Title: Passing Silence
Author: Lady Kirara
Prompt: Tasteless
Genre: CU, General, Mystery
Words: 200
Rating: K+
Summary: It was an offer she couldn’t refuse. Not that he gave her much of a choice.
Kagome and Sesshoumaru were left staring at each other from opposite sides of the small wooden desk. They didn’t speak- nothing really need be said, they simply enjoyed the companionable silence. A chime from somewhere within the office finally brought them out of their reverie, signaling the end of the work day.
Sesshoumaru rose without a sound, still staring. “I believe this is where we say goodbye.”
Goodbye. Already. “Yes, of course.” She paused, “Sesshoumaru, wait; Will you come back?”
“My place is not here.”
She winced. “Don’t tell me the tasteless décor turned you off.”
“Hnn.” He turned without sparing her another glace. Placing one hand on the doorknob, he waited, “Are you coming, Kagome?”
“Me? What do you mean?” She was too puzzled to clarify.
Sesshoumaru gave her an undignified snort and elaborated, “This is not my place. Though, I am surprised, I did not think it was yours either.”
Kagome’s jaw dropped while she stared at him in wonder. Did he just…
“Come. I am sure you have questions that are better suited to be answered elsewhere.”
“Right! Of course,” Kagome grabbed her jacket and keys, locking her office behind her. Just what is going on here?