Relocated by Esmooria [Oneshot #55]

Oct 17, 2010 19:22

Title: Relocated
Author: Esmooria
Theme: Flourish
Genre: AU, Drama, Romance
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,223
Summary: Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha learn a little bit more about Kagome, while Kagome is told about her new location.

A/N: This is the continuation of my newest serial, Willow. The first chapter can be found here:

“What?” Inuyasha’s ears flattened at the newest addition to their conversation. Who asked him? He was about to say as much, when Sesshoumaru cut in more quickly-much to Inuyasha’s surprise.

“She is here often?” His eyes were now glued to the cell next to his own; neither brother had taken much interest in it before now.

“Yeah, she’s sent here about once a week, always to give punishment to some poor youkai who hasn’t really done anything. The owner’s a glutton for other’s suffering, and Kagome knows it. It’s why she’s decided to live as a prisoner instead of a resident in the castle up above.”

“That girl is a prisoner by choice?” Inuyasha asked incredulously. Who would do such a thing to themselves?

“Well-kinda. She ‘n her sister were called upon request, and when she found out what they were asking of her, she tried to bail. They would have none of that, so they chained her-her sister too. They’ve both been here for years, though he keeps the sister in the mansion with him as some sort of twisted definition of a slave.”

“Where does the girl-Kagome-have to stay?” Inuyasha eyed his half-brother with much speculation. He’d known Sesshoumaru his whole life, and he’d never really been one to partake in conversations-unless he was intrigued. Maybe it was just the fact that being locked in a cell together for a week was driving him to the point of so much boredom that he felt he had to talk-or maybe, Inuyasha didn’t know Sesshoumaru as well as he thought he did.

The redhead lifted up a shoulder in some sort of shrug. “Eh, no one knows. She’s not allowed to talk much.”

“How’d you get your information, then?” Inuyasha had now completely turned so that he was facing the redhead; he had to admit he was pretty intrigued, too.

“When you’ve been here as long as I have, you’ve got your way of getting information.” Green eyes sparkled with amusement as he looked at the two inuyoukai brothers. “Let’s hope you don’t have to find that out though, hm?” When the two exchanged a look, but said nothing, he only grinned, sticking a clawed hand through the bars. “Name’s Shippo. I’ve been here for about fifty years, and man is it getting old.”

“I’m Inuyasha-and I’d better never be able to say that statement.” The hanyou grinned in spite of his situation. At least now he had someone to talk to other than the prick he was forced to share a cell with.

Shippo’s eyes traveled towards Sesshoumaru, and it was clear that he was waiting for an introduction. Sesshoumaru lifted his eyes up and inclined his head. “Sesshoumaru,” he murmured, then returned to his silence.

“Nice to meet you both,” Shippo murmured, then let his hand fall back to his lap since neither brother had found it necessary to shake the kitsune’s hand.

“She did it again?” Anger mixed with annoyance in the man’s voice before he heaved a sigh at the girl’s insolence. “When will she understand that each time she lets a youkai off easy, she attains a punishment herself?” No doubt the punishment for her was less painful than the punishment he was trying to exact on the youkai below-still, he was reluctant to send Kikyou down in her place. After all, he didn’t want anything to happen to his toy.

The monk lowered his head with a nod. Every time he reported Kagome’s misbehavior, he couldn’t help the twinge of guilt that generated deep within him. “Yes, sir,” he murmured, only saying as much as he needed to in order to appease the man before him.

Soon, a smirk passed over the man’s face, and he chuckled, causing Miroku to look up with a start. “There is an empty cell downstairs-is there not?”

“Y-yes sir.” Violet eyes watched Naraku with care before he turned his back, only giving Miroku a glance before walking away.

“Kagome will be relocated there. Surely when she lives with the despicable creatures, she will want to punish them, instead of being disobedient.”

“But that’s no place for a lady!” Miroku blurted out, completely taken aback by Naraku’s new order. “Especially a human lady!”

Naraku stopped, turning ever so slightly to look at the monk. “She is merely a slave, Miroku. It would do you well not to forget that; she is beneath both you and I. My orders will be carried out,” he asserted, and Miroku’s head dropped.

“Yes, sir.” With that, Naraku turned and continued walking to his quarters, knowing he would certainly gain some amusement when Kagome would have to punish the youkai after growing even closer to them.

“I don’t have to stay by myself anymore? I get to stay with the others?” Kagome’s hopeful eyes were enough to practically break Miroku’s heart. He certainly didn’t feel like she was beneath him-especially knowing what she was about to go through. Hope flourished deep within Kagome’s soul, only to die at the look from Miroku.

“He says it is so that you will learn what types of creatures you are attempting to defend-and so that you will want to punish them.” Kagome’s head tilted to the side slightly, her shoulders still sagging from the weight of the chains.

“But you believe differently?” she inquired gently, resisting the urge to place her hand on his arm as she asked. Even after being there for years, it was hard to remember her place-she was a slave, below the rest of them. She didn’t see it that way, but she knew that they did. She’d learned her lesson long ago with a beating that had ensued after touching someone’s shoulder; it was hard to imagine that Miroku would, but then again she could never say for sure who she could really trust.

“…I do.” He lowered his head-as well as his voice-before speaking. Even he didn’t know who he could trust in the place. He was employed, not enslaved-but there was no guarantee on how long that would last. “It is my belief that he only wishes to torture you by making you punish those you become close with.” He was pretty sure no one heard him-after all, Naraku despised all types of youkai, and so only employed humans to work with him, and he knew he had spoken too quiet for other humans to hear him.

“Oh…” Kagome sighed, shaking her head before looking up at Miroku and forcing a smile. “Well, at least I won’t be alone anymore. And surely they’ll stop hating me if they know me-and know that I would never harm them if I didn’t have to!” Her words spoke of true optimism-but the slight shaking all over her body spoke differently. Miroku sighed, shaking his own head now.

“They have never hated you, Kagome-sama.” Kagome couldn’t help but make a face at the title-a title he had always given her, even though he had never known her outside of her slavery-but remained silent. It wasn’t her place to correct one of the guards. He took hold of her chains and led her to the dungeon once more. “This way; I’ll show you to your new cell.”

-drama, -alternate universe, =oneshot, -romance, esmooria, =oneshot #055 flourish, 2010 4q

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