Tag! You're It! by MomoDesu [Drabble #6]

Oct 27, 2008 22:06

Title: Tag! You're It!
Author: MomoDesu (bblackdahlia)
Theme: Lure
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 300
Summary: Sesshoumaru enjoyed playing games.

Sesshoumaru laughed to himself as he watched the miko wander aimlessly through the forest. Not necessarily aimlessly; he had told her that he had found an injured wolf in the forest, and pointed her in the 'right' direction, promising to meet her there. He had to keep the animal calm until she reached their destination with her modern medicines. She was, of course, a woman with a kind and soft heart, that wouldn't hear of any animal being injured. There really was no injured wolf waiting for her attentions. Instead, a playful inuyoukai awaited her arrival. A very playful inuyoukai. She would soon regret teaching him the game of 'tag'.


He heard her calling for him in the distance as she moved further from him. An uncharacteristic smile spread across his face. Silently, he darted from his hiding spot and dashed in her direction. Her scent was tainted with fear. He almost felt bad for pulling this sort of trick on her. The feeling would soon be replaced by a feeling of giddiness when she realized he was behind this game. It wouldn't show on his face. He had an image to protect.

He grimaced when her worry made it into her voice. He didn't like for her to sound worried, especially if he was the cause. He waited for her to come into a small break in the trees. Using his demon speed, he launched himself from his hiding spot and tackled the unsuspecting girl, not giving her the warning or chance to grab her weapon.

Kagome looked up at him, fury shining in her eyes. "Sesshoumaru! We have to get to the wolf!" she panted, overexerted from running.

He leaned down and claimed her mouth with his own. "Tag! You're it!" He stood and dashed away from her.

-canon universe, 2009 1q, =drabble #006 lure, -romance, =drabble, momodesu

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