What The Future Holds by Beermoney5 [ Oneshot # 34 ]

Dec 31, 2009 02:19

Title: What The Future Holds

Author: Beermoney5

Theme: Chopsticks

Genre: Drama, Romance, Action

Rating: M

Warnings: None

Word Count: 3,490

Summary: Kagome and Sesshomaru are uncertain about the future of their relationship.

A/N: The Sport Of Kings  www.fanfiction.net/s/4675773/1/The_Sport_Of_Kings

What The Future Holds

“Koga told me something interesting yesterday when we had our little talk.” Kagome said, as she and Sesshomaru walked out to the training barn the next morning. She didn’t want to bring up what Koga had told when they walked home last night and ruin a nice evening, since she wasn’t sure what his reaction would be.

“And what was that?”

“He had told me that he had waited for Ayame and Bankotsu get home and he had watched them from his house. When I was shocked about him doing that he had said that any guy would have done the same.”

“He did did he.”

“Yes. Is there any truth to it?” She said as she stopped and looked up at him.

“Yes. I did watch when you came back from your date with Hobo. If that’s what you’re asking.”

“It’s Hojo.”

“Whatever. I wanted to know if you had enjoyed yourself. And I will admit that I was pleased to see that it looked like the date didn’t go very well. And before you ask, yes I could tell by the way you hurried out of his car and up to your apartment.”

“Hmm. Why weren’t you waiting around for me to return from my date with Naraku?” She asked referring to the fact he had driven by in his car as she was walking home from her date, as they reassumed their progression to the training barn. “Did you know I wouldn’t enjoy it and weren’t worried about it?”

“Actually I watched, with Inuyasha, when he picked you up. I couldn’t believe that you would go out with the asshole. It angered me so much that I had to get out of there, and went to hang out with Hiten. That’s where I was coming from when I saw you walking home.” He paused before continuing when it looked like Kagome wasn’t going to respond. “Does it bother you?”

“No. I just think it’s… Oh I don’t know. Maybe it’s hard for be to understand why you would wait around for someone to come home from a date. I guess it’s hard for me to understand because I was used to you going out with so many different girls.”

“I’m sure your girlfriends would think differently about that. I’m sure they would probably do the same thing if it was someone they cared for deeply.”

“Maybe so.” Kagome thought for a moment. “Now that I think about it more, if we were to break up I probably would do the same thing.”

They reached the barn and Sesshomaru gave Kagome a quick kiss, ending their conversation, before heading to the track with Inuyasha who had just arrived with Kikyo.

“Dad asked how last night went and I accidentally let it slip about Bankotsu and Ayame going on a date.” Inuyasha said to Sesshomaru as they headed to the track.

“I don’t understand why it would matter if he knew about Bankotsu taking Ayame out on a date.”

“It doesn’t really except that I accidentally told him it was just to make Koga jealous. He doesn’t really like games like that, and isn’t too happy that his head trainer is joining in on it.”

“I don’t think Bankotsu did it just to help Ayame out.”

“What do you mean? Like Bankotsu really wanted to go out with Ayame, like on a real date?”

“That’s exactly what I mean. He better watch what he’s doing though because he just might get hurt in the end. Ayame still has strong feelings for Koga and going after someone who’s on the rebound isn’t a good idea. It only leads to disaster.”

“I see what you mean.” Inuyasha replied as they reached the track where, Bankotsu, Jakotsu, and their father where standing.

“I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” They heard their father say to Bankotsu, as they walked up to them, hearing the tail end of their conversation.

“It was Jakotsu’s idea.” Bankotsu replied to the light scolding.

“If he had told all of you to jump off a cliff would you have?”

“If he made it sound like it was fun, which he usually does.” Bankotsu said chuckling. “It was a one time thing only. It won’t happen again.”

“Good. We don’t need any more drama then we already have going on.”

When the riders arrived Bankotsu and Jakotsu mounted their horses. The track was still too wet so they would be taking the riders out to gallop the horses on the galloping lanes. The two year olds would have the day off since they didn’t have enough experience under saddle to train off of the track.

Bankotsu would take out one group consisting of Ayame, Kikyo, Kaname, and Sota. And Jakotsu would be taking out the other group of Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Koga, and Kohaku. The groups rode single file along the lanes. Jakotsu’s group had to hear over and over again how much Miroku was enjoying his view from behind Sango until she got tired of hearing it and traded places with Koga, which everybody in the group was thankful for.

Kagome loved galloping over the lanes and enjoyed the crisp air of winter as it stung her cheeks slightly while the exercise and the warmth that radiated from the horses body kept her from getting chilled. Storm was frisky that morning, like all the other horses had been, giving a few bucks at the beginning of the workout and having more of a spring in his steps. After the last string of horse was done it was back to working Storm in the starting gates. In little over a month Storm would be racing the first race of his career and he needed as much time in the starting gates as he could get before then.

They started from the beginning like they had a couple of days ago. Storm didn’t balk this time when Kagome first rode him into the gates and behaved himself so they were able to move ahead a little quicker this time around. Kagome walked Storm into the gates with the front doors closed. Once he was in Jakotsu closed the back doors. Storm stood for a second as Kagome talked to him rubbing his neck trying to sooth his coiled nerves. Then he started to paw and struck out with his hind leg, striking the back gate with his hoof, and Kagome reached back and smacked him on his flank hard scolding him while he retaliated with a light buck. Kagome smacked him again. Once he was settled Bankotsu asked Jakotsu to open the back door. Kagome backed Storm out and when Bankotsu asked her to walk him back in she did. This time Storm stood quietly but was still wound up like a time bomb ready to blow.

“How does he feel this time?” Bankotsu asked Kagome while they stood in the gate quietly the second time.

“Like he’s about ready to explode any moment.”

“He’s standing quietly, though. Okay Jak. Let him out.”

Jakotsu opened the back door and Kagome backed Storm out.

“We’ll call it a day.” Bankotsu walked up to Kagome with Inutaisho and Sesshomaru following. “He’s doing really good, for him that is, so I don’t want to push him. We still have time to get him ready.”

“He’s looking good.” Inutaisho stated.

“If he keeps this up he’ll definitely be ready for his first race. We’ll work him again in the gates tomorrow.” Bankotsu said then turned to Kagome. “Nice job.”

“Thanks.” Kagome Returned as she dismounted and lead Storm back to the barn with Sesshomaru and her friends.

“I can’t stand watching you work him in the gates after what happened last time.”

“You don’t have to watch. I understand if you can’t be there.”

“Not being there is even worse. I would wonder what was happening.”

“He’s doing really good. I don’t think anything is going to happen.”

“You can never say that around horses and you know that. Even your best mannered horse could put you in the hospital.”

“I know. I was just trying to make you feel better.”

Kagome cooled out Storm and quickly groomed him. After putting him away she and Sesshomaru met the rest of their friends at a restaurant in town.

“How are the wedding plans going?” Sango asked Kikyo after the waitress brought their orders.

“They’re going really good. Izayoi and my mother have been having a great time together working on them. We’re right on schedule for the wedding at the end of next month and you guys have to go get fitted for the dresses at the beginning of next week.”

“What color are the dresses going to be?” Ayame asked.

“My dress is going to be an off white and the brides maids dresses are going to be red. The red was Inuyasha input for the plans.” Kikyo said as she smiled at Inuyasha. “The only input he’s given.”

“That’s all I hear about is the stupid wedding.” Inuyasha complained. “Do we really have to talk about it now?”

“We can talk about how to use chopsticks.” Kagome volunteered trying to work hers. “How do you use these things again?”

“Like this.” Sesshomaru said as he showed her how to hold them and then demonstrated with his by picking up a piece of sushi.

Kagome gave it a couple of tries and was unsuccessful. “ I give up.” She said as she picked up a piece of sushi with her fingers, and after dipping it in soy sauce popped it into her mouth.

“I’ll assist you.” Sesshomaru said as he picked up another piece with his chopsticks and fed Kagome.

Inuyasha made a gagging noise as everybody else started laughing at the display.

“So Sesshomaru.” Inuyasha started trying to put Sesshomaru on the spot. “When are you going to ask Kagome to be your mate?”

Sesshomaru was silent to his brother’s question. He wasn’t ready to have a mate and didn’t want to upset Kagome. But glancing over at her from the corners of his eyes he could see her smile fade away at his silence.

“Oh come on. The two of you have become really close….”

“Inuyasha!” Kikyo interrupted him after seeing Kagome’s happiness dissipate after Sesshomaru remained quite while Inuyasha continued to badger him.

“What!” Inuyasha snapped back and cringed when he saw the look, he knew to well, that told him he once again put his foot in his mouth, while she jerked her head slightly in Kagome’s direction. He hadn’t seen the hurt that appeared on Kagome’s face after his comment and Sesshomaru’s silence to it.

“Um… What I meant was…” Inuyasha tried to cover for his mistake. It never dawned on him that Sesshomaru wouldn’t want Kagome as his mate.

“Storm did really good today in the gates.” Jakotsu interrupted him trying to change the uncomfortable subject.

“Yeah, he did.” Kagome replied a bit subdued then she had been earlier but trying to sound cheerful.

“He should be ready next month for his first race if he keeps up the good behavior.” Miroku joined in.

“I agree.” Koga added as he too tried to help the tension that popped up after Inuyasha’s question.

“Yeah. I’m starting to get a bit nervous about it though.”

“Why?” Sango asked.

“Because. It’s his first race. I’ve only raced one time, and it wasn’t really good.”

“That’s nonsense.” Sesshomaru interrupted. “You ran a wonderful race. Silver Lining wasn’t meant to go a distance and you’ve been told that already by myself, my father, and Bankotsu.”

“I agree with Sesshomaru.” Kikyo said. “You’re too hard on yourself.”

“I know. If I had one win underneath me it would make it a little easier. It’s just that I’m going to riding against jockeys that have been doing this longer than I have and their horses have raced before. Plus I don’t know how Storm is going to act on the track. Horses behave differently at the track then they do at home.”

“You’ll be fine.” Sesshomaru tried to ease her nerves as he smiled down at her.

After lunch Sesshomaru and Kagome drove home in an uncomfortable silence. Sesshomaru notice a change in Kagome demeanor after Inuyasha’s question to him earlier at lunch.

“Let me explain why I didn’t answer Inuyasha’s question.” He said, tired of the silence between them as they approached the farm.

“You don’t have to explain anything. I knew when we started dating that you wouldn’t want a human as a mate.”

“I do have to explain. It has nothing to do with not wanting you as my mate especially because you’re human. I’m not ready to mate anybody, not just you. I’m not even sure if I want to be mated.” He glanced over at Kagome quickly to judge her reaction and saw nothing but indifference. “Maybe when I’m older, but right now I have no intentions on having a mate. I never have.”

“You don’t have to explain Sesshomaru. I’m fine with it.” Kagome said as she got out of his car, before he was able to get out and open her door for her, after he parked. “Really I am.”

“Are we still going for a ride?” Sesshomaru asked knowing that the conversation was a mute point and sensing Kagome might not want to go on one right now.

“No. I’m not really in the mood for a ride right now. I think I’m going to go over to Bankotsu and Jak’s to hang out with Sango and Ayame.” Kagome answered a bit crestfallen. She didn’t want to hurt him but she really needed some time to think things through, and talking with her friends would help.

Understanding she needed some time alone and not wanting to push her he asked. “Can I come over tonight?”

Kagome was surprised by his question. He never asked permission to come over before, he always had an open invitation, and he knew that, but she decided to take this opportunity for a chance to be alone tonight. “I think… I think I would like to be alone tonight, if that’s okay with you.”

“Yes, it’s fine by me. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He replied before giving her a kiss and walking away.


Kagome tossed in turned in her bed, sleep eluding her. She told her friends what Sesshomaru had said earlier, and they tried to reassure her that when Sesshomaru was ready for a mate she would be the one. Kagome wasn’t convinced. The funny thing was that she never even thought about being married or becoming someone’s mate. She was twenty two with dreams of going to the Olympics and having her own training facility. A husband / mate and a family was never factored into the equation, she really didn’t know if she would have time for one. That is until now. She hadn’t realized how much she wanted to be Sesshomaru’s mate until he hadn’t answered Inuyasha’s question at lunch, and when he had told her he didn’t want a mate. Could she be happy just being his lover? What if he decided he was ready for a mate and he found someone else that was more compatible to him than her? Was that something she should even be worried about? There were so many questions swimming around in her head that she couldn’t sleep. That and the fact she hadn’t slept alone in months. She didn’t realize how much comfort it was to have Sesshomaru laying beside her.

Kagome sat up and looked over at the empty spot next to her. Sesshomaru had told her many times how much he loved her and how he couldn’t imagine not being with her now that they had taken that step from friendship to something more intimate. Seeing the empty spot next to her she knew the answer to the question of if she could be happy just being his lover. She didn’t care if she was his mate or his lover, all she wanted was to be with him.

Kagome climbed out of bed grabbing a pair of pants and slipping them on and headed out her door. She walked up to the mansion and paused at the front of it. She had a key, but… She looked in the direction of Sesshomaru’s bedroom. There was a trellis that reached his balcony that had ivy growing on it. She used to climb up it when she was younger to his bedroom just for the hell of it to surprise him. An idea clicked in her head at the thought of it, so she headed in the direction of his bedroom.

Kagome climbed up the trellis carefully. It was older now and she wasn’t sure if it would support her weight like it did when she was younger. Reaching the balcony she pulled herself up over the railing trying not to giggle at her actions so she wouldn’t wake Sesshomaru. He was going to think she was insane, if he didn’t already. She slid open the sliding glass doors slowly and was shocked to see that Sesshomaru was up, at this hour, sitting at his computer.

“Kagome?” Sesshomaru responded with surprise at her intrusion. “What are you doing here at this hour? And why didn’t you use the front door?”

“I couldn’t sleep.” She answered his first question as she walked over to him and plopped down into his lap. “And I thought it would be more fun to climb up to your balcony like I used to when I was younger.” She answered his second question as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“That trellis is old. It could have broken from your weight and sent you falling two stories. You could have been hurt.”

“So what are you saying? I’m fat?” Kagome joked.

“No. Just that the wood might be rotten.” He would have to talk to the gardeners and have them check the trellis for sturdiness, and have repairs made if necessary if, Kagome insisted on climbing it. He couldn’t have her injuring herself. “You came over just because you couldn’t sleep?”

“My bed was too lonely.”

“Mine also.”

“I’m sorry for how immature I acted earlier.”

“You weren’t acting immature and it was justifiable. I didn’t realize you wanted to be married.”

“I didn’t either and I’m still not sure if that’s what I want. When it seemed like you didn’t want me to be your mate it kinda hurt, and it got me thinking that maybe I wanted more from our relationship.”

“It’s not that I don’t want you as my mate.”

“I know. That’s the first thing I thought but after talking to you and my friends I realized that wasn’t the case. It’s just my self confidence getting in the way. I don’t want to lose you and I’m happy with just being lovers.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Yes. I just want to be with you and it doesn’t matter to me in what way.”

“I’m glad to hear that. And I’m sorry I’m not ready to make more of a commitment to you.”

“Don’t be. To be honest with you, I’m not even sure if I’m ready for marriage or even want to be married.”

“It’s late.” Sesshomaru said as he stood up and placed Kagome on her feet. “I think we need to get some sleep.”

“Sleep?” Kagome said as she watched him climb into bed as she slipped off her pants. “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?” She asked as she removed her T-shirt and walked over to his bed.

“Hmm. I think I could stay up longer.” He replied as he grabbed her and pined her beneath his larger body, nestled between her legs.

“And what would you like to do?” She asked playfully.

“Do you have to ask?” He said as she heard a ripping sound and he tossed her panties to the floor.

“Honestly, do you have to ruin my underwear all the time?” Kagome asked, mad at his actions.

“They were hindering my access.” He grinned.

“Well maybe I won’t allow you access any way.” She stated as she closed her thighs.

“I think I could persuade you.”

“Really?” She challenged.

“Yes.” He said as he kissed along her jaw line and down to her pulse point, scraping his fangs across it before nipping and kissing it, causing her to moan. He knew exactly what she liked and continued his assault downward to her breasts.

“You’re corrupting me.” Kagome moaned as he kissed and licked her left breast and massaged the other with his hand.

“And I will continue to do so.” He stopped his actions for a moment to answer her.

“How about we stop talking and you make love to me?” She asked as she opened her thighs giving him the access he so desired.


-alternate universe, -action, =oneshot, -romance, 2009 4q, -drama, =oneshot #034 chopsticks, beermoney5

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