Rescue by Nisee39 [Drabble #105]

Sep 15, 2010 01:26

Title:  Rescue
Author: Nisee39
Theme: Scam
Genre: Angsty Fluff
Rating:  G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 200
Summary: She thought the fairy tale was no longer within her grasp, but a voice reached out and rescued her from the darkness.


Fate was a cheat.

She had committed her youth and her heart to keeping the very fabric of existence together and fate had swindled her with promises of a ‘happily ever after’ that it wretched away mere moments after victory.

What did she have to look forward to now?

Sitting in the damp darkness at the bottom of a now worthless well, Kagome longingly traced names in the dirt while she ached to see their faces once more. Tears burned a familiar path down her cheeks and she wished to the darkness around her that she had never played fate’s fickle game.

“Why would you wish for such things?”

The warm, rich baritone of his voice wrapped around her and she dared not blink or breathe in fear that he would vanish in that instant.

“Sesshoumaru?” Her whisper betraying both hope and fear.

In the blackness of the night she could only see the amber of his eyes, but he was there. She reached up and felt hope blossom in her chest as he pulled her out of the well.

“I am here.” his words a balm for her broken heart.

And she finally had something to look forward to.

-canon universe, 2010 3q, =drabble, nisee39, -angst, =drabble #105 scam, -fluff

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