Childishness by Forthright [Drabble #10]

Nov 22, 2008 17:33

Title: Childishness

Author: Forthright

Theme: Tease

Genre: General

Rating: G

Words: 400

Summary: Even Sesshoumaru was a child once.


They woke to winter. Thick, fat flakes drifted lazily, quickly blanketing the ground with the first real snowfall of the season. For the children-and the miko-it was too much to resist. While everyone else packed up, they ran in circles, laughing and shouting and trying to catch snowflakes on their tongues. Even Kohaku joined in, lobbing a snowball at the kitsune. A battle quickly ensued… until a poorly-aimed clump of snow was accidentally sent in Sesshoumaru’s direction. The taiyoukai didn’t even blink when the missile passed within inches of his nose, and golden eyes slanted towards the horrified offenders.

“Sorry, sorry…” Kagome called as she hurried over, giggling nervously as she apologized. She smiled brightly, and Sesshoumaru noticed that snowflakes clung to her lashes. “I’ve always loved playing in the snow-especially the first one!”

“Hnn,” he murmured noncommittally.

“Even you were a child once. Didn’t you ever play in the snow?”

Her question teased at the edges of his memory, bringing an old one to the surface.


When Hisoka turned to check on his student’s progress, he found the boy had abandoned his brushes and stood with his nose pressed to a gap between the doors that opened onto the gardens. “What is it, milord?” he inquired as he knelt down to peer over Sesshoumaru’s shoulder. “Ah! So winter has finally arrived! We could take a break from lessons. Would you like to go out and play in the snow?”

Interest sparked in the child’s eyes, but it was doused just as quickly. Drawing himself up, the young lord stiffly replied, “This Sesshoumaru does not play.”

“Of course, milord,” Hisoka smiled, letting the matter drop for a time. However, once the calligraphy materials had been stowed, he cheerfully ordered, “Boots on!” Out in the garden, the teacher marked off a wide circle; stepping back, Hisoka waved towards his handiwork. “Defend it.” The pup’s careful indifference faltered, and the corners of Hisoka’s orange eyes crinkled with amusement. “It’s training,” he added encouragingly.

Sesshoumaru considered the task, then moved to the center of the circle. Dropping into a crouch, he eyed the descending snowflakes and whirled into action, spinning in circles, battling against the flurry with obvious enjoyment. Hisoka stepped back with a satisfied smile to observe the energetic display… which was not play.


Returning to the present, Sesshoumaru looked down his nose at Kagome and solemnly replied. “No.”

End Note: If you would like to read more about young!Sesshoumaru and Hisoka, his longsuffering tutor, then I invite you to read my oneshot The Bargain.

-canon universe, 2009 1q, forthright, =drabble #010 tease, =drabble, -gen!fic

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