts are vague, do your best to work with them. But please pay attention to what is requested to stay away from. If a platonic relationship is requested, do not give a romantic one.

I will be going over these before they are posted and if there are problems of this nature, you may be asked to redo your story. Should you have any questions on a prompt, please don’t contact the person you are writing/arting for.  The code word is Spaghetti. Please contact the Dokuga Holiday Exchange email and we will pass your question or concern on to the appropriate person.

-For prompts this year please holiday photo, featuring NO people, to use as your prompt. A 3k word minimum for the stories, though fanart is of course always welcome.

- All ratings are welcome, but if you have a rating that you refuse to write or wouldn't like to receive, please make note of it whenever you sign up.

- When working on your piece, please keep in mind what the recipient wants. If they ask for certain things to be used or not used, please follow them. Usually, there is nothing demanding in the requests; mostly just small things like the type of relationship or universe.

- Real life does get in the way sometimes, so if you have to drop for any reason please let me know as soon as you possibly can. I understand that you’ve got other obligations, and am not going to be angry with you should something come up. Life happens. I will be angry, however, if you’re putting things off and finally fess up after your second extension and the posting date is looming. Should you drop, with or without word, the gift prepared for you will be shared for the group as a whole.

- It is your responsibility to have your story betaed before you send it in. We are looking for stories that are in their final polished form, not something that is hot off of the presses. I simply do not have the time to beta every story that comes in. If you do not have a regular beta, you can look for someone here:

Dokuga Forum - Betas - The Dokuga Forum’s section for looking for a beta. Search through the posts, or post a thread of your own looking for someone.

I will look over any stories that come in and fix any sort of typos or formatting errors, but this is by no means a full beta job.

- Please format (HTML for italics, etc) your stories before sending them in. LJ users, this should be old hat to you. If you need assistance formatting, just ask.

- Should a story come in that has clearly not been betaed or does not meet the word requirement minimum, the mods reserve the right to reject the piece and ask you to correct it. Ignoring this request is grounds for your removal from the exchange.

- Stories should be sent to the exchange email, the same place where you signed up. Either attach in .rtf format or add it directly into the body of the email. If anything is sent in any other format, you will be asked to send in the preferred formatting.

- No posting of stories elsewhere until after the big reveal on New Year's Day. The whole point of a secret gift exchange is to keep it a secret. I will let you know when it is clear to post your stories on your own sites.

- Keeping with the above statement, please don’t give out the name of who you are doing a gift for. Blowing the secret ruins the fun!

- Starting this year, the exchange will now be run by Kaoruhana, though I, Hairann, will be around this year to help out. All of the links and such will stay the same as I will simply be passing them on as Momo-chan did many years ago to me :).

When you send your story/art, please include the following header.

Original Prompts:

- If you are new to the exchange, please provide a link to a story (in any fandom) that you’ve written that is more than 1500 words. Drabble collections do not count. You can link to a one-shot or even an incomplete epic you’re currently working on, just as long as you can prove that you can meet the word count minimum.

- There will be a three strikes policy. We simply do not have the time to go chasing after everyone who signs up for the exchange, therefore there will be a three strikes policy as far as contacts/behavior go. If you ignore/fail to answer any correspondence within one week of sending, you will have a strike against you. Three strikes, you’re gone from the exchange.

- Please add the exchange email ( to your contacts so you can avoid anything from us hitting the spam filter.

Explanation of Age Statement:

Again I will be asking for a statement of age (example: ’I am over the age of 18’/’I am under the age of 18’). The purpose of this is to prevent minors from gifting or being gifted with works that are rated MA. The official rule on Dokuga is: ONLY users ages 18 and up may read or post MA rated work, 16+ for rated M. As this exchange is affiliated with Dokuga, I will be following the same rules on ratings as are followed at the main site. That being noted, if you falsify your age statement you will be removed from the exchange and receive an email notifying you why you were removed.

To ensure you have read and understood the rules, please send in the code word when you sign up for the exchange.

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