Title: Tree Climbing
Author: SunsetMiko
Theme: Fresh
Genre: Humor, General
Rating: G
Warnings: Nothing really.
Word Count: 300
Summary: Kagome decides to give it another try.
Note: This follows my drabble ‘Say Cheese’, but it isn’t necessary to have read it for this.
It was a new day and a fresh chance at achieving her goal: catching sight of the body hiding under all that white and red silk. Using her camera in the bushes had been a bust due to her inability to use the flash without being noticed, so this time around she was trying something a tad simpler. Sure, she’d lack enduring proof but she was sure it was a mental image that she would easily hold on to. At least she thought it would be simpler…
She’d been noting his bathing schedule for a while now and he was nothing if not a creature of habit. A bit of careful planning allowed her to make the others believe she’d gone back to her time, giving her the privacy required. Climbing high into her chosen tree was more difficult than expected and she barely made it in time before her taiyoukai target arrived on scene. She hid her presence with seconds to spare and had to fight to keep from panting; knowing the sound of heavy breathing would give her away in an instant.
Her breathing halted completely as he started removing his armor piece by piece. Finally, finally it was going to happen!
Kagome mentally cursed as she slipped, wincing in preparation for her collision with the hard ground but it never came. Instead, the miko was caught by her prey and she looked up at him nervously. “Umm, thanks?” she mumbled, wondering what he would do now that she was caught.
Sesshoumaru set her gently on her feet and a small smirk graced his lips as he reached out and wiped a bit of sweat from her brow. “This Sesshoumaru has a powerful sense of smell as well. It would do well to remember that in the future.”