Kagome stood in the doorway completely dumbstruck. After a shocked moment she stepped back outside and closed the door to stare at the numbers. Yep, this was defiantly the right apartment. With a steadying breath she opened the door, a ridicules part of her half expected that it had been an illusion and when she looked inside again everything would be back to normal.
It wasn’t. Steeping inside on wobbly legs she once again took in the disaster before her. Thick black smoke was rising off pots littering the stove filled with bubbling muck. Her eyes caught viscous goo oozing out of the microwave where something had recently exploded, splattering the insides. Every inch of floor and wall was spattered with unnameable slop. As she stepped into the kitchen she flinched at the wet plop of something dropping down from the ceiling to land in a sticky mess on the floor behind her.
Slowly she tore her gaze from the mess to stare at the tall diayoukai who stood amidst the chaos and disorder as pristine as ever. His lazy gazed echoed her own as he too took in the wreckage around him. “What… is all this?” Kagome hissed.