Payment by Nisee39 [Drabble #121]

Jan 10, 2011 20:41

Title:   Payment
Author: Nisee39
Theme: Scarlet
Genre: Humor
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions the unmentionables
Word Count: 400
Summary: Sesshoumaru decides to take a keepsake for doing Kagome’s chores.

A/N: This is another installment of The Height of Faith. You can find the beginning here.


Sunshine spilled into the household as Kagome stepped inside and kicked off her dusty shoes. Clutching a bouquet in dirty palms, she pulled a vase from the cupboards and slipped into Sesshoumaru’s office.

The miko carefully arranged-then rearranged-the daisies until they stood exactly how she wanted them in the center of his rather empty desk. With a satisfied hum, she glanced down and decided that a shower was in order.

At first, she didn’t notice anything amiss when she first stepped into her room. She pulled off her shirt and tossed it onto her pristine bedroom floor…

Wait a minute…


“What the…?”

Kagome was pretty sure when she went outside that morning her floor was covered in dirty laundry that she might, someday, get around to washing if she ever felt like it. Where could it have gone?

The only other member of the household was Sesshoumaru and he certainly wouldn’t lower himself to doing some human’s chores? Would he?

An image of Sesshoumaru wearing a frilly apron and holding a feather duster crossed her mind and she was glad he was nowhere around to hear her giggle.

While the truth lacked the visual humor of her imagination, Kagome still found the sight of Sesshoumaru folding laundry rather amusing.

“Your dirty clothing was filling my house with an unbearable stench.” His curt words cut off any witty remarks she may have teased him with. “Next time, I shall simply destroy them and you will have to go without.”

Blushing, Kagome rolled her eyes. “You can’t just destroy my belongings because they offend your sensitive nose!”

“I can when I paid for them.”

Huffing, Kagome reached into the basket of clean laundry and threw the clothes in his face. “You are such a jerk.”

“How mature.” The taiyoukai drawled, “A simple thank you for doing your laundry would suffice.”

Kagome blanched as he pulled a scrap of scarlet cloth from his shoulder. He studied it for a moment--the thong hanging from his claw--and an amused smile graced his lips. “I will; however, accept these as payment instead.”

Kagome leapt with an almost inhuman speed, but Sesshoumaru held the thong out her reach. After several amusing, but ultimately unsuccessful attempts, Kagome crossed her arms and huffed. “Fine, I’ll just have to take a pair of your underwear then!”

“You are assuming that this Sesshoumaru wears such items.”

-canon universe, =drabble #121 scarlet, 2011 1q, -comedy, =drabble, nisee39

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