Close Quarters by Esmooria [Oneshot #56]

Nov 04, 2010 22:52

Title: Close Quarters
Author: Esmooria
Theme: Seduction
Genre: AU, Drama, Romance
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,234
Summary: Naraku gives out orders while Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru have their usual little spat.

A/N: This is the third part of my newest serial, Willow. The beginning chapters can be found here:

Red eyes glared upon her master as the closed fan made its way to her chin. She studied him, scrutiny in her gaze as she awaited his reaction. This was all despicable-he was despicable-and she hated the fact that every moment spent alive was spent serving him.

“Are you most certain the monk has thoughts of treachery?” His cool gaze was enough to send a shiver down her spine, but she refused to give him the cruel satisfaction.

“I only told you what I know,” she spit back, rolling her eyes. “He told the miko that he thought your plan to move her wasn’t because you thought she’d learn to hate youkai. He said he thought it was some form of torture.” She opened her fan, then closed it again, knowing it was of no use in this room. Crossing the threshold meant losing any demonic ability she might have possessed; it was an extra precaution Naraku took to make sure his creations didn’t turn on him.

“You will learn if he plans to betray us by helping the girl,” he decided finally, waving a hand to dismiss her. “See to it, Kagura.”

Kagura huffed, throwing her hip out slightly as her arms crossed, the fan dangling from her hand as if it were an extension of her arm. “How exactly do you expect me to do that? It’s not as if the monk would discuss any form of betrayal with your second-in-command.” It was obvious to her-but Naraku only laughed darkly.

“Miroku’s weakness is women. You, my dear Kagura, happen to be a woman. Use it to your advantage. It is my belief that he will tell a woman anything she wants to hear under the proper circumstances. I’m sure, though you lack any experience whatsoever, you will at least be able to seduce the monk into telling you what I need to know.” At this he stood, making his way towards her, and stopped right in front of her. “Do not forget you work for me; you will get me the information I desire.” He waved his hand in dismissal again, and she knew if she didn’t leave this time, there would be consequences.

Wide, green eyes stared between the bars of his cell, both entranced and horrified. Shippo grasped the bars, pressing up against them as far as he could. “Seriously, guys-calm down!” he whispered; he could already hear the footsteps leading towards the dungeon, and he did not want to see these two have to undergo punishment after such a short time here.

But they wouldn’t have it. Inuyasha’s back was pressed against the stone wall, and Sesshoumaru’s was pressed against the front of the cell, tattered fabric swaying in and out of their small personal prison. They didn’t have much room, so even though at opposite sides they stood only a few paces away, and each brother’s glare spelled the other’s death.

“You’ve always been a stain upon our family,” Sesshoumaru calmly stated, though his eyes were burning. Shippo couldn’t help but marvel at how calmly he could insult his brother. “And now, you’ve gotten the great daiyoukai of the west imprisoned because of your insolence.”

Inuyasha growled, ears laying back on his head as he reached for a sword…that wasn’t there. His eyes momentarily widened; he’d forgotten that Tetsusaiga had been taken from him upon their capture, just as Bakusaiga and Tenseiga had been taken from Sesshoumaru. His momentary confusion was quickly replaced with anger, however.

“Shut up, you ba-”

“Shhh!” Shippo’s quiet whisper seemed to get the two stubborn males’ attention better than his shouts had, but part of that might have been because of the loud click the door made, accompanied by the sweet smell of Kagome.

Inuyasha grumbed, but immediately slid down, and Sesshoumaru took back his former position against the stone wall perpendicular to Inuyasha’s. Folding his arms over his chest, he stared out the cell as if nothing had happened-though, Inuyasha was not so quick to recover.

Shippo couldn’t even figure out what had set the two off; all he had done was ask about their family.

Miroku cleared his throat, and suddenly the entire dungeon went quiet. He was unsure whether it was out of respect for him, respect for Kagome…or the fear of punishment. He decided that the latter two were highly more likely than the first.

“Higurashi Kagome has been ordered to a cell down here. She will now be residing with all the youkai,” he began, making eye contact with each of the prisoners as he spoke, “so it would do you all well to be on your best behavior.” At this point, he looked at both Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru, and Sesshoumaru couldn’t help but wonder if they’d been a bit louder than he had speculated.

Just as before, Kagome kept her head down as Miroku led her to the cell. He unlocked the door, and then turned and unlocked her chains, and she went without struggling into her cell and immediately sat down. “I’ve been instructed to inform you that the bars of your cell have been cursed with the same magic that the chains were, and any attempt at escape will only bring your pain.”

It was a lie; the bars were only meant to eliminate a youkai’s ability-but Naraku knew after the pain the chains had caused her at her attempted escape that she would not try it if she believed the same was true of the bars. Miroku could only hope that his wording was sufficient enough to do as he was told-but show her the truth as well.

“I understand,” she murmured. Sesshoumaru closed his eyes, realizing he was in danger of staring. Of course, this had to be due to the fact that her scent was most pleasing, and not because he felt any attraction of her whatsoever. And even if he did find her attractive, that would only be because she was the only female located in this dungeon; it certainly wasn’t because of any personal qualities she herself held.

With another click, the cell was locked. “I will be back daily to make sure your needs are being met, Kagome-sama, as well as carrying out any punishments deemed necessary.” He gave her a short bow and left, leaving Kagome once again bewildered, still feeling that the considerations he was giving her were not fit for a slave…though that wasn’t to say she didn’t appreciate them.

For the first time, Kagome looked up, observing her surroundings before allowing a smile to blossom. Slender fingers wrapped around the bars, and she pressed her forehead against them, focusing in on the only two youkai she didn’t recognize.
“My name is Kagome,” she whispered, edging as close to the bars as she possibly could, longing to reach out and touch them. She didn’t though, and couldn’t-not only was the distance too great, as they were in the cell across from her, a pathway in between them, but she knew what youkai did under the touch of a miko, and she didn’t wish to see them cringe for fear of purification. I’m not like that, she told herself, but when her eyes flickered to the youkai from earlier, who looked at her with no ill-will despite what she had done, she had to wonder: Or am I?

=oneshot #056 seduction, -drama, -alternate universe, =oneshot, -romance, esmooria, 2010 4q

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