Secretly Expecting by aimee_blue [drabble#109]

Oct 18, 2010 20:46

Title: Secretly Expecting
Author: aimee_blue
Prompt: Tuck
Rating: T
Words: 400
Genre: Romance Drama
Summary: AU. The Higurashi family dwells on births and deaths.

Regrouping in the Higurashi’s kitchen, the extended family basked in the presence of each other and revelled in the safety of home. They were practically falling out of the tiny kitchen’s ears, due to the slightly belated arrival of Inuyasha and Kikyo who were in the mood for sharing honeymoon photos and tales to a melancholy family who were in the mood to listen.

Kagome was sharing a chair with Sesshoumaru, mirrored by Mee with her daughter Rin, and Kikyo and Inuyasha had claimed the rocking chair. Grandpa was sat in his special cushioned seat and Mama mulled around the main kitchen, dodging legs and heads in a bid to put dinner on the table. Habitually people offered to help her, but she seemed to be the only person able to negotiate this many people in a closed space without a calamity.

Kagome, nestled in the safe embrace of Sesshoumaru, surrounded by her family, permitted herself a slight smile as she listened to Kikyo complain about how Inuyasha refused to get into the pool with her - something about getting water in his ears.

Inuyasha, arms still looped around the waist of his new bride, tucked his chin into her shoulder and called everyone’s attention. Kikyo spoke, “I can remember the day of Rin’s birth,” she spoke quietly, gazing affectionately at Rin, “Souta was so happy, he loved children, probably why he and Mee had Rin so soon after getting married. But, right after Mee had fallen asleep, he and I were the only ones in the room and he was holding Rin like she was his entire world.”

This was tradition - they would all share a good memory of Souta on this day and bask in the happiness he had bestowed upon their lives.

“Souta told me that I was stupid for not wanting children, that I should experience for myself the joy of seeing my eyes copied in another’s face. And now, I finally can, we’re pregnant!”

Kagome laughed happily as everyone sprung to hug her cousin, nestling back into Sesshoumaru’s embrace subconsciously.

Mrs Higurashi turned her eyes on the pair, “You two next!”

“Okasan!” Kagome blushed bright red and hid behind Sesshoumaru’s hair.

“Rin would like a cousin!”

Had Souta been alive to see it, he would have loved this example of family togetherness. It was enough to make Kagome forget the sinking feeling that something was amiss.

=drabble #109 tuck, -drama, -alternate universe, -romance, =drabble, 2010 4q, aimee blue

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