Underneath the monster by JeniNeji [Oneshot#56]

Nov 04, 2010 21:45

Title: Underneath the monster
Author: JeniNeji
Prompt: Seduction
Genre:  dark, horror
Rating: M
Words: 1319
Warnings: Language and mention of adult themes.
A/N: Part of Phantom!
Summary: Kagome is taken by Naraku again and no one to save her.

Kagura’s red eyes watched with unhidden tediousness as Naraku displayed himself before the young Higurashi girl. His eyes were set in the young miko, his obsession bordering into ridiculous. This was a mere slip of a child who was terrified of him. The girl hid away under the dark covers as best as she could as Naraku tried his seductive dance. It was futile. She, better than anyone else, knew it was not the child who was wrong but Naraku. His smirks and the sick gleam in his eyes were incapable of seducing a whore. He was that bad.

Naraku’s torture against this family was a mystery to her. She had been born of him and had traveled with him since she was born and the Higurashi name was a completely new to her. Perhaps it was the Shrine what interested her Master, but if that was the case, why didn’t he disown them and throw them away? Was his purpose, maybe, the child growing in Mrs. Higurashi’s body? Was he trying to produce an offspring with spiritual powers?  It seemed impossible, he was hanyou after all, but when had her boss been mentally sane or stable?

The wind demoness continued to watch the exchange with a mix of fury and helplessness. She knew the girl was near hysterics but she also knew that things would only grow worst for them both if she were to interfere. Not only her life would be forfeited but Naraku would surely find joy torturing the girl even more in reprimand.

She closed her ears to the sobs and she closed her eyes to trashing the miko was doing in her foolish and futile attempt for escape. Unbidden tears crept up to her eyes but she held them at bait. She couldn’t help but feel identified with the sobbing child. Like her, she was bound to this animal and was obliged to do his will. Like her, she was nothing more than a piece of trash meant to do his task and remain silent and submissive. Like her, she had her heart broken or more precisely, she had no heart. Her heart was an orb hidden under the villain’s sleeve to be crushed at his wimp.

She, Kagura, felt as if it was her Naraku was raping.

Sesshomaru paced the small cage in frustration. He had begun to feel auras again and what he found was nothing he liked. In the upper floor of the Shrine in the farthest room to the right two auras battled each other violently. He could feel how the miko’s aura, ancient in strength, fought whole-heartedly against the half-breed which tortured it. The miko’s aura was no longer calm and soothing as it had once been but was a raging storm no longer tied to its center. It was a tornado gurgling down the ocean in its ire.

He could feel the pain in the aura; he could smell the despair and panic. He was at the border of a berserker-state. His beast more subdued due to his lack of youki but at the same time more synchronized with his thoughts, raged hell in its attempt to be free and save the miko. He knew the beast depended on the miko for survival and as a dish side, so did him.

He was a demon with logic and wealth. He could somehow survive the change of time and the troll in his mind but he knew, without a doubt, that his beast could not. As a result, Sesshomaru without his beast was a dead youkai, because without it he was no one. This forced him to work with alongside his beast for the first time ever.

A dying shrill made his ears twitch and he turned to the side of the cage and pressed his ears. He could hear the hoarse voice of a woman echoing between the walls. He recognized the voice, and he felt the desolation on the woman’s cry. She was begging for mercy, she was begging for her daughter to be returned to her.

He could hold his composure no longer and he once again howled with all the strength his vocal cords could manage. After he received no answer he howled again, hoping against hope to be heard and to be released. He was welcomed with a desolated silence once again. He remained invisible to all except the miko, and she will not help him in any way this time. She was the one begging for help, help who apparently won’t reach her in time.

He continued to pace, his desperation growing faster than the weeds in spring until a hesitant voice captured all of his attention.

“Dog?” a woman’s voice deep with pain and tears asked, “Is that you?”

Sesshomaru growled a warning and a greeting, he was in the mood for blood and he didn’t want nothing else but be free from this cage and a nice hanyou dinner.

“Do you hear what they are doing to her?” the woman cried and accused at the same time, “why aren’t you doing anything? I thought you would help us, save her!”

Sesshomaru growled inhumanly and trashed against the cage making the cage jump from the wet basement floor in his anger. This woman knew nothing!

Mrs. Higurashi seeing he was as caged as she was in this Shrine moved to the cage and began to look for a way to open the wooden cage, “I even offer my body for you to eat demon, but please, spare my daughter” cried the woman as she searched in vain for a claw or a lock, “Damn! How do I open this?!”

The woman’s insanity drove her to claw against the cage but she only succeeded in breaking a few nails and bloodying her hands. Her eyes could no longer see what she was doing. She was merely following her heart’s cry.

Sesshomaru realized the woman’s real nature. She was as human as Rin had once been. She had no miko energy in her blood and she was unable to see the spell-lock in the cage. He growled, barked and whined trying to direct her in the right direction but nothing was working. The woman was simply too out of herself. She even resembled an insane youkai in this moment.

So Sesshomaru tried, for the first time ever, to surpass the limitations of his animalistic form, much more in this decaying state. He opened his mouth and pushed air out of it, but it came as nothing. He closed his mouth and coughed, then tried again, and again, and again, until finally:

“The-sp-ell-,” Sesshomaru voiced his voice more of a mix of a well tuned howl than anything else, “He-e-re”. It was then when Sesshomaru scratched the place where the spell was inscribed.

The woman surfaced out if her stunned amazement and flew to the place, “Here?” the woman asked and pressed her hands together but a sharp jolt pushed her away and she fell to the wall with a loud thud before she fell to the floor unconscious. Blood began to flow down from her head, slowly, but steadily coming towards him.

He felt himself panicking; he couldn’t allow this woman, his future Retainer’s mother die. While he was frying his brain for an option he froze as he finally hit the nail.

He waited, and continued to wait until his desired wine finally reached him.

He licked the woman’s blood as if tasting the sweetest milk; he imagined the blood tasted like the blood of the low-life he was going to kill soon; as if it were the taste of the young miko’s mouth and soul.

Then, the expected force of his youki awakening hit him and he grumbled in joy. He felt his upper limbs extend painfully and he knew, for certain, he had recovered another part of what he once was.

=oneshot #056 seduction, -dark!fic, -alternate universe, =oneshot, -hentai, 2010 4q, jenineji

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