The summoning by JeniNeji [Oneshot #48-Powder]

Jul 01, 2010 23:17

Title: The summoning
Author: JeniNeji
Prompt: Powder
Genre: Romance, adventure, mystery
Rating: T
Words: 2026
Warnings: None
Summary: What must a Taiyoukai do when his charge is taken away from him?


When the future is just here



Sesshomaru floated through the skies majestically but with a lazy easiness that he was unused to. However, there was no other way for he did not want to leave the miko and the kitsune unprotected. He knew that Ah-Un was a very fierce adversary, but there was no need to add more weight to the upset dragon.

These last few days have been very uncommon for his person since it was the very first time he had a human in his pack… and a female also. His thoughts would escape him from time to time, trying to remain attentive to necessities she may require. Regretfully there was no denying his obvious ignorance in the field.

“Sesshomaru-sama,” the miko called for him and he turned to acknowledge her with silent eyes, “Thanks!” He couldn’t stop the narrowing of his eyes. He was slightly confused and his heart had also baked an ounce of suspicion. His eyes turned back to the miko when he heard her huff exasperatedly, “For the trip!” the female added while rolling her eyes, “Humans can’t fly.” Unconsciously he nodded his head and then looked forward again, once again inspecting the skies cautiously.

A few moments passed and he could hear a soft tune. He sharpened his senses and he was able to distinguish the miko’s voice followed by that of the kitsune’s. Somehow hearing the kistune eagerly learning the song the miko was singing made him remember his younger sister, Momo. She had been very fond of lullabies in her childhood, and he had been young and childish enough to grant her many songs. Now, those tender and small moments made him both ashamed and happy. It had been so long.

“Sesshomaru-sama!” This time it was the kitsune calling him. The kitsune had done a good job this far, he had yet to regret his decision to place him under the miko’s servitude. Also, the miko appeared to be pleased by her new companion. Of course, there was no need to tell her that the kitsune was now her servant, as much as Jaken was his, for there were some humans who would abuse of their power. He doubted this case will turn to that, but if there was no need to risk it, then he won’t. “It’s getting cold!”

Golden eyes fell on the kitsune before moving to the miko. She was quick to shake her head and flair her hands, “There is no need, I can hardly feel the difference. I am fine.”

Sesshomaru turned forward again, but he made sure to keep a close eye on her from now on. Nightfall was soon to come, and she was undoubtedly more susceptible to colds than them. Again, if there was no need to risk it, he wouldn’t.

The miko had come to a day ago, but there was no sign that she was facing disabilities in any way. Other than her being more disrespectful than usual… She had awaked disoriented, speaking about things in riddles and stories. He had yet to identify the source of the miko’s short-lived insanity.

However, the thing that made him the most uncomfortable was that she had been afraid of him. She had asked him once and again to not hurt her anymore, as if he would impose or mistreat a female for no good reason. Still, even when that was upsetting enough, somewhere deep inside him, his beast whine with sadness. It was so strange, the miko was affecting him in more ways than he had ever imagine possible.

It worried him. He was Sesshomaru and he was always in control. So why was his being acting so out of character around her?


Shippo watched Rin as she prayed in front of the altar in Sesshomaru’s Mansion. The Taiyoukai had built a shrine and had been determined to make it as sanctified as possible. He, of course, understood his reasons. He had wanted to make a sanctuary for Kagome. It was to soothe and strengthen her soul, but also to provide protection for her and their future heirs.

Heirs that may never come.

Green eyes moved to Rin as she threw a white powder in the fire, and the molten flames jumped savagely and then settled again.

He had never told Rin, for he had not wanted her to worry, but he always remembered his travels with the Taiyoukai and the miko. No one knew about the day they found her more deeply than him, after all, she was his mate. Deep inside, he was terrified of the past, or of Kagome venturing in the past. It made him nervous, a small decision could change so many things.

For example, had he been here, with Rin, interfering in the past? Or were they now changing history?

Rin activated a sutra and placed it in the small altar. Immediately the flames went for the magical paper like the bees went to the flowers.

“Rin,” he whined softly, he was that nervous. He would never forgive himself if he didn’t try to dissuade her out of this madness, “you shouldn’t do this, you tried a week ago, and it didn’t work.”

“I will succeed this time, I will bring Kagome back.”

“I trust that you can Rin, but, should you?”

Shippo’s eyes fell in his mate’s forehead when she turned with a serious expression. Another whine attempted to escape, but for her sake, he held it. His attention was in the four cross-shaped Shikon shards embedded in her forehead. They resembled Midoriko’s.

“Sesshomaru-sama is dying,” was Rin’s pained reason.

He couldn’t go against it because he knew what she felt, for he shared the same protective instincts towards Kagome. He knew that were she to face the same danger, he would do the same thing. Without remorse.

“I don’t want to loose you,” pleaded Shippo, “I don’t want my pups to grow without their mother. You know I did, and I don’t want that. I don’t want more suffering for them.”

The silence reigned for a moment, but Rin’s eyes were locked with his. “I will survive,” she promised.

Resigned, he nodded, “Do you need help?”


Night had fallen, and Sesshomaru was looking for a shelter. The miko’s breath was coming in a small fog, and he decided then and there that she needed to be warmer. Every human carried the scent of mortality and she was no exception.

“Sesshomaru-sama,” called the kistune with some urgency. The kit moved to the miko’s neck and hugged her, trying to warm her even a little with his small body.

“There is a shelter just ahead,” he said out loud for them to hear. Once again he felt exasperated; he was explaining himself too much lately.

“I said…I am …fine,” the miko stubbornly announced.

Sesshomaru turned golden eyes to the miko and he was about to comment on her dishonesty when a wave of energy captured his attention. It was huge and it was coming their way.

“Kitsune, protect the miko,” the Taiyoukai ordered before he turned back on his cloud and stopped a few meters away from the dragon protectively.

“What’s going on?” asked the miko nervously, turning to see him from her saddle, “what is that?”

He was partly impressed by the miko’s senses. He knew she was different, maybe it was some of Izayoi’s blood running in her. “Ah-Uh, go on.”

The beast let out a small growl and moved on.

Sesshomaru waited for the magic to arrive. He wasn’t sure about the origin of it, and it unsettled him. Was it demon magic or human magic? Possibly demon, it was simply too strong.

Finally the magic was too close, and he prepared for the hit, but it never came. The magic passed by him, even caressed him, without any sign of malice. He released a breath, thankful that he had not been the target of the spell. It would have been incredibly troublesome. If he had, he would have to find the source of the magic and destroy it. It was very difficult to find a magic-caster when it wanted to hide.

A loud dragon cry made his ears perk and he turned to the direction Ah-Un had taken with trepidation. He was about to go there when a shrill surrounded the whole area. His beast roared in surprise and just then, the miko’s form was visible. She was flying towards him at high speed, but with no Ah-Un.

Humans can’t fly.

The Taiyoukai concentrated on her and the strangeness he felt, and he found it. The magic had surrounded her and had a firm grip on her soul. The magic had been hunting her, that was why it didn’t care about him.

He was not going to allow it.

He moved towards the miko and opened his arms, fully intending to grab her and pull her away from the magic, but he failed. He gasped as the miko’s form passed right through him, as if she were a ghost. He turned to her with a surprised expression and his gasp died half-way when her terrified blue eyes fell on him.

She was crying, and hardly breathing because of panic. His eyes watched guiltily as she extended her hand and cried out for him.

Instinct took over and sped his youki-cloud faster than he had been able to before. He reached her once again in a matter of seconds and he once again tried to grab her, but once again, his hand just met thin air.

He was feeling desperate. He didn’t know what to do. Once and again he tried to grab her, with hands, his whip, anything he could think of, but nothing worked. He was thankful the miko had passed out, for her cries were hurting him in the insides. Never before he had felt so hopeless!

They began to descend and he was so focused on trying to get a hold of the miko that he failed to see he was now in Inu-Yasha’s forest. The magic had taken the miko in the forest and soon enough, the scent of her blood infested the place. Sesshomaru growled in discontent and followed with renewed strength, he needed to do something! There must be some way!

However, one thing he failed to realize was that time was against him.

They came to the open, and the next thing he knew, the miko was being pulled down a well and a blue magic covered her before she disappeared. In his case, he landed forcefully at the bottom.

The Taiyoukai’s eyes instantly saw red, both from pain and desperation. A howl of anguish escaped his beast and he began to claw at the walls frantically. When that didn’t work, he expanded his aura to get a reaction from the well, but nothing happened. His breathing became ragged with panic, until he heard a soothing voice, a familiar voice.


The voice of an old woman interrupted his panic and he jumped out of the well. He fell on the rim of the well and the wind blew his hair and his fur pelt back. His eyes were still covered with a red haze that told any reasonable being to fear him. He looked at the old woman and instantly realized who she was, the old miko from the village next to Inu-Yasha’s forest. He growled in discontent.

And she chuckled, “Why is it that every time we meet you always greet me with growls and red eyes?”

“You speak nonsense, this Sesshomaru had seen you but once, and it was an uneventful encounter.”

“Apparently ye are unable to remember as well, the same as Kagome,” the old miko said with sadness, “come and rest Lord of the West, your lady will surely come back.”

“She’s not this Sesshomaru’s Lady,” he was quick to point out. His beast was hitting against his restrains, it wanted out. Sadly, nothing good ever came out of that.

“This old miko’s eyes do not lie, Taiyoukai-sama,” Kaede said with a wave of her hand and began to walk back to the village, “so, did you read the scroll I gave you?”




-alternate universe, =oneshot, -romance, -adventure, 2010 3q, =oneshot #047 powder, -mystery, jenineji

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