Changes of Heart by redglade [drabble #07]

Oct 30, 2008 11:28

Title : Changes of Heart
Author : red glade
Theme : whisper, drabble #07
Genre : Angst, General
Rating : PG, for the drama
Warnings : Character death
Word Count : 200
Cannon/AU : AU

Summary : The best things in our lives never seem to last.

Sesshoumaru tried to think of something to regret about loving her. Years ago he would have thought of his honor, of the shame that loving a human would place on it. He would have thought of his father, and how caring for a human had lowered him, had brought about the ignoble death of the Great Dog General. And for what? A weak being of little use and even less intelligence. He would have thought of many reasons, and felt himself justified in all of them.

But as he laid next to his dying wife, and held her frail hand in his, he could think of none of those. He could not dredge up any of the shame that he would have previously felt, and could only see that his honor was greater for being joined with hers.

With the soft cries of servants already grieving for their Lady echoing through their home, he listened intently for the whisper of Kagome’s breath, and found only one regret in his mind. She had made him smile, aggravated him to no end, fought with him and for him, blessed him with her love…he could only regret that they had no more time.

A/N : I was trying so hard to write something a little less melodramatic, a little less sad. Just couldn’t manage it…here’s to hopin’ that the next drabble will be full of rainbows and sugar!

-alternate universe, 2009 1q, =drabble #007 whisper, =drabble, red glade, -angst, -gen!fic

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