Entrusted by Esmooria [Oneshot #57]

Nov 19, 2010 01:29

Title: Entrusted
Author: Esmooria
Theme: Tempest
Genre: AU, Drama, Romance
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Word Count: 916
Summary: Kagome speaks with other prisoners and Naraku entrusts Kikyo with something special.

A/N: Part 4 of Willow. The rest of the story can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6394149/1/Willow

She didn’t need to ask if they heard her introduction. They were youkai. Yet, they simply stared at her in silence, making her suddenly feel uncomfortable. Two pairs of golden eyes were glued to her form, one in a stunned expression and the other with something that could only be described as boredom. Opting to find a way to edge away from the uncomfortable situation, her eyes shifted to Shippo, and she found that he seemed to be in stunned silence, as well. “Shippo?” Her voice was soft, but it seemed to do the trick in bringing him out of his thoughts.

“Kagome-sama…what are you doing here?” She visibly cringed at the attached honorific, but she didn’t say anything about it. She never really thought about how the youkai would react to her being here-or about how they might wonder why, other than being ordered to do so.

Her eyes drifted warily to the man quietly standing guard, and she shook her head. “I guess as punishment, for not doing what I’m supposed to do.” Really, the guard had to know anyway. If Naraku knew, there wasn’t much harm in the guard hearing the conversation.

“How’d you get mixed up in all this, anyway? It ain’t as if he goes about rounding up priestesses.” Inuyasha’s rough voice startled Kagome out of her conversation with Shippo; for some reason she hadn’t expected to hear the hanyou speak. Shippo only shook his head; he had just told Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru this earlier!

“Oh.” Her eyes turned down and she began picking at the hem of her ragged clothing. “My sister Kikyo and I were called here with some urgency. We weren’t told what we were needed for, but since it was our duty…we came, no questions asked.” She looked back up at the three of them and gave a weak smile. “We weren’t aware we didn’t have a choice in the matter, and so…here we are.” Her story wasn’t anything different from what Shippo had given the two of them, but Sesshoumaru couldn’t help but feel it was different somehow, coming for her. Despite the redundancy, he was actually quite glad Inuyasha had asked.

Closing his eyes, he leaned his head against the bars and let out a soft sigh. “Kagome,” he murmured. His eyes weren’t open to see how far hers had widened, but the sight might have caused him to chuckle-it sure had that effect on Shippo.

“Yes, erm…?”

“Sesshoumaru,” he supplied, and he could’ve sworn he actually heard her smile. Ridiculous, he corrected himself.

“Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama?” She thought it looked like he smiled when she added the honorific, though it had to be a trick of the light. He didn’t look like the type of person who smiled.

“Freedom is not attainable for you if you so willingly join the enemies of your captor.”

Her grip tightened on the bars, and she closed her eyes. He thought she didn’t know that? But still…something in his tone caused her to pause. It was like he was trying to tell her something-but she had absolutely no idea what that might be.

“Sesshoumaru, what’re you getting at?” Inuyasha grumbled, but silence was his only answer.

“You’re not hiding your curiosity very well, Kikyo.” Naraku chuckled as he dangled the glowing object just above her head, though Kikyo forced herself to keep her eyes ahead, as she always did.

“Nothing of yours could hold any interest for me.” Despite her usual levelheadedness, Kikyo couldn’t help but glance up at the glowing jewel. Her gaze only lasted a second, but it was enough to bait Naraku into going on.

“Oh, is that so?” He smirked, taking a step closer to her. This time, she succeeded in keeping her eyes forward. “Hold out your hand.”

Hesitatingly, Kikyo did as she was told. Bruises covering her body made the movement stiff, but those very same bruises were what made her obey in the first place. To her surprise, Naraku dropped the sparkling jewel directly in her hand. It didn’t pass her notice that he hadn’t been touching the jewel directly; she wasn’t sure if this mattered or not, but she filed it away in her memory…just in case.

“To what do I owe the honor?” Her question was laced with sarcasm, but Naraku didn’t seem to notice.

“I need someone to keep an eye on it for me, until I find need for it.”

A slender brow arched skeptically in his direction, but she said nothing. Just then, a loud commotion could be heard coming from the dungeon-and the fact that it could be heard even in Naraku’s quarters was certainly something amazing.

Almost on cue, a quiet knock could be heard. “Come in,” Naraku said, and Miroku entered. His face was calm, but the nervousness in his aura was detectable to both parties.

“There is a…problem, in the dungeon. It is my belief that smoothing out the issue may require the hand of two mikos.” It was true that the tempest had gotten quite out of hand-but really, Miroku wanted to see the two sisters reunited, even for the briefest of moments.
Naraku’s eyes flickered to Kikyo for an instant before he inclined his head. Kikyo arose, putting the Shikon no Tama around her neck and tucking it inside her kimono. Miroku took hold of her chains and led her out, and Kikyo breathed a sigh of relief as the jewel pulsated underneath her kimono. Finally.

-drama, -alternate universe, =oneshot #057 tempest, =oneshot, -romance, esmooria, 2010 4q

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