Voyeur by LordRandallsLady [Damsel in Distress Challenge]

Mar 27, 2011 22:30

Title: Voyeur
Author: LordRandallsLady
Theme: Damsel Indecent (Damsel in Distress Challenge)
Genre: AU, romance, humor
Rating: MA
Word Count: 1481
Warnings: groping, touching, nudity, and just like the title says, voyeurism

Story Summary:  Kagome longed for a romantic weekend away with Sesshoumaru, but jealousy can often ruin the best laid plans.

AN:  Part 3 in a series of interrelated drabbles which I have entitled, Paradise Lost, written in honor of pos_sess_ed 's birthday earlier this month.  The beginning of the series can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6794140/1/.

Night had descended and the blue-white light of the moon sparkled off the ocean.  Luminous foam marked the edge between earth and sea where waves broke against pale sand.  The sound of those breaking waves filtered into the room of a small bed and breakfast that overlooked the sea.  Kagome listened to the soothing sound and sighed.


Lying together in the king-sized bed, the couple watched the flickering flames emanating from the room’s small fireplace.  When gentle breeze ruffled the gauzy curtains that had been drawn across the still-open balcony doors, Kagome shivered, fitting herself more securely against Sesshoumaru.  She had hoped the fire would put out enough heat to chase away the chill from outside.  Sadly, it did not… but though she was cold, Kagome really didn’t want to get out of the bed to close the doors, either.

‘Maybe I can get Sessh to do it for me,’ she thought.

Tracing light patterns on the muscles beneath her fingertips, she craned her neck, placed a soft, but sensual kiss on his neck, right where she knew he liked it the most.

“Honey?” she murmured against his skin.  “Could you close the balcony doors?”


Kagome smiled at the sleepy, contended hum and she almost felt guilty for disturbing him rather than getting up herself… almost.

“The balcony doors, could you close ‘em?”   Kagome squirmed closer, running her chilled feet up his legs toward the warm, sensitive parts of her husband’s anatomy.  “I’m cold,” she added.

Sesshoumaru growled in protest to the feel of icy toes against the inside of his thigh, but still he didn’t move.  He knew this little game of hers… and he knew how to play it well.  Oh, he would close the doors, but it would be on his own terms and not before he’d extracted payment for his services from his wife.

So, he waited her out.  Eventually, she tilted her face up toward him, as he’d known she would.

“Pleeeease,” Kagome half whined, and when he finally looked down at her, she pouted prettily batting her large, blue eyes.

“Have your legs stopped functioning?” he answered blandly, turning his head to better see her.

Kagome’s small gasp of protest brought a teasing smirk to his lips.

“And you call yourself a gentleman!” she grumbled.

Turning, she started to scoot toward the edge of the bed when Sesshoumaru caught her about the waist and pulled her back against his bare chest.  “And just where do you think you’re going?”

Warm breath ghosted across her ear and the rumble of his deep voice through her back caused heat to pool instantly in her belly.  Even so, she was still put out that she had to be the one to leave the bed.

“I’m going to close the doors since you’re being such a brat,” she said, pushing against him trying to free herself from his strong grip.

“I’m the one being brat?” he chuckled, and Kagome had to try very hard not to react to the sensual swirling on his long fingers against her stomach.

“Yess… ohhhhhh,” she affirmed, her reply involuntarily becoming a moan when warm lips found that deliciously sensitive spot where her neck curved into her shoulder.

“Foolish woman.  Don’t you know there are so many… pleasurable ways for warming oneself?”

Kagome shuddered when one of his talented hands worked its way up to cup a breast under her pajamas.  When the other that had been teasing her stomach snaked down between her thighs, she stiffened momentarily before melting against him.  Talented fingers prodded and teased, the recipient of their ministrations squirming under the touch, begging for more.

Sesshoumaru, reveling in every moan, sigh and gasp he elicited from his wife, slowly guided her back to the pillows.  Trailing kisses along her jaw, he worked his way down until his teeth captured one distended nipple through the silken fabric of her top. Pulling back, he looked down into her face flushed with arousal, her dark hair like spilled ink across the soft linens.  Slowly, Kagome opened her eyes, lids heavy with desire.  In their depths, Sesshoumaru saw reflected the flickering firelight, its soft glow only adding to the beauty that lay beneath him.

Holding Kagome’s gaze, Sesshoumaru trailed fingers slowly down her neck.  Eyelids fluttered when he turned his hand, his knuckles tracing the valley between her breasts, moving to graze the underside of one sumptuous mound through the material covering it. Kagome shuddered under the not-quite-substantial touch, whimpering her protest when the pad of this thumb brushed lightly over her nipple.

Sesshoumaru leaned down nuzzle her other breast, unbuttoning her shirt with agonizing slowness.  Carefully peeling the fabric back, he showered the exposed flesh with nibbles and licks that drove her to the brink of heightened frustration.  Kagome writhed beneath him as he built her arousal layer by frustrating layer.  When she finally couldn’t stand it any more, Kagome shoved hard against his chest, reversing their positions so that she sat astride him, her damp core pressing against him through silk.

“You take too long,” she growled, leaning in to bite and suck aggressively at his chiseled chest before straightening again.

Grinding down, she teased his already-stiffened length her head thrown back and eyes closed in pleasure.  Shrugging out of the rest of her top, she exposed herself fully to his gaze.  Kagome opened her eyes to look lustfully at the man beneath her.  She’d always loved this position, being the dominant one, looking down at him as he watched her above him.  She pressed down on him harder, watching as his features contorted in pleasure.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement in her periphery made her pause.

'What the...?'

She looked around a moment, but didn't see anything.  "That's weird," she murmured.  Dismissing it as a trick of the firelight, she turned back to Sesshoumaru, a sultry smile on her lips.  "Now, where were we?"

"Somewhere around here?" Sesshoumaru answered reaching up to palm both luscious mounds at the same time.

"Oh, yesss," she hissed, hips moving against him once more.  “Oh, Sesshouma- omigod!”

Kagome shrieked in fright, grabbing for the discarded top, which she used to quickly cover her bare torso.  There, entwined in the iron headboard where he hadn’t been thirty seconds before, was Mokomoko.  Sesshoumaru, for his part, was annoyingly calm and although he had paused mid-fondle, was still cupping her breasts.

“Stop it!” Kagome cried swatting at his hands.  “Let go!”

Sesshoumaru dropped his hands onto the bed, growling slightly in frustration.  “What is the matter?”

“What do you mean ‘what is the matter’?  It’s Mokomoko!”

“Kagome,” Sesshoumaru sighed, frustration seeping into his tone, “Mokomoko has been in the room the whole time.”

“I-I know,” she stammered.  “But it’s… it’s…”  Kagome’s voice dropped until it was barely a whisper.  “…it’s watching us.”   As she spoke, Kagome continued to stare at the fluffy boa-like creature resting lazily in the metal work.

Sesshoumaru laughed, sitting up and shifting Kagome so that she sat in his lap.  “He doesn’t have eyes, my dear.  Now, I think we were in the middle of something…”

Bending his head down, Sesshoumaru dropped feather-light kisses along his wife’s collar bone, but over his shoulder, Kagome saw Mokomoko lift the end she assumed was its head to “stare” at her.  Completely unnerved, Kagome pushed on Sesshoumaru’s shoulders.

“Stop,” she whispered, but when he didn’t, she repeated herself more forcefully.  “Stop!”

“What is it now?”  Sesshoumaru didn’t even try to hide his irritation.

Kagome crawled out of her husband’s lap, quickly pushing her arms through the sleeves of her pajama top to hide herself from Mokomoko’s view before crawling under the sheets.

“I’m sorry.  I can’t do this with Mokomoko staring at us like that.”

“You’re joking, right?”

“Nope!’  To emphasize her point, she pulled the comforter up so high that only her nose, eyes, and hair were poking out.

“You’re being ridiculous, you know.”  Sesshoumaru turned toward his pet and, reaching out, waited for the fluff to slither into his arms before carrying it to the adjoining sitting room.

Turning toward the fireplace and away from Sesshoumaru’s side of the bed, Kagome squeezed her eyes shut and sniffled.  Of course Kagome knew she was being ridiculous, that Sesshoumaru was right, but it didn’t matter.  She just couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched and she wasn’t about to perform that kind of show for Fuzz Head.

Sesshoumaru came back into the room, lifting the covers to crawl back in with her.  Kagome felt his weight on the mattress and when a draft of cold air hit her back, she half-turned toward him.

“Umm… since you’re up…”

Kagome hesitated, wondering how far she could push her already-annoyed spouse.

“Yes?” he replied and Kagome winced at the tightness in his tone.

“Could you close the doors please?”  She asked before diving under the covers to hide.

-alternate universe, 2011 1q, -romance, -comedy, -hentai, *damsel in distress challenge, lordrandallslady

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