Into the Fire by SunsetMiko [Christmas Challenge]

Dec 26, 2009 17:59

Title: Into the Fire
Author: Sunset Miko
Prompt: Christmas Challenge - Bark and Bite
Genre: General, Romance
AU/CU: Canon Universe
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 455
A/N: This is the 10th of 12 drabbles of my fic, A Gift for Kagome
Summary: Bringing the holidays back with her to the Feudal Era isn’t easy, but a determined miko sets out to do just that. Will her efforts be worth it?

She was nervous now. Maybe she should have just given him his present with everyone else. Now everyone would be paying close attention. What if he didn’t like it? What if he refused to even take it at all? What if he thought exchanging gifts was a stupid idea? What if he wanted to kill her for giving Rin that jingly anklet? To tell the truth, she already was considering killing herself for that thing. The girl hadn’t stopped moving since she put it on her!

As if he could sense her nervousness, the taiyoukai was now giving her an appraising look, waiting for her to do something. Well, it was now or never and Kagome sucked it up, took a deep breath, and reached towards him with a small perfectly wrapped package in her hand. She pinched her eyes closed as tightly as possible, awaiting rejection, and was surprised when the gift was gently taken from her hand.

Her eyes shot open in shock and, looking around, the miko found that she wasn’t the only one. Everyone in the hut seemed to be staring at the demon lord who now sat with a small present in his lap, as if waiting for further instruction.

“You… you can open it, if you want,” Kagome mumbled.

“You purchased this Sesshoumaru a gift as well?” he asked, honest surprise seeping into his voice though he tried to keep it as toneless as possible.

“Of course I did! I got one for everyone. You’re a part of this group now too… and a friend,” she added the last part in an almost whisper.

Sesshoumaru had just started unwrapping his present when it was suddenly snatched from his hands and tossed into the fire.

“What the hell are you getting him gifts for, wench?” Inuyasha barked angrily. “The bastard doesn’t deserve shit from you! He’s tried to kill you!”The look on Kagome’s face could have incinerated the hanyou and for a second he considered the notion that maybe he shouldn’t have done what he just did.

“How dare you!” the miko yelled, watching with more than a little pleasure as Inuyasha’s ears plastered to his head. “It took me forever to find a gift for him and you ruined it! How is it any of your business who I buy presents for? You didn’t even hang around and wait for me after you insisted I be back by dark. Sesshoumaru had to come and help me out of the well. Oh, and did you forget, you tried to kill me when we first met too! I forgave your ungrateful ass. Why wouldn’t I forgive him?”

“Wait, Kagome, I…” Inuyasha started, seeing tears shimmering in the corner of her eyes.

-canon universe, *christmas challenge, 2009 4q, -gen!fic, sunsetmiko

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