Between the Lines by Enemytosleep [drabble #128]

Feb 22, 2011 23:59

Title: Between the Lines
Author: enemytosleep

Word Count: 300
Rating: G
Characters: Kagome, Sesshoumaru
Prompt: dokuga_contest - Twist

Summary: Kagome reads between the lines.

Warnings: previous character death mentioned
Notes: This is the word counter I used in case the count differs.

"Not to sound rude or anything," Kagome said, dipping her pail into the cool river, "but what exactly are you doing here?"

Sesshoumaru's nose twitched as he continued surveying the horizon. Then he said, "I'm checking on things."

She snorted. "I didn't mean, why are you in the village? I meant, why are you here?' As in: here with me, and not Rin?" She placed her bucket next to her, now full to the brim. Sesshoumaru was busy puzzling something.

"I have already checked in on Rin."

"So you're checking in on me now?" He wouldn't be the first person to do that, but he certainly would be one of the last people she expected to do so.

He looked down at her. "No."

"But that's what you just said." Kagome couldn't help but grin now.

"It is not."

"If you want to know how I'm doing, you just have to ask."

She knew she was being cheeky, and with Sesshoumaru of all people. At one point in her life, she might have been a little worried about his reaction. She'd said and done her share of stupid, provocative things, and he'd reacted in varying degrees of die, human, die! … maybe she should apologize for some of that, actually? They were sort of friendly now, if Sesshoumaru was capable of such a thing. He'd never really been the compassionate sort - now that's an understatement if there ever was one - but something had definitely changed in him, even before Inuyasha's death.

She looked back up at him as he stood along the riverbank, gazing off at some distant point. Apologies could wait for another time. Brushing off her borrowed robes, Kagome stood and gathered her water pail.

"I'll see you later, I guess."

"You seem better than before," he said, still not looking at her.

Huh. "Thank you."


-canon universe, =drabble #128 twist, 2011 1q, enemytosleep
, =drabble, -gen!fic

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