A Secret Shared by aimee_blue [drabble#105]

Sep 20, 2010 21:22

Title: A Secret Shared
Author: aimee_blue
Prompt: Scam
Rating: T
Genre: Drama Romance
Words: 200
Summary: AU. Kagome reveals a little and Sesshoumaru reassures.

“It’s a scam,” Sesshoumaru declared obstinately as they passed the fortune telling booth at the festival.

“No,” Kagome corrected, “she is a scam.”

A silver brow arched carefully at her assertion. “Indeed?”

Folding her arms across her chest, Kagome frowned down at the hem of her red yukata, a little crease forming between her brows. “My family can see the future,” she announced, “All those with blue eyes are supposed to be gifted,” Kagome hedged, playing with the fan Sesshoumaru had won for her from one of the stalls.

“Your eyes are blue,” Sesshoumaru pressed, feeling his way around the edges of yet another of Kagome’s secrets, “so, you can see the future?”

“It’s not as exact as that,” Kagome protested, hide her blushing cheeks with her fan; she’d never intended to tell Sesshoumaru any of this.


“Right now,” Kagome muttered, casting an anxious glance around the festival, “all I feel is that someone is watching us... something bad is coming.”

Sesshoumaru was a sceptic at heart, but Kagome was edgy; her tiny shoulders were hunched as if she was freezing, though the night was balmy.

“We will be fine,” he pledged, cupping her cheek tenderly.

“I hope so...”

-drama, -alternate universe, 2010 3q, -romance, =drabble, =drabble #105 scam, aimee blue

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