Coffee Shock by SySheer {Drabble 215}

Nov 02, 2012 15:00

 Title: Coffee Shock
Author: SySheer
Theme: Leak
Genre: Drama
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Word count: 100

Kagome bit her lip and glared at the offending cup. With her face bright red, Kagome looked around trying to make sure no one else saw her predicament.

"Kagome?" A low voice whispered in her ear. Kagome jumped slightly as she turned to Sesshomaru.

"Coffee leaked." Kagome blushed as she motioned to her now brown and pink blouse.

"Shall we leave then?" Sesshomaru asked as he took the crumpled cup from her hands. Kagome nodded slightly as she stood.

"Maybe you'll figure it out on your own, Inuyasha." Kagome sighed in defeat, he'd have to get used to her marriage.

2012 term 2, -drama, -alternate universe, sysheer, =drabble #215 leak, =drabble

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