Unexpected Perspective (part 3) by Azurevi [Damsel in Distress Challenge]

Apr 03, 2011 17:18

Title: Unexpected Perspective
Author: Azurevi
Prompt: Damsel in Distress Challenge - Damsel Indignant
Genre: Adventure/humor followed by romance in later chapters
AU/CU: Canon Universe 
Rating: T
Warnings: WTF moments
Word Count: 1,035
A/N: This is the third chapter! Read the first chapter here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6863345/1/Unexpected_Perspective
Summary: A battle with Naraku has unexpected consequences for a certain miko and taiyoukai.

The next morning was absolute hell. The borrowed body Sesshomaru resided in was not accustomed to getting less than eight hours of sleep and he’d stayed on guard as long as he was able before sleep finally overtook him. His new body was soft and vulnerable and he felt every root and rock poke at his back and thighs and hips through the night.

The miko had offered to let him use her ‘sleeping bag’ since she didn’t need it but he’d refused. Now he was regretting that decision.

Rin, Jaken and Ah-Un had returned shortly after the miko’s loss of control and form. Jaken had been suitably shocked and indignant. However, he was having a hard time treating Sesshomaru with the same amount of respect usually accorded as he felt it was treating a human reverently but a little shock of sacred powers had set him straight. Ah-Un adjusted with admirable speed and Rin was deliriously happy as the miko had taken upon herself to use her new-found body for ‘the forces of good.’

Oh how his father was laughing now.

“Ready for a Sesshy toss?” The miko asked an exuberant Rin.

The little girl squealed and ran straight at the taiyoukai’s form, grabbing onto his one hand with both of hers and getting tossed a good ten feet into the air, giggling madly all the while. Sesshomaru had to admit that the miko was a quick learner and careful as she caught Rin easily in one hand and swung her around in a circle.

He was also slightly surprised at how happy the idiotic displays were making his ward. If it weren’t so damnably improper than he would consider continuing some of the behavior when he got his body back.

Despite that they’d been walking for hours towards his home in the middle of the western lands  they were still half a day’s travel by dragon and Sesshomaru was getting tired and grumpy, though he’d rather die than admit defeat to a mere human shell.

The only thing of interest to come of the whole ordeal so far was the opportunity to learn more about sacred powers without the risk of getting purified. But even that was proving more of a headache than it was worth as the miko seemed to have a distinct lack of control over said powers, making it exceedingly difficult for Sesshomaru to even begin to understand them for himself.

In addition to everything else he’d felt a tickling in the back of his skull for the past thirty paces, growing in annoyance steadily until it felt like a sneeze that refused to come to fruition.

He sighed faintly and glared when the miko whipped around at the noise, eyes locking on him.

“What’s wrong?” She asked and he could not shake the oddness of hearing his own voice spoken.


“You kinda got the shard-sense look.” Shippo commented from his mokomoto where he had been happily burrowed all day… and night.

“Oh! Do you sense a jewel shard?” The miko asked.

Sesshomaru stared at her blankly.

“Kinda like you’ve gotta sneeze but with your brain instead of your nose and it never happens.” She supplied helpfully.

Sesshomaru decided that he had never sounded so foolish before in his life.


“Is it like a constant twinge or is it growing stronger?” She asked.


“Gradually or quickly?”


“Kouga.” Surprisingly she grinned, showing a flash of fang. “Oh this is going to be fun.”

For the first time since their situation had started, Sesshomaru saw Inuyasha smile widely.

Moments later a cloud of dust engulfed the group and Sesshomaru felt pressure on his hands. As the air cleared the figure of the leader of the wolf-tribe became visible.

Rin yelped in alarm and the miko scooped her up easily, tucking her against the same mokomoto-clad shoulder where Shippo was hiding. Sesshomaru was grateful that despite not fully understanding Rin’s fear of wolves, the miko had grasped the situation enough to know that there was a threat to his ward and protected her accordingly.

“Hey Kagome.” The young alpha of the wolf tribe grinned possessively down at Sesshomaru. “How’s my woman?”

A short sideways glance at the miko confirmed that the wolf was not her mate, or even her intended by her expression. Sesshomaru glared at the wolf indignantly and understood then why everyone else seemed so interested in how this encounter was going to end. He already didn’t like the young alpha from his history with Rin and on top of that in his current form the brat’s hands were much larger than his own and calloused roughly. Sesshomaru did not appreciate the comparison.

“Unhand me. Now.” He glared furiously at the wolf.

“Huh?” Kouga’s jaw fell open.

“If you value any alliance you have with the western lord you will remove your person from this Sesshomaru IMMEDIATELY.” Sesshomaru dedicatedly ignored the muffled laughter from the rest of the group.

“K-Kagome?” He gaped at her.

“Not over there.” Sesshomaru’s true voice rang out, catching Kouga’s attention.

“Sesshomaru-sama?” He tilted his head to the side. “You seem quite… covered in kids today.”

“Thanks.” The miko had the audacity to grin.

“And… smiley.” Kouga looked nervous now.

The miko sighed and rounded on Sesshomaru with a hearty glare. “You see! You don’t smile enough. It freaks people out when I smile now!”

“Good.” Sesshomaru extracted his hands from Kouga’s loosened grip.

“Here.” The miko handed Rin off to Sesshomaru as soon as his arms were free and he was surprised at how heavy the little girl felt. “I’ll need both… uh, hand.”

Sesshomaru shot her a sour look and she shrugged.

“Listen Kouga. We got in a bit of trouble during our battle with Naraku and now Sesshomaru and I kinda swapped bodies. Temporarily! I hope.” She shrugged elegantly at the wolf’s stunned expression.

“So… you’re in there Kagome?” He questioned hesitantly.

“Fraid so.”

Kouga looked like he was considering grasping her hand but thought better of it when he got a good look at her claw-tipped fingers and striped wrist.

“Uh… how’s my… woman?” He asked, even more hesitantly.

In the background Inuyasha and the houshi howled with laughter.

azurevi, -canon universe, -romance, -comedy, -adventure, *damsel in distress challenge, 2011 2q

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