Title: Explanations
Author: Beermoney5
Theme: Block
Genre: General
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary: Sesshomaru explains his actions.
A/N: Continuation to Skeptical.
“I said those things to force you to go back to your time. I didn’t want you to regret your decision to stay with me and then have it turn to hate.”
“Why would you think I would resent staying with you and then start hating you? I loved you.”
He mentally cringed at the use of the past tense before he continued. “I know how much you love your family and knew you would miss them. I thought that would eventually cause resentment.”
‘Funny My mother said almost the same thing.’ Kagome thought as Sesshomaru continued.
“There wasn’t, at the time, a way to prolong a human life span to that of a demon mate. I knew there was a possibility that I could live long enough to rejoin you in your time, if I played my cards right.”
“Why didn’t you tell me this from the start?” She asked as she tried not to listen to the voice in her head that told her to just forgive him now.
“Would you have listened?”
‘My mother said the same exact thing.’ She though as she replied, trying to hold back the tears that were wanting to fall. “Probably not. But you could have given me the option and if I chose to stay then you could have thrown me into the well. Sure I would have been mad at that also, but it would have saved the hurt and the feelings of betrayal and not being wanted.”
“I could have.”
They sat in silence for a while longer both deep in thought. “I need to think on it.” She said standing, with Sesshomaru following suite, as she noticed her mother had returned from visiting a friend who lived down the block.
“Who’s this handsome gentlemen?” Her mother asked walking up to them.
“This is Sesshomaru and Sesshomaru this is my mother.” Kagome introduced them as Sesshomaru took Kagome’s mothers hand kissing the back of it.
“Oh.” Kagome’s mother replied.
“I’ll explain later.” Kagome said seeing the shocked and questioning look on her face.
“Will you be staying for dinner then?” Her mother asked Sesshomaru.
“No, he won’t.” Kagome answered instantly for him. “He has other plans.”
“Yes. I’m sorry but I will have to decline. Maybe next time.” Sesshomaru said then added before he took his leave. “It was a pleasure meeting you.”
“It was nice meeting you too.”