The Trap is Set by Beermoney5 [ Drabble # 80 ]

Mar 29, 2010 21:30

Title: The Trap Is Set
Author: Beermoney5
Theme: Crutch
Genre: Drama
Rating: M
Warnings: None
Word Count: 200
Summary: Kagome finds out who has been vandalizing her car.

The Trap Is Set

“I’m going to catch that bitch in the act,” Kagome mumbled as she settled down on the couch to sleep. “I’ll make sure she’s on crutches and will have to gimp around for at least a month.”


Kagome awoke suddenly to the sound of the motion activated frog she had placed just behind the front wheel of her car. Instantly, she jumped up and opened the front door. Grabbing the waiting hose on the porch, she squeezed the sprayer on it, directing the stream of water towards the person who was in the process of toilet-papering her car once again. As the person screamed, she pelted the intruder in the face with the stream of water.

“Stop it!” the intruder sputtered.

“Only if you agree to stop vandalizing my car,” Kagome said.

“Fine, I will,” the intruder replied as several lights came on in some of the surrounding houses.

Kagome cut off the stream of water and wasn’t surprised to see Kagura standing there, drenched.

“To hell with you,” Kagura shouted, pulling two eggs from her jacket pockets and throwing them at Kagome’s car. “Not until you stop seeing Sesshomaru.”

Kagome launched herself at Kagura, knocking her to the ground.

-drama, -alternate universe, =drabble, 2010 1q, =drabble #080 crutch, beermoney5

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