Gift From the Heart by Niftypaint24 [Christmas Challenge]

Nov 22, 2012 17:12

Title: Gift From the Heart
Author: Niftypaint24
Prompt: Jingle All The Way (Dokuga_contest’s Christmas Challenge)
Genre: Humor
Rating: M
Warnings: Adult Toys
Word Count: 441
Summary: Kagome receives an unexpected gift. [AU]
A/N: A Christmas-themed snippet of Cohabitation

“What’s that?” Kagome asked pointing to a perfectly wrapped package sitting on her and Sesshomaru’s kitchen counter.

Sesshomaru looked over his shoulder as he continued stirring the spaghetti sauce he was warming up. “Oh, Sango stopped by and dropped it off. She said she was sorry she missed you.”

Kagome moved closer to the counter and stopped in front of the present, flicking the ribbons that adorned its top. Sesshomaru, turning his back on his dinner preparations, turned his attention to her.

“Aren’t you going to open it?” he asked.

Kagome eyed the present carefully. Did she dare open it with Sesshomaru in the room?

“What’s wrong?” Sesshomaru asked, stepping closer. “It’s just a present.”

“You don’t know Sango’s warped idea of gift giving.”

Sesshomaru raised a curious eyebrow. “Well, you have to open it now.”

Kagome took a deep breath and began picking at the colorful paper, ripping it away in small amounts, buying time for the inevitable. Once the wrapping paper was gone, Kagome carefully lifted the lid of the box. Terrified of what may lay inside, she didn’t lift it all the way; just enough to peek under. Kagome sucked in a breath and cursed all at the same time.

“What is it?” Sesshomaru moved to lift the lid and Kagome slammed it down, pulling the box out of his reach.


“That’s not the kind of reaction I’d expect if it was nothing.”

Sesshomaru again reached for the box and this time Kagome let him have it. He’d bug the hell out of her until she gave it to him anyway, might as well save herself the headache. As Sesshomaru opened the box Kagome cringed. Sesshomaru let out a laugh as he pulled out a bright pink dildo.

“I think I like Sango a whole lot more now,” he joked handing it to Kagome.

“I don’t want that.”

Sesshomaru gave Kagome a sleazy grin. “You know you do. Just touch it.”

“You’re just as big a perv as she is,” Kagome complained, folding her arms across her chest.

Sesshomaru shrugged, setting the dildo on the counter as he continued to pull various bedroom toys from the box.

“Hey, she wrote you a note,” Sesshomaru said, pulling out a little notecard. “’Kags, Merry Christmas! I thought I’d get you some things that both you and your ‘roommate’ could enjoy.’ She even drew a little smiley face.”

“She’s the sweetest,” Kagome said sarcastically, yanking the card from his hands.

“Sango’s definitely my favorite of all your friends,” Sesshomaru said with a chuckle.

“Well, don’t get too attached, because I’m going to kill her the next time I see her.”

2012 term 2, -alternate universe, *christmas challenge, -comedy, -hentai, niftypaint24

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