Weekly Perfection - Spring 2011

Feb 28, 2011 18:36

Weekly Perfection
Drabble Contests for Spring 2011
These tokens are for all Weekly Perfection contest participants. If you entered a drabble, you can claim that week's wee bit and add it to your collection. Spring's contests will run in March, April, and May.

To refresh your memory on our community's contest rules, please visit our profile page.

Past Contests:

Week #141 - firm
Word Count - 100

FanArt: Embrace by Sugar0o

Week #140 - grave
Word Count - 200

Week #139 - treat
Word Count - 400

FanArt: Sesshoumaru's Possession by MoonstarGoddessNeko

Week #138 - murky
Word Count - 100

FanArt: Anticipation by Losing My Marbles

Week #137 - formal
Word Count - 300

FanArt: Rikastyle by sugar0o

FanArt: Kagome - Sway by sugar0o

Week #136 - over
Word Count - 200

Week #135 - grain
Word Count - 300

Week #134 - fate
Word Count - 400

FanArt: I Spy by lila-me

FanArt: Haunting Me: SessKag by TallyMark

Week #133 - violet
Word Count - 200

Week #132 - shave
Word Count - 100

Week #131 - perk
Word Count - 300

FanArt: Cats and Dogs, p04 Sketch by Technoelfie

Week #130 - urge
Word Count - 200

FanArt: The Legendary Dog by TallyMark

Week #129 - hail
Word Count - 400

**Unless otherwise noted, the banner-maker for all Weekly Perfection banners was forthrightly.

Go back to Winter 2011's Weekly Perfection Page

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