Danc With Me by Meav [Drabble #213 Suggestive]

Oct 22, 2012 21:58

Title: Dance With Me
Author: Meav
Prompt: Suggestive
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Warnings: Nonce
Word Count: 300
Summary: Kagome spends a fedual era version of Halloween with Sesshoumaru.

'Who knew youkai celebrated Halloween.' Kagome thought to herself. Well, it really wasn't called that here but this festival was held on the right day. She stretched her arms over her head and watched as the people of this large western village at the base of Sesshoumaru's fortress danced, laughed and drank.

Kagome huffed and nibbled at her cookie. 'I wish someone would ask me.'

“What ails you miko?”

Kagome jumped, choking slightly on her cookie, and looked up. “Oh, Sesshoumaru, why aren't you out dancing with the rest of your people?” She gazed longingly over the crowd dancing around the enormous bonfire.

Sesshoumaru sat down beside Kagome. “That is simple, miko, none of these females interest this Sesshoumaru.”

Kagome looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, “Seriously? There’s tons of beautiful women-” She gestured to a woman who was dressed quite suggestively, “here and none of them interest you?”

“Is that really such a bad thing, miko?” He asked her, curious.

“Well yes, I'm starting to wonder if there really is woman out there for you. Or perhaps... you have no interest in woman at all...” She trailed off, thinking.

“There is, little miko, she only has to realize it.”

“How is she supposed to if you don't make a move?”

“Because, miko, I am... unsure if she will accept.”

“You wont know until you try, sometimes it's best to be blunt, if she does reject you then she's not worth it.”

“Very well, Kagome.” Sesshoumaru stood before her and held out his hand, “Would you care to dance with this Sesshoumaru?”

“What? Me?” She looked up at him and asked, clearly shocked beyond belief. Sesshoumaru inclined his head.

“Yes, you are beyond worthy.” He answered softly.

She bit her lip nervously before smiling and took his hand.

2012 term 2, -canon universe, meav, =drabble, =drabble #213 suggestive, -fluff

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