Expectations by piratequeen0405 [Drabble #44]

Jul 20, 2009 15:38

Title: Expectations
Author: piratequeen0405
Theme: Clear
Genre: AU Drama
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 300
Summary: Kagome meets Sesshoumaru’s mother.  Continuation of http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4796678/1/Outmatched

“I know you’re nervous,” Inuyasha said gently, “but I think you’re going to leave permanent marks.”

Kagome didn’t even realize she was digging her nails into his hand. “Sorry,” she apologized, loosening her grip.

That morning she had woken determined not to be nervous, but now, walking with Inuyasha toward the room where Sesshoumaru and his mother waited, her resolve began to crumble. She only wished she knew how to behave.

Sesshoumaru’s advice hadn’t been very enlightening. Act with polite deference, but don’t simper gave her little to go on.

“Should I suck up or hold my ground?”

Inuyasha sighed. As a hanyou, straddling Youkai and human societies, he struggled in a world that had no clear place for him. There wasn’t a magic formula for dealing with Youkai nobility. “Just be yourself. If she doesn’t accept you, so what? The asshole, for all his faults, won’t stop loving you.”

She smiled weakly. Inuyasha was an ally, but she was on her own.

The door slid open.

Kagome walked in, mesmerized by the elegant female Youkai before her, a combination of Beauty Queen, First Lady, and Prison Matron. She felt small, insignificant, condemned.

Sesshoumaru made the necessary introductions, and Kagome bowed low, eyes downcast.

“So you are the human girl for whom my son is willing to forsake his future.” Cool, predatory eyes studied Kagome, as if appraising an adversary. “I was expecting something…more,” she said dismissively.

Kagome stiffened. To be hated on sight was one thing; to be underestimated was a direct challenge. “Perhaps you’ll learn, as your son did, that looks can deceive. And assumptions are for fools.”

Good, Hisako thought, the girl is no weakling. She turned to her son. “Leave us.”

Sesshoumaru joined Inuyasha in the hall.

“How is it going?”

“I honestly don’t know.”

-drama, -alternate universe, 2009 3q b, =drabble, =drabble #044 clear, piratequeen0405

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