My Place of Refuge by Lady Kirara [Oneshot #108]

Nov 15, 2012 23:59

Title: My Place of Refuge

Author: Lady Kirara

Prompt: By the Sea

Genre: CU, General, Mystery

Words: 700

Rating: K+

Summary: Sesshoumaru takes Kagome somewhere safe, but it’s not exactly what she was expecting

AN: Future chapter of my new drabble series The Grey Scale

My Place of Refuge

“How far outside of town are we going exactly?” Kagome asked, staring out the passenger window. They were the only car on the road, and they’d been driving for over an hour. When Sesshoumaru had offered to drive them both, she’d left her car at the office, with the promise that he’d return her later in the evening. Now she wondered why she had agreed so quickly. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Sesshoumaru; it was just going to be a very short visit, if she intended to be back at her apartment at a decent hour.

“I trusted you’d like somewhere safe to speak freely. I am simply giving you that opportunity.” His eyes drifted to her just in time to see her crack a smile and grin.

“Still the same old regal Sesshoumaru-sama I remember. Remind me, did you always speak so eloquently?”

“Hnn, if I chose to speak at all.”

“Touché Sesshoumaru-sama. Are you going to tell me where it is we’re headed exactly?”

“To my home,” Kagome felt the car shift beneath her as they sped through the mountains. When they rounded a corner Sesshoumaru was happy to see Kagome’s jaw drop slightly.

Kagome was amazed at the sight before her. Though she tried to hold in her composure, she brain didn’t want to keep quiet. “I have to admit, I’m pretty surprised. I pegged you more for a guy with a huge mansion, but this… this is certainly unexpected.”

“I had it remodeled to match the details of my old fortress.”

When the two pulled up, a stout man with yellow eyes waited outside her door. Kagome recognized him immediately. “Jaken! That was you at the auction!”

“Hai,” he bowed slightly closing the door behind her. “Sesshoumaru-sama was most intrigued when I told him what I had found that day.”

“Oh, you mean the jewel, right? Can you believe it found its way back?”

Jaken rolled his eyes as he thought to himself Yes, the jewel is exactly what I was talking about. Honestly, humans. He held open the front door and followed after Kagome and Sesshoumaru silently. “Sesshoumaru-sama, dinner will be served within the hour. I shall summon you when it’s ready.” Sesshoumaru nodded and waved him away. His attention was focused solely on Kagome, aware that her eyes were burning with questions.

“Would you like a tour?”

“You don’t mind?” Kagome looked at him skeptically. This wasn’t at all how she remembered him.

“Hnn.” Leading her into an open foyer, she released his arm and ran to the glass window that spanned the length of the room.

“You live by the ocean! But why? I took you more the forestry kind of guy.”

“Rin chose this place. It was her favorite.”

Kagome blinked. “You’ve been here all this time?”

“More or less, this is only one of the many homes in my possession. It was the closest I could find.”

“Were you trying to be by the city or something?”

“…Or something.” He evaded. “Come. I will show you the rest.”

As the tour continued Kagome oh’d and ah’d when they visited each room. Sesshoumaru ignored her childish banter for the most part, not at all interested in being bated. Though much had changed in the past 500 years, he was still a fearsome taiyoukai underneath the very human exterior he possessed. “You remind me of your kit.” The words were out before he could stop himself.

Kagome was babbling about one thing or another and paused mid squeal to stare at him. “Shippou! How was he? Wait! You said remind, as in present tense. That means- Shippou is still alive. Have you seen him? How is he? Oh I hope that he’s alright.” She was rambling, and she knew it. When Sesshoumaru placed a hand over her mouth, it was enough to effectively stun her into silence.

“One question at a time miko.” Releasing her, he noticed her blush and mutter an apology. Before he could answer any of her many questions, however, Jaken returned to inform them dinner would be served shortly.

Extending his hand, Kagome took it wordlessly and was happy to be led into the dining room by Sesshoumaru.

2012 term 2, -canon universe, =oneshot, lady kirara, =oneshot #108 by the sea, -mystery, -gen!fic

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