Dream your Dream by Sophie310 [Oneshot #53]

Sep 21, 2010 04:33

Title: Dream your Dreams
          Author: sophie310
          Theme: Instinct
          Genre: Drama, Romance
          Rating:  K+
          Warnings: None
          Word Count: 2,067
          Summary: You can't feel safe.. not even in your dreams
The beginning could be found here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5888837/1/Never_sleep_with_your_boss

Sesshoumaru walked down the hall, wishing that the whole lord's gathering would be finally over. He didn't thought he could deal with ignorance and stupidity of some of them. If he just could to sent them away.. The youkai lord gave a mental sigh. He knew he couldn't-youkai laws didn't allowed that. He would have to endure the foolishness for some time yet.

With a little inward shake the man turned his mind from that train of thoughts. It would do him no good to entertain himself with wishes that were unable to fulfill. His steps slowled as they carried him to his study.

When he left for yet another official meeting, the miko was in the study working over some scroll. Knowing her, he would have a report waiting for him on his desk by now. If something was sure about the girl it was that once she started something she wouldn't stop until she finished her task. It was trait he liked about her.

The paper door of the room finally come to his view when something touched his senses making him stop in his track. What the hell was going on?

The feeling repeated with more strenght and Sesshoumaru run into his study which was filled with the girl's sacred powers. The feel of them on his skin made him shiver unwillingly. They were raw and read for attack. Golden eyes scanned the space until it met the man hurled against the wall. The soldier looked at him helplessly.

"She's having some kind of nightmare, my lord," Kagome's guard explained quickly, "Her powers are preventing me from coming closer and my voice can't wake her."

Sesshoumaru looked back to the desk where the upper half of the miko's body was resting. Her face spoke of absolute terror, tears ran down her cheeks and sweat was clinging to her temples. From time to time a moan was escaping her mouth and everytime her powers would spike a bit.

Never turning his eyes the silver-haired youkai adressed the soldier.

"Find my mother and bring her to the miko's chamber as fast as possible." The man gave short bow running from the room.

Finally left alone, the daiyoukai closed the door behind him and called forth his own powers stepping closer to the sleeping woman. After what seemed like a century he was standing next to her, his hand on her shoulder as he tried to wake her.

"Miko," he called shaking her not so gently. The girl gave short cry her small hands clenched into fist, but her eyes remained closed. He repeated his action with more force, but it only made her powers rise trying to attack his energy. That called for more drastic methods.

The daiyoukai raised her face and without second thought slapped the girl who cried loudly, her eyes shot open at the unaccepted pain.

She looked at him with confusion, her eyes clouded with tears not recognizing him at the moment. She tried to freed herself from his hold, trashing like some trapped animal, her fist beat his chest in hope to lessen his grip. With a small sigh he brought her closer to him trapping her even more in his arms.

"Kagome, you will calm yourself right now," he whispered his order. Her body stilled for a moment, finally realizing where she was. It wasn't two seconds later that e noticed she started to shake again and the smell of salt assaulted his nose.

'Females,' he thought taking the girl in his arms and caring her from the room. He needed answers from her, and he knew she was bond to calm faster in more familiar surroundings. After short walk he arrived to her quarters where his mother was waiting for him.

"I hope you had a good reason to call me so late in the night, boy," she said with annoyed tone.

"You weren't sleeping," the man replied, walking inside, knowing she would follow. He shortly explained the situation.

"I need you to calm her and question her about the matter. I need to know why her power raised so widely." The woman narrowed her eyes at him.

"You could do it by yourself," she accused. The man shrugged elegantly.

"I will question her guard and it's my guess she would prefer a woman's company right now." The lady sighed, but nodded, gathering the crying girl in her arm. Sesshoumaru watched them for a short moment before leaving the room.

"I'm sorry, my lady. I don't know what possessed me to cry like that." The older woman patted girl's head reassuringly.

"Now, now, you're human, it's your way to relieve the stress you're feeling. Now tell me what happened." The little miko frowned trying to remember.

"I was working over some scroll for Sesshoumaru-sama, I remember feeling tired.. I supose I had fell asleep at some point, I had that dream, but.. it didn't feel like a dream, it was too... uh.. it was real." The golden eyes narrowed slightly, the lady's full attention went to the girl's words.

"What did you saw?" she asked. Kagome closed her eyes searching her memory.

"I saw a dog.. a dog who played with a small lizard, it went for a while, but then te lizard started to grow, faster and faster.. until it turned into d-dragon," the miko stopped for a moment taking few calming breaths, before continuing.

"The dragon stopped growing and when that happened it attacked the dog.. he killed him. Then I saw how the dragon started to destroy everything.. villages, people.. he had no mercy and no one could stop him.. then.." her voice cracked a little and tears welled up in her eyes. Kagome blinked them back, angry at the weak display she put on. When did she turned into such a cry-baby?

"Then..?" a voice interrupted her mentall tantrum and girl blushed, returning to her dream.

"Then.. I saw how the dragon attacked my village.. my friends.. all of them.. Inuyasha.. Sango.. Miroku.. their children.. even little Rin.. they were all dead! I tried to move and the dragon looked at me.. and he laughed.. then I woke up," the miko finished, looking up at the other woman. Her golden eyes were narrowed, lips pressed into thin line.

"Have you ever before had any visions?" she asked. The raven-haired girl shook her head in negative reply.

"I see.. very well, go to sleep, you need rest," the youkai said patting girl's head and walking out of the room, not really surprised to see her son leaning on the wall. His face had a stony expression.

"You heard everything I pressume," the lady said. The daiyoukai nodded in reply.

"Could that be a vision, or just another dream?" he asked. The woman shook her head.

"There's no way I can be sure, she said it was first time she had a dream like that, but she's a miko, her powers are strengthening with her age, the visions might be a result of that process, however I possess little knowledge about the subject. A monk or another miko would be more helpful." The man nodded, silently thanking her for her help. He knew she didn't need to hear the words. She gave him small smile.

"Stay with her tonight," she said suddenly.


"If it was a vision and you waked her too early she would dream about it again, and you're only one who would survive with her purification powers raised," the woman explained with slightly playful tone. Sesshouamru groaned.

"Why are they even rising?" he asked before he could stop himself. The question came out like whine, he noticed angrily. His mother only smiled wider.

"Miko's instinct, I suppose.. she saw a killer in her sleep, it was unconscious decision of hers o protect herself at this sight, also.. if that really was a vision.. it might raised in order to protect her in her vulnerable state."

"I see."

"Very well, I'm going to sleep now, I wish you good night, son," with that she turned away and walked out of her son's sight. He stayed in the same spot for a moment before getting her advise walking inside the miko's room.

She was already asleep, the whole thing probably drained her of all energy she had after the long day at work. He didn't mind though. He could imagine how would she react if she saw him entering her room. He remebered how she reacted when he had one time carried her to the bed.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To the bed." Kagome turned his words around her mind few times before shaking her head.

"Oh.. ewww! I won't sleep with you." The man was silent before he tossed her on the bed.

"Like I would lower myself to sleep with a human," he said. Kagome shrugged, cuddling happily into her pillow.

"Whatever, you're not that pretty anyway." she mummbled quickly falling asleep'.

Her words back then still stung his pride, even if he would rather die than admit it, but really if that comment was still bothering him, he didn't need new one. Leaning on the near wall more comfortably, he gazed at her sleeping form.

She looked so.. small laying in that room, almost like a child. With her face still slightly flushed from the previous tears, the sight made his own instinct stir a bit. The girl looked like someone who needed to be protected and the animal in him was quite willing to accept this role. Sesshoumaru's eyebrows furrowed once he caught himself on that thought. From where it did come from, anyway?

The miko stirred a bit, to his dismay blinking few times before opening her eyes and looking right at him.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, what are you doing here?" she asked quietly.

"Nothing you should concern yourself, go back to sleep." The girl sighed curling into her pillow a little. He was sure she had fallen asleep when her voice reached him again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to make troubles," she said sadly. The man shrugged.

"It's of no consequence."

The silence fell over them for a long time, before Kagome spoke once again.

"Could you let me go to the village tomorrow? I know I didn't asked about it earlier, but after what I saw... I need to know they're okay." He understood that desire, after he heard Rin's name he was planing to visit the place himself.

"We would depart tomorrow's morning." Kagome smiled a little into her pillow.

"Thank you," she whispered before falling back to sleep.


"Miko stop squirming, if you wish for this Sesshoumaru to not drop you," Kagome looked up at him with horror written all over her face.

"You wouldn't do that, would you?" she asked. He looked down at her with a look that clearly stated that he would drop her without second thought. The girl grimaced a bit turning away from him.

"Why do we have t even travel on that cloud-y thing of yours? Couldn't I took Ah-un? I'm sure he wouldn't mind a little trip," she asked trying to not look down on the fst moving ground.

"It would only made our depart more noticeable, I did not wish for it." Kagome sighed, she really couldn't argue with that. If someone spotted their depart would cause a lot of rumors and probably troubles. She didn't need that, nor Sesshoumaru. Beside they weren't that from the village, she could survive it.

The travel was indeed short and before Kagome realized it, Sesshoumaru were lowering his cloud to land in the middle of Kaede's village. She smiled when she noticed familiar faces in the gathering crowd.

Quickly she jumped to the ground, smiling happily at the thought of seeing her dear friends, when a pair of amber eyes stopped her. They were glaring at her, in the way she didn't liked.

"Inuyasha.." The haynou's eyes turned from her to Sesshoumaru, before returning to her.

"What the hell?" the boy yelled and Kagome sighed with defeat.

Perhaps their depart went unnoticed, but troubles seemed to follow her anyway.

Just her luck.

"What is he doing here Kagome?" the boy yelled again pointing at his half brother, who glared at him in return.

The miko resigned herself to her fate.
"Well.. uhh.. you see Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru is my new employer."

AN: O.O I debated if Inuyasha should faint after the last sentence, but I leave it open for your imagination :)

-drama, -canon universe, =oneshot, 2010 3q, -romance, =oneshot #053 instinct, sophie310

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