Title: Roses Are Red
Author: Helena Mariel
Prompt: Spectrum Challenge - Red
Genre: Angst
AU/CU: Canon Universe
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Blood
Word Count: 100
A/N: Part of a seven story series.
Summary: Sesshoumaru never believed anyone could save him… or that he would need saving in the first place.
Droplets of blood dripped down his cheeks, splattering onto his kimono as they hit the ground.
He could not remember what had brought him to this exact place. Events were blurry; a thick cloud of fog had settled into his brain, perturbing both his memories and his emotions.
Staggering, he fell down on his knees, his sword the only thing that kept him up still.
How had it gotten to this?
Sesshoumaru could no longer differentiate the red from the chrysanthemums on his robes from the red of this blood.
And for one second he believed all to be lost.