The Beginning of Faith by Madison [Oneshot#66]

Mar 25, 2011 02:15

 Title: The Beginning of Faith
Author: Madison
Word Count: 760
Rating: K
Prompt: Whoopsie
Genre: General
Summary: Night tales are the only way to open up.
A/N: Chapter 4 of Phantasm.

“She looks like you.”

She raised her head, tilting it to the side gently. “Who?”

During the peaceful, moonless nights he usually kept to himself more than usual. It seemed that when the giant circle of whiteness was not lightening up the sky, he felt uneasy. Tonight however, he seemed to express the desire to share. Rarely did he spoke of himself, usually keeping the conversations to questions about her and the jewel.

“That human woman.”

She chuckled softly. “I am a human woman.”

Sesshomaru shook his head while glancing up at the black sky. “Same ebony hair, same soft eyes. You both look so human.”

It was easy for her to hear the infuriation laced with his tone. “Who is she?”

Uneasy, he shifted his weight from one foot to another. He himself was unsure of who she was. He had heard his mother whine about her constantly during the past weeks which had arisen his curiosity. It was two nights ago that he had decided to follow his father to find out more. He almost regretted it.

“I do not know.”

“Then how do I remind you of her?”

“I saw her. She was with my father.”

Unconsciously, she raised one of her eyebrows. Already? She had not predicted for this to happen yet. Her eyes saddened and her heart became heavier as she stared at the little boy in front of her. He was still very young, too young to understand the events to come.

A few questions were burning her lips and she truly wished he would open up more about his feelings but during all the meetings she had learned much about him. He would not speak.

Sesshomaru took a few steps forward, feeling the damp grass under his feet as it soaked through. The night was chilly, not that it mattered to someone like him, and the wind was blowing forcefully. A bad feeling was rising within him and he felt powerful to cease it.

“Why do you come? Why couldn’t you protect this jewel yourself if you have time to waste?”

An angelic smile came upon her lips. She had truly believed that Sesshomaru had understood by now, but she had been wrong. Perhaps he thought she simply was a powerful Miko.

“Sesshomaru, I am no longer alive.”

This time, it was his turn to frown. “Then why are you here?”

He did not trust in many people, but he knew she spoke the truth. She had no reason to lie to him. Also, he was not afraid of her, no matter what state she was in.

Almost like a child, she shrugged her shoulders. “My soul has not found its next body. Until it does, I’m afraid I won’t be able to retrieve the jewel.”

For the first time, he completely turned around and set a glance upon her. A halo constantly seemed to surround her and often would she vanish to nothing but thin air. She was dead yet she seemed to be filled with joy; the concept left him perplexed. Every moment, every situation left him with emptiness inside. How could she be whole?

“What happened to you?”

Slowly, she bent down, sitting on the wet grass. “Many people want the jewel. My life was the only mean I had to protect it. Perhaps there was another way, but at that time, I could not think of any.”

“Was the jewel worth you life?”

She could not help herself as she chuckled once more. “I do not know. How silly of me to give up my life because of a shred of faith.”

He could not tell if she was being sarcastic or not since her tone was completely neutral, leading him to remain silent. “I will not give up my life for it. I do not care for it.”

“Not yet, you don’t. Just like you do not care much for me.”

She was correct; he did not. Obviously he was breaking a few rules instated by his parents by meeting up with her each time, but it did not bother him. In her presence he experienced an emotion he had yet to feel until this moment.

Somehow, she was different; he enjoyed her presence.

His loneliness was he had, something he thrived for. She had forced herself into his life, giving him a task he did not seek yet he allowed her in his vicinity. He had been taught to be wary of bewitching mikos, yet he did not listen.

How did she manage to bring down his guard?

-alternate universe, =oneshot, madison, 2011 1q, =oneshot #066 whoopsie, -gen!fic

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