Secret Desires Chapter 3 Object Of Anger (Wanted Challenge)

Sep 06, 2010 15:14

Title: Secret Desires 
Author: Sessy21
Prompt: WANTED! Challenge - Partners In Crime
Genre: Romance, Adventure, kink
AU/CU: Canon Universe
Rating: MA
Warnings: Sexual situation, adult content, Profanity...... 
Word Count: 1576
Summary:  Kagome goes home to get a pregnacy test.

Kagome tensed as she sensed his stare, hair rising on the back of her neck. She glanced over her shoulder, and sure enough Inuyasha was staring straight at her.

*What is with him * She thought to herself and continued walking.

They walked for another three hours before stopping for lunch. The others looked on as Kagome grabbed bar of chocolate and a bottle of water, then moved away from them claiming the smell of their lunch made her head hurt. Sango cast a worried look in her direction.

“ Kagome has been acting strangely for almost a month now. Do you think she upset about something?” Sango asked, turning toward Miroku. Miroku sighed.

“ My dear sweet Sango, I'm sure Kagome is alright. She's probably still mad at Inuyasha for running off with Kikyo again.” He said and slipped his arm around her.

Sango slapped his arm away. Kagome ripped her candy bar open and stared up into the sky. It had been two months since Kagome and Sesshomaru had been together and Kagome had a feeling she would be seeing him again real soon, and not for pleasure. If she was right about what she though, it was half his fault as well.  When the village came into view the group split up, Kagome heading for the well and the others for the hut that the villagers had built from them. Kagome was startled when Shippo hopped onto her shoulder.

“ Are you okay Kagome?” He asked looking into her eyes. Kagome smile at him. Over the years he had become a so to her and she couldn't imaging loving anyone more.

“ I'm fine Shippo. I'm only going home for a few hours, then I'll be right back.” She assured him and ruffled his hair. They chatted until the were at the mouth of the well.

“ I'll wait here until you get back Kagome!” Shippo promised and hopped down. Kagome shook her head.

“ I'd rather you went back to the others and just came back in three hours. That way I wont worry about anything happening to you while I'm gone.” They said their goodbyes and kagome watched Shippo race across the field. Kagome jumped into the well, all her worries coming back as the blue light engulfed her. Kagome hurried down the shrine steps with out looking back. Ten minutes later, she walked into the local pharmacy, her head covered in her hoodie, to preserve her identity. She walked down the feminine isle, stopping at the pregnancy tests. With a covert look at the cashier she grabbed three of the most expensive ones.

She kept her head down as the older man wrung up her items, his face disapproving. She hurried from the store and into a near by fast food joint. Once she was safely in the bathroom the stall door locked behind her, she took all three tests, praying for one blue line and not two. The two minutes were the longest of her life. When her watch beeped signaling the end of the waiting period, Kagome took a deep breath and turned to look at the results.

* Please be blue, please be blue * She looked down and burst into tears. All three test had two dark pink almost red lines in their windows.

“ I'm pregnant” she whisper faintly, sliding to sit on the bathroom floor. She sat there for a hour, her mind in a fog when she remember her promise to shippo. * He'll worry if I'm not back in time * she thought and climbed to her feet. She threw the test in the trash and slowly made her way back the shrine. She looked at her house wondering if she should go in, but decided against it.

When she landed back on the other side of the well, as she suspected, Shippo was there and waiting. She climbed out and took him into her arms. Shippo rattled on about everything that had happened while Kagome had been away and She listen intently a smile on her face. They were at the edge of the village when a flash of white caught Kagome's attention. She looked to her left and there, in all his arrogant beauty, stood the father of her child. Shippo trembled in her arms as Sesshomaru approached. He stopped a foot from her and looked down at Shippo.

“ I need to speak to the miko alone. Leave us.” He commanded. Shippo trembled hard and shook his head.

“ I w..wont let you her Kagome!” he vowed. Kagome smiled down at him.

“ Its okay Shippo. Sesshomaru isn't going to hurt me, wait form my down there this wont take long.” She promised and pointed to the bottom of the hill. Shippo hope to the ground and ran down the hill, turning to watch them when he reached the bottom. Kagome turned her attention to Sesshomaru who was staring at her stomach.

“ You carry my child.” He stated. Kagome nodded and looked away.

“ I'm keeping my baby Sesshomaru. I wont ask you claim it or anything like that.” She told him, her head bowed. Sesshomaru growled and closed the distance between them.

“ I would never abandon a child of mine. You have until sundown to be ready to leave.” He informed her and turned to go. Kagome grabbed his arm.

“ Go! I can't leave my friends, they need me.” She declared. Sesshomaru turned to face her.

“ Naraku is dead. They do not need you to reclaim the last shards of the jewel. I will not allow you to risk the life of my child, running around the country side with that half wit Inuyasha.” He told her calmly. Kagome flushed with anger.

“ I don't need You to allow me to do anything! I'm an adult and you have no say in what I do with myself or My child.” She yelled and turned away from him. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at her back.

“ We both participated in the child’s conception. I will not be deprived of my child, if you will not give the babe to me than we will simply be partners and raise the child together.” Sesshomaru stated watching Kagome's face.

“ We can try, but I' not your servant you can't order me around like that. I had planned to tell the others any way so that isn't a problem, but if I come with you its only because you know more about demon pregnancies than I do and I don't want anything happening to my baby.” She said glaring at him. Sesshomaru was quite for so long Kagome thought he wouldn't respond.

“ Fine. I will still be here at sundown to collect you. We will travel to my land from there.” He waited for Kagome to agree before taking his leave. Kagome didn't notice Shippo's approach until his voice cut threw her thoughts.

“ Your going to take me with you right?” He asked staring at her with pleading eyes.

“ Of course I am Shippo. I would never willingly leave you behind.” She promise and scooped him up. When they reached the hut that their small group shared Shippo looked up into Kagomes eyes.

“ Inuyasha is going to be mad.” He said solemnly. Kagome nodded.

“ I know sweetheart, but everything’s going to be okay.” She told him. They walked into the hut and Kagome cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. When all here friends turned to face her, Kagome jumped right in and told them everything, ending with her deciding to go leave with Sesshomaru and taking Shippo with her. Both Sango and Miroku were shocked , but they agreed it would be best for Kagome to stay with Sesshomaru while until her baby was born. It was safer that way everyone agree. Kagome risked a glance at Inuyasha, who had been silent the whole time.

“ Inuyasha I wasn't trying to...” She started, but an angry Inuyasha cut her off.
“ Save it! I don't want to hear anything you have to say to me you bitch! What you decide that since I don't want you, you'd go and fuck my bastard half brother!: He raged. Kagome took a step back.

“ It wasn't like that Inuyasha. Just let me explain!” Kagome pleaded. Inuyasha marched angrily to her side and grabbed her by the arms, his claws digging into her tender flesh.

“ Kikyo always said you were a whore! I just never listened.” Inuyasha's face contorted with rage and Kagome thought he was going to hit her. Miroku and Sango were climbing to their feet intending to help Kagome, when Inuyasha was tossed across the room.

“ You dare attack the mother of MY child Inuyasha!” Everyone turned toward the hut's entranced and stared as an enraged Demon Lord walked in an made his way to pass Kagome. She grabbed his arm as he walked by.

“ Please don't. He don’t mean any of it, lets just go.” Kagome pleaded. Sesshomaru growled, but nodded and lead her out of the hut.

“ Wait for me. You said I could come with you Kagome!” Shippo's voice cried from the hut. He raced outside and jumped into her arms. Kagome faced Sesshomaru

“ I won't go with out him.” She said. Sesshomaru nodded and took them both into his arms, taking to the air.

-canon universe, 2010 3q, -romance, -hentai, sessy21, -friendship, *wanted challenge

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