Secretly, You Will Protect Me by aimee_blue [oneshot#53]

Sep 22, 2010 19:03

Title: Secretly, You Will Protect Me
Author: aimee_blue
Prompt: Instinct
Words: 1,156
Genre: Romance Drama Humour
Rating: T
Summary: AU. Sesshoumaru makes a vow.

Sesshoumaru draped an arm round Kagome’s trembling shoulders and fitted her into his side in a proprietary manner. As on edge as she was, it was impossible to dispute her belief that something bad was about to happen. Even if he didn’t quite believe her to possess precognition as she claimed, he believed well enough in intuition. But she’d scared herself so much that she hadn’t been able to enjoy the festival properly and they’d ended up leaving early.

But, now that they were heading home he had the curious instinct to take her to his home and ensure that she would be okay. When she was so jumpy he didn’t want to leave her alone. Not that he’d admit to the extremely embarrassing protective urges he had been experiencing as of late when it came to Kagome. Brows furrowed, he dismissed the thought that he was behaving like a bonded male and led her to his home.

A fairly wilting Kagome barely noticed that the path he was steering her down was not the road to home, she was too occupied by the lingering sense that someone was plotting against her in some way. But, when they entered a tastefully decorated hallway and got into an elevator, she twigged that she definitely wasn’t at her apartment.

“Sesshoumaru?” she asked, tilting her chin so she could scowl adorably up at his cheek stripes - the only part of his face she could see due to how he’d tucked her under his arm, “why am I here?”

Golden eyes peered imperiously down at her. “I desire that you spend the night.”

Kagome’s eyes grew wide; enough that she resembled a startled owl. “B-but I...” speech failed her and she settled for blushing fiercely.

Smirking at how she’d misconstrued his words, he twirled her so she was pressed against the door to his apartment and leaned in to capture her chin between his thumb and forefinger. His other arm braced against the side of her head as he leaned in. “I was not about to suggest such intimacies,” he purred, silver hair cascading around them in a curtain that secluded them from the rest of the world, “but if you desire me, Kagome, I will not deny you.”

Pretty sure that her hair was blushing by this point, she avoided eye contact and swivelled so her back was against his chest, reaching down to open the door, only to find that - naturally - it was locked.

“Just open the door, Sesshoumaru,” she half-whispered, grateful that she had not sounded as squeaky as she had feared, but aggrieved to find that her voice was husky enough to betray her lust. If her scent hadn’t already done that for her.

A clawed hand flattened across her abdomen and pulled her hips back against his as he leaned over her torso in a calculated movement that had her completely caged in against the door. Scowling and blushing with equal severity, she watched as his other hand concentrated on sliding the key into the depths of the lock.

As she waited, somewhat impatiently, for him to unlock the door, she was startled into squeaking as his lips found time to pay homage to the expanse of her neck that wasn’t obscured by her furisode.

“S-Sesshoumaru?” she stuttered, her voice an octave higher due to her surprise.

“The key won’t work,” he murmured against the column of her throat, the vibrations of his speech made her tremble.

“You didn’t even turn it,” she protested half-heartedly, sighing contentedly as he nosed the collar of her furisode to one side to expose more of her neck to his questing lips.

It was anyone’s guess how things might have progressed if Kagome hadn’t tensed and trembled; suddenly very aware that the deserted hallway wasn’t quite as deserted as it had been.

The person who’s been stalking us is here?

Straining in Sesshoumaru’s grasp, she peered out from behind his shoulder and blinked, bemused, at their silent spectator.

A little boy of around four stood, just outside an ajar apartment door, staring at them in a bored manner.

“Sesshoumaru!” she barked out as his deft fingers found their way inside her furisode, “There’s a child watching!”

Mildly miffed at the child for ruining his fun, Sesshoumaru bared his fangs at the creature, startling the human into retreating into his own apartment. Deciding that such activities should perhaps be better carried out inside, Sesshoumaru opened the door, amused when Kagome, not expecting him to open the door so abruptly, promptly tumbled into the genkan drunkenly.

His subdued snort caught her ire and she turned her head to poke her tongue out at him irritably.

Closing the door behind him, he prowled over to her, illuminated as she was by the city lights that filtered through his window he could see her plainly, but she was having a harder time making him out and squeaked when he pounced on her, knocking her over onto his sofa and kissing her on the end of her nose.

Kagome’s stomach chose this moment to pipe up with a grumbling growl of hunger and Sesshoumaru’s eyes sparked in amusement as she pressed her hands to her stomach and scowled at the untimely interruption.

“I will make you something,” he vowed solemnly, scowling lightly as Kagome pressed a hand to her mouth in mock-horror.

“I’ll be fine with just some toast,” she hedged, not wanting to push him into cooking something more extravagant.

“Fine,” he nodded, escaping into the kitchen to make toast. Toast was something he was adept at; possibly it was the only thing he could make successfully without burning it.

Plating the toast with a flourish, Sesshoumaru strolled back into the living room only to stop short at the sight of Kagome.

Apparently his time spent in the kitchen had been far too long for the young woman, as she’d fallen asleep on his sofa, curled around his silver cushion, lips parted in contented sleepiness.

Putting the plate on the coffee table, he bent down and scooped her into his arms. She stirred slightly, curling into the warmth of his chest as he carried her into the bedroom, grunting as she nearly threw him off balance as she attempted to wiggle over his shoulder in her sleep.

Finally setting her down in his bed, he climbed in behind her, pausing only to remove her spiky hair pins and loosen her obi so she was more comfortable.

Curled around her tiny frame, he was once again assaulted by the protective urges that he wished to remain secret.

Dropping his face into her hair he basked in her light scent and his eyes glowed red momentarily as he dwelled on her unsettling proclamation that someone was after them. If they were really being targeted, then he would eviscerate their stalker.

Heaven help the man who was foolish enough to attempt to tear him from Kagome.

-alternate universe, =oneshot, -romance, -drama, 2010 3q, -comedy, =oneshot #053 instinct, aimee blue

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