Ungai's Plan by Hairann [oneshot#50]

Aug 26, 2010 21:36

Title: Ungai's Plan
Author: Hairann
Theme: Nemesis
Genre: Drama, Action
AU/CU: Cannon
Rating: T
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1034
Summary: There once was a priestess who found binding a demon to be the hardest thing she ever had to do. 50 years later another priestess found releasing him to be the easiest. History repeats itself, only this time binding the demon was easy, it was releasing him that proved to be difficult.
Prompt Summary: Kagome's quite, peaceful days of Winter are about to end.

AN: Part 23 of Voluntary Obligation.

Staring silently at the man that stood before them, Kagome could feel the growl rising up from deep within Sesshoumaru's belly, the sound vibrating against her back. Knowing only mere moments stood between that instant and his death if the demon lord saw the need to attack him, Kagome reached behind her back until she felt a clawed hand, ridged against his knee, and intertwined her fingers with his own.

“Your help is neither needed nor wanted, priest. You best be on your way,” she warned as she pinned him with a hard, unyielding glare. Apparently having no intention of heeding her words, he scoffed at her before he began to raise his staff, almost as if he planned to knock her unconscious with it before, seemingly, thinking better of it and pointing it in Sesshoumaru's direction. The gesture earned the priest a louder growl of warning.

“First the child, and now this? I will not allow you to warp the mind of one of our most powerful pristesses. She may not be aware of your true intentions, demon, but I am and I will not allow her to become tainted,” he swore, gesturing to the girl in question, who rolled her umber eyes at his baseless accusations. After a moment, fully hearing his words, Kagome's mind focused on his comment about a child, and glanced over her shoulder at Sesshoumaru.

For a brief moment, he turned his golden eyes from the priest to the girl in his lap and within their depths, Kagome found her answer. There was only one child that meant anything to the demon lord and she found herself wondering how he had managed to leave with his life the last time they met, since he had no doubt tried to take Rin away as well. “I am a grown woman, priest, and can make my own decisions.

“And I have already done so. Whether you like the outcome or not, this is my choice, mine. I choose who I am friends with, allies with. Demon, human, half and half, it doesn't matter, I will not turn my back on my friends simply because you or anyone else does not approve. Your opinion means nothing to me. Nor does your training, cause you see, I never wanted to be a priestess in the first place. I don't want to be powerful.

“I've already fulfilled my obligation, I restored the jewel and wished it away, I destroyed Naraku. My job is done. I am no longer the Shikon no miko, I'm just Kagome. Plain ole little me, that's it. End of discussion,” she insisted as she gave Sesshoumaru's hand a reassuring squeeze before rising to her feet and turning fully to the priest, who seemed unmoved by her words. “Leave Ungai, I would rather not darken the air I breath by listening to your tainted speech.”

“I can not, nor will I, leave our most powerful weapon against the evils of this world in the hands of filth. You will never stop being the Shikon no miko, and while the jewel may be gone, your power is not. Now is the time for the pious to rise up and rid our world of the abominations. The death of that disgusting half-breed has opened up the advantage we have been praying for. Power is now tipped in our favor, for the first time in a long time, there is more good than evil in this world.

“If we act now, we can destroy them once and for all. Make the future safe for the next generation, and the next after that. Now is not the time to be holding onto misguided friendships with those monsters. Stand with us and watch as good triumphs over evil, make your mark in history. Or stay out of our way as, with or without you, we will be riding the world of their darkness,” he swore, gesturing to the silent demon behind her.

Stunned by his words, Kagome could do nothing else but stand there in silence, wondering if he had gone mad or if she had. Not liking all demons was one thing, but he intended to push them passed extinction and, by the sound of it, the plan was already passed the stage of discussion. Not wishing to spend another moment near him, and knowing she needed to begin working on her own plan to counter theirs as soon as possible, Kagome rolled a small ball of snow before chucking it at the priest.

Smirking in satisfaction as it exploded upon impacting his face, she began creating a second projectile as she warned, “I'll give you to the count of three to get out of here or I'll switch to a much harder weapon.” Tossing the readied snowball up and down, Kagome kept her eyes trained on the priest before her, just waiting for him to make an ill advised move. Instead, he continued to glare at her in silence for a few moments before finally warning, “The day of our victory is close at hand as it has been foreseen.

“Learn the error of your ways before it is too late and you are punished with them.” Having said his piece, the priest turned his back on her and left the clearing, leaving Kagome there to scream out in rage at his retreating back. Needing a way to vent her frustrations, she hurled her snowball in the direction he had gone, smirking to herself at the resounding thunk that followed. Turning back to the still seated and silent demon lord, Kagome dusted off her hands.

“I need to go visit the others and see if they have heard anything about this. If it is what I think it is, then I already know the outcome and it would be best if we didn't waste any time. I'm sure you have questions or want to yell at me for taking over the conversation and giving you know chance to rip him to pieces, but do you mind if you do that while we walk? Right now we have little time top spare if we want to prevent our new Nemesis's plan from working.”

=oneshot #051 nemesis, -drama, -canon universe, -action, =oneshot, 2010 3q, hairann

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