It Doen't Add Up by landofthekwtDriving Her Crazy (Dansel in Distress Challenge)

Jan 01, 2013 12:36

Title It Doesn’t Add Up
Author landofthekwt
Rating K
Prompt Damsel in Distress Challenge-Dread
Warning none
Summarry Kagome discovers that Sesshoumaru cannot be trusted with money or credit

Kagome threw the bills in the air. Lucky for her the creditors called her at her office. Lucky for her the bank called her about the checks Sesshoumaru.wrote. Otherwise, she would never have known that Sesshoumaru was not paying the bills and spedning money like water.

She had put a stop to it. Sesshoumaru’s credit cards were cancelled. His name was taken off the checking account. A checking reserve was established to cover the bad checks until pay day. All the accounts were brought current by using the reserve until payday

What was she thinking putting Sesshoumaru in charge of the family’s finances? A man who never balanced a checkbook in his life. Who lived on company expense account all his career? She should have known that she was asking for trouble.

She had thought that it would teach Sesshoumaru some responsibility.  He would learn how she managed the family’s finances every month to make sure the bill was paid. Instead, just like the cooking and the laundry he had left her with a mess to clean up.

Worse yet he did not understand that he had done anything wrong. He actually thought he could continue to right checks without regard to whether there was any money in the bank.  The credit cards he treated like an open-ended credit line without any thought of repayment.

Lucky she had caught it in time. If his spending spree had gone on any longer, he would have bankrupted them. For all his spending he nothing to show for it. All the money had been wasted on conspicuous consumption.

What was she thinking?  He was still mad at his father for preferring his half-brother over him. Who were they to arrange to cut off his trust fund at thirty? He had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth and resented having it taken away from him.

She was going to have explain the facts of life to him.  It would be a painful process. He would have no money except the money she doled out to him for specific purposes. No credit card. Cold turkey was the only way to cure him of his spending habits. He would complain, but he was about to learn about tough love.

*damsel in distress challenge, landofthekwt

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