Debt to be Paid by Lady Kirara [Seasons Challenge]

Nov 29, 2012 15:29

Title: Debt to be Paid
Author: Lady Kirara
Prompt: Seasons Challenge - Summer
Genre: CU, General, Friendship
Words: 700
Rating: K+
Summary: Sesshoumaru comes to Kagome with a warning.

AN: Part of My Final Year

Debt to be Paid

“I’ll be back in 2 days, Inuyasha.” Kagome yelled as she jumped over the lip of the well. Letting the familiar pull of energy bring her to her rightful place in time was more than just a repetitive notion. Looking up, she realized she was home, when darkness met eyes.

Pulling herself over the edge she planned on making the short run from the well house to her own. But a pristine figure in white caused her pause. “Sesshoumaru-sama,” she stuttered. “How did you get here?” She accused.

“Hnn. Inuyasha was correct.”

“What do you mean?”

“You are not from my world, or more to the point, you were not. However, now the worlds are one and the same.”

Kagome was confused. There was no way Sesshoumaru could have traveled to her own time through the well. This left the option that he had survived the last 500 years, and was now actually older than the last time she’d seen him. Knowing that she was staring, she didn’t care. “Why are you here Sesshoumaru? We are not friends. What do you want?”

“Hnn. Friends, I should say not. However, we were once allies. Or have you forgotten?”

“I would remember something like that. That’s not true. You’re lying to me.”

Sesshoumaru was growing bored with her accusing tone. He had not come here to argue, he had come to warn her. Her stubbornness was making it rather hard. “My honor would not allow me to lie, even to the likes of a lowly human.” Seeing that she finally stopped her rambling, he continued, “I came because I once swore an oath. I am honoring the one to whom it was made.”

“I don’t understand.” Kagome paced back and forth, just as the summer sun broke through the horizon. She went and sat under one of the trees by the well house and motioned for him to do the same. When he refused she shrugged and continued to stare at him, studying him. He certainly doesn’t look any different. But I know better than anyone looks can be deceiving. “Who did you make a promise to? And why would you agree? You hate humans.”

“Once I did. But someone changed my mind.”

“Who?” Kagome asked, genuinely curious.

“Who indeed,” He avoided her question. “You do not have much time left. Your time in my era is almost complete. That is all I came to say.” He turned then, fully prepared to leave. But her hand on his sleeve stopped him.

Kagome’s heart was racing. “Wait! You can’t just tell me that and then leave. I need to know what that means. Do I die?”

Sesshoumaru stared straight ahead, avoiding her eye. His clawed finger pointed towards the sky; then to the lush green trees that were just coming into season. “No miko, you did not die.” Something in his expression made her wonder what he was keeping from her. “When the trees wilted and the ground turned to ice, my brother and I came to an agreement. When the flowers bloomed in the spring and it rained for 5 days, the final battle was fought. We were successful. But then you disappeared, never seen or heard from again.

“I came to let you know, so that you would not waste your last months with your companions. My promise has been kept. Goodbye, miko.”

Kagome was left to stare at nothing. He must be wrong. There’s no way he would willingly help us- me. Maybe I’m just imagining things. Letting my fears get the best of me. Yeah, that has to be it. Maybe I just need a nap. She picked herself up off the ground and entered her home, Sesshoumaru and his warning all but forgotten before long.

Perched up high in the Goshinboku, Kagome failed to notice silver and white swaying in the breeze. Sesshoumaru watched her until she disappeared into her home. Pulling a sword from behind his back, where Kagome couldn’t see it, he grasped the hilt and pulled. Tessaiga thrummed beneath its master’s claws and transformed. Sesshoumaru raised a silver brow. It seems your miko will need more convincing, little brother. I shall return to her again.

2012 term 2, -canon universe, lady kirara, -friendship, *seasons challenge, -gen!fic

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