Of Cats and Dog demons by landofthekwt (Drabble #10)

Nov 22, 2008 08:45

Title: Of Cats and Dog demons
Author: landofthekwt
Rating: G
Universe: Canon
Genre: General
Word Count: 400
Prompt: Tease Dokuga Drabble #10
Warning: No cats were killed in the writing of this story
Summary: Kagome explains Schrodinger’s Cat to Sesshoumaru

Kagome had been staring at the box for hours. Finally, Sesshoumaru could not stand the suspense.

“What is so important about this box that it takes up your valuable time?”

“I am working on an experiment for Philosophy of Science.”

“And how does this box aid you in that endeavor?.”

“It helps me understand the indeterminancy of quantum states at the atomic level.”

Sesshoumaru had no idea as to what she had just said and assumed that she was teasing him with gibberish.

“ Some very wise men in my time proposed that at certain level of reality one could know only an atomic state by actually observing it.

Sesshoumaru continued to nod not willing to admit that he had no clue what she was talking about.

“Schrodinger proposed a thought experiment. A  cat would placed in a steel box with Geiger counter, a radioactive particle, a counter tube, a hammer and a flask of hydrocyanic acid. If the particle decayed, the counter tube would discharge and through a series of relays would spark the hammer and shatter the flask of acid killing the cat”

Sesshoumaru was becoming frustrated. Why would persons engage in such ridiculous exercises? Could Kagome just be teasing him with this absurd story?

“ Schrodinger was trying to show the absurdity of the Copenhagen Interpretation. If one could not know the state of the atom one could not know whether it had decayed and killed the cat. He extended their theory to show that according to their theory one could not know whether the cat was alive or dead unless one opened the box because one could not know if the atom had decayed. It was equally probable that the cat was alive or the cat was dead. Someone even proposed that two alternative worlds were created. One in which the cat was alive and one in which the cat was dead. Well, Sesshoumaru, is the cat alive or dead?”

Sesshoumaru had enough. His poison claws destroyed the box in an instant.

“The cat is dead.”

With that being said Sesshoumaru strode away feeling very smug  Kagome was left thunderstruck. Her experiment lay in ruins. Her mind began to think of ways to gain revenge against the arrogant tai-youkai. She would wipe that self-satisfied smirk off his face. The fate of Schrodinger’s Cat would be the least of his concerns.  

-canon universe, 2009 1q, =drabble #010 tease, =drabble, landofthekwt, -gen!fic

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