Her Unwanted Savior Chapter 2 Point of No Return ( Damsel In Distress Challange)

Sep 01, 2010 21:05

Title: Her Unwanted Savior

Author: Sessy21

Prompt: Damsel In Distress- Damsel In Despair


AC/UC: Conon Universe


Warning:Adult content

Word Count: 509

Summary: Kagome's captors decide to give her to Lord Sesshomaru.

Link: www.dokuga.com/famfiction/story/4345/2

 Kagome's spirits dropped even farther as Kazuya stepped into the room. He looked her over and picked up a drying sheet.

“ Lord Shin is ready to depart. Come.” He commanded holding the sheet open. Kagome glanced around from her place in the tub. Seeing nothing else to cover herself with she cleared her throat and spoke.

“ If you will leave the sheet there, I'll dry myself.” Kagome said in a small voice. Kazuya thought form a moment then dropped the sheet back to the pile.

“ You have three minutes.” He informed her.

Kagome climbed from the tub as Kazuya disappeared through the door. She dried herself with the sheet, her movements jerky and quick. She had just wrapped herself in the sheet when the old woman returned. She curled her lip at Kagome and snatched the sheet away. Kagome tried to cover her privates with her hands, the hag laughed and threw a bundle toward her, hitting her dead in the chest .

“ Put those on. You'll change into the finer clothes when your closer to your destination.” She said.

Kagome bent down and picked up the bundle. She slipped the plain yakata on and tied the obi tightly, she was just crammed her feet into the too tight sandals, when Kazuya returned and took her arm. Kagome hurried behind him, as he dragged her back the way they had come.

“ We are behind schedule Kazuya, tie the girl up and put her back in the wagon.” Shin command when Kagome and Kazuya came into sight.

She stood perfectly still as she was bound again and dumped back into the wagon. Moldy straw poked at her through the thin yakata, which chafed at her sensitive skin. As the party commenced their journey, Kagome slide her throbbing feet from their confines and study the land as it pass. They traveled several more hours before making camp for the night. Kagome planned her escape as the men around her began to drink heavily and pass out one by one, hoping to get away when the last one dropped.

She screamed as she was grabbed roughly and pushed onto her side. Kazuya ignored her fright and bound her ankles together giving a hard tug to make sure the bonds were secure. He hauled himself into the wagon and sat Kagome up. Pulling a strip of cloth from his pocket, Kazuya gagged Kagome and pulled a dusty sack over her body, down pass her hips. The sack muffled his words when he spoke, finished with his assignment.

“ You might as well sleep now. We still have a good amount of land to cover. If you try to run away you will be killed.” He said before her jumped from the wagon.

Kagome cried silently as all hope of escape was wrenched away in seconds. She continued to sink father into despair as the sounds of her captors celebration rang throughout the night.

-canon universe, -action, -romance, -hentai, sessy21, *damsel in distress challenge

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