Our Affiliates

Aug 14, 2008 11:42

Our AffiliatesAn affiliate is simply another community with related interests that agrees to cross-advertise their existence with you. ::twinkle:: We promote them, and they promote us! Check out our fandom friends and associates!

Dokuga - our 'parent' group and fandom's hub for Sess/Kag fanworks! Offering both FanFiction and FanArt. Quarterly awards. Become a member!

The Inuyasha Fan Guild - an IY community that holds quarterly awards. Their LJ community is iy_fanguild.

ebony_silks  - a Sess/Kag drabble and oneshot contest community, weekly contests.

iyfic_contest  - a general IY drabble and oneshot contest community, weekly contests.

iyissekiwa  - a general IY drabble contest community, bi-weekly contests.

firsttweak  - an Inu/Kag drabble and oneshot contest community, bi-weekly contests.

mf_sanctuary  - a Sess/Rin drabble and oneshot contest community, weekly contests.

mirsan_fics  - a Mir/San drabble and oneshot community, bi-weekly contests.

mirsan_awards  - a Mir/San award community, recognizing the best in Mir/San art and fanfiction, semi-annual.

iy_wiltedrose  - a drabble and oneshot contest community featuring Kikyo, bi-weekly contests.

inusongfics  - a general IY drabble and oneshot contest community, lyrical prompts.

iycaptions  - a general IY drabble and oneshot contest community, fanart prompts.

feudal_tales  - an IY oneshot contest community, bi-weekly contests, participants are given a choice of starter paragraphs, and they tell the rest of the story.

iy_blind - an IY oneshot contest community where the author's identity is kept anonymous until after voting, monthly contests.

iypoems  - an IY community that offers poetry challenges, monthly contests.

36iyerotictales  - an IY claims community with prompts to inspire stories of an erotic nature.

sengoku_times  - an IY fandom newsletter that covers recent happenings, the latest fanfiction updates, new fanart, icons, and awards. The Sengoku Jidai Times covers dokuga_contest, which means you're in the paper!

If you would like your community to be added as an affiliate, feel free to comment to this post. All comments are screened. 
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