The Spring of Youth, the rebirth of the future [Seasons Challenge]

Oct 14, 2012 20:43

Title: The Spring of Youth, the rebirth of the future
Author: Hairann
Prompt: Spring
Genre: Friendship, Angst, Comfort
AU/CU: CU/Divergence
Rating: T
Warnings: Set in past tense,
Word Count: 3400
Summary: Kagome finally tells Sesshoumaru that he is not welcome.
Full story summary: Sometimes in order to correct the mistakes of the past, you have to start over from the beginning. Sometimes in order to achieve what you wish for most in the world, you have to be willing to give up everything else. Join Kagome as her wish throws her further back in time, to the moment she is needed the most.

Part 9 of Rewriting History.

The spring arrived without another visit from Sesshoumaru or attempt to run away by Inuyasha. Looking back on it now, I am sure a lot of it was due to the fact that we were cramped up in the hut for the majority of the time due to the weather. And it did not help that I was not giving Inuyasha the chance to be able to do things on his own.

It took a while for me, but I was finally able to let to and let the poor boy grow. I stopped fighting it when he wished to go hunting or fishing by himself, he no longer had to be in before it got dark and I did not worry when I have to leave him 'alone'. He was never truly by himself since Jaken always went with him, but I think he considered Jaken to be his own age even though I was sure they were no where near the same.

I would not be surprised if it was his height alone that threw him off, but either way it was not important. What was, was that I was finally leaving home 'alone' for an entire night while I went to the future. It was not time for the new moon yet, but he had outgrown all of his clothes from the year before already.

I knew that even with the shopping I would need to do, I could easily get home without leaving them by themselves all night, but I figured it was the final test. It would make sure that he knew I trusted he could take care of himself and it would let me see if I could handle being away all night.

After reminding them to stay out of trouble and that there was food warming over the fire for dinner, I kissed both of them on the forehead and started making my way toward the well. It still felt a bit weird to treat Jaken the same way I did Inuyasha, especially since I tended to still think of the older one, but I had noticed he felt very put out when I did not include him.

When I tuck Inuyasha in at night, he is tucked in. When I kiss him goodnight, he is missed goodnight. When I read a bedtime story, it is read to both of them. But the one really good thing I have noticed is that when Inuyasha waits for permission to do something, Jaken waits. When he is told not to do something, Jaken does not try to do it either.

But even with as strange as it was to have him there with us, honestly I would not have traded him for anything. He kept Inuyasha busy and they wore each other out each day but chasing each other around the yard. Bedtimes were easy with him around; as long as he got the same treatment anyways.

After I made my way through the well to the other side of time, I headed inside to explain what was going on to my mother and went to bed early. As much as I wanted to visit with my family and wanted to trust them to be able to take care of themselves, I still worried and wanted to get back before anything could go wrong. It seemed, the longer I was in the modern day, the stronger my sense of dread seemed to get.

The moment I returned the day from shopping and kissed my mother goodbye, I jumped into the well with my bags; anxious to get back home to my boys. But as I crawled out of the well, a difficult feat with bags in both hands, instantly something felt off. The air smelled different and, as strange as it may have sounded, the ground felt more solid that it should have.

As the wind picked up and I shivered beneath my warm, spring sweater, I knew that something was wrong. The air was too cold, the ground still too frozen and everything still smelled of winter. This was not how I left things just the night before. Things had long since thawed and plants were already beginning to regrow.

While I knew there was always a chance that we were simply hit with a sudden cold front the night before, I some how knew this was not what had happened. As I began making my way toward our home, my feet going as fast as I could with out actually running, I followed the well known path without having to concentrate on where I was going.

But as I neared the God Tree, an ominous feeling washed over me so strongly that I could not help but make my way toward it. I do not know what I expected to find once I arrived, but it certainly was not Inuyasha pinned to the tree. And not the young Inuyasha I had left behind in Jaken's care, but the older one I had first met.

If I did not know any better, did not have the knowledge of two different points in history, I would swear that it was the very first day I had originally arrived and found him bound. But the first time around it was not winter and his expression was not quite as sad as it was now. After I moved my shopping bags to one hand, I reached forward with my free hand and gently caressed his cheek.

Instantly he opened his eyes and glared at me with such hate I had never seen before. "Kikyou!" he spat, bearing his fangs at me. "You will pay for what..." he began only to stop as he sniffed the air startled as the wind picked up; apparently bringing my scent to his nose. "Mother? Is that really you?"

"It is me, Kagome, Inuyasha. What happened? I just left you yesterday," I insisted, completely unable to comprehend what had happened. His face softened at my voice and I could see him fighting the urge to cry.

"That was over two hundred years ago, momma. He took Jaken away a few years later when he returned and realized you hadn't," Inuyasha informed me and it was not hard to figure out that meant that he had been alone all of this time. I wanted desperately to assure him that I had not abandoned him, but him being pinned to the tree was not much of an incentive to believe me.

Plus I was not given the chance to speak as fear marred his familiar face and he glanced off into the woods. "You must go. He is coming and I do not know which of us he hates more. But he will not like anyone visiting me," he informed me and I could feel myself becoming even more confused by the minute.

"Why would he care if someone was visiting you?"

"Because he is the one that got me bound to this tree. He got a priestess to befriend me just so she could betray me," he explained and I quickly racked my brain, but I could not remember how much about Kikyou I had told Sesshoumaru.

Deciding it did not really matter at that moment, I assured him, "I do not know what went wrong, but I will fix it. You will not end up this way. I swear it." Standing on my tiptoes, I gently kissed him on the forehead and began running back toward the well. I dared not slow down as I could already hear a force tearing through the woods; terrifying grows accompanying the noise.

The very moment I jumped into the well, even before I could feel the power flow over me, I heard Inuyasha scream. On the other side of time, I thought about jumping back in to try and save him, but I knew it would accomplish nothing but getting me killed as well. The sound he had made would not have come from him if he had simply been injured.

For five full minutes I could do nothing but sit at the bottom of the well crying over the loss of my friend; for the second time. Even with everything I had tried to do, he had still ended up exactly where he was the first time around. Only this time it was Sesshoumaru that had interfered with his life and not Naraku.

Once my eyes stung from crying and the only sound coming from my lips was an occasional hiccup, I dried my eyes and began climbing to the top with a new found determination. There had to be a reason why I was transported to the wrong time this trip through the well.

Something had to be interfering with its magic and that something, whatever it was, hopefully was temporary. Making my way out of the well house, I began making my way back toward my childhood home, planning to ask my mother for suggestions of what might be wrong, when something caught my eye.

There were 'buy one, get one free' signs all over the place for trinkets and scrolls, but it was not the signs themselves that caught my attention, but the occasion for the sale. As I stood there staring at the sign, I could not believe that I had not thought of it myself. I had seen the signs last night when I arrived and even this morning on my way back to the well, but I had not give them any thought.

Like most people, this whole day meant absolutely nothing to me. It was just another day I barely even noticed when it passed every four years. But as I thought about it now, if the actual year I went back to in the past was not perfectly divisible by four, than it might not leap day then as well. And if it was not a leap year, did that mean that the days would not line up correctly?

I knew it was a shot in the dark and honestly it did not make complete sense to me, but it was the only option I had at the moment. Hopefully all I had to do was wait until tomorrow to go back and not a full year so that both times were not on leap years. No matter if my theory would turn to be correct or not, there was nothing more I could do that night so I made my way inside and proceeded to toss and turn all night until just before dawn when I finally fell into a nightmare ridden sleep.

When I finally awoke, I did not bother saying goodbye to anyone and simply made a beeline for the well; my bags in hand so I would not have to go back for them. The moment I arrived on the other side of time once more, I knew I was in the right place, at the right time. The air smelled as it should, it was the temperature I was expecting and nothing seemed to be out of place.

Faster than I could ever remember being able to run, I rushed home; silently praying that everything would be exactly as I had left it. Throwing open the front door, I truly thought I would die when I saw Inuyasha and Jaken sitting in front of the fireplace playing with his toys.

At the same moment he was seeing me and smiling at my return, I was already rushing across the short distance between us and throwing my arms around him. "I thought you weren't coming back," he admitted softly as he turned into the hug and wrapped his arms around me.

"I will never abandon you. I will never let that happen to you," I insisted, the scene I had witnessed the night before replaying in my mind. We I saw his confused expression, it dawned on me what I had said and calmly played it off. "I mean that I will never let you become an orphan again."


Once Inuyasha had settled down and fallen asleep, I took Jaken and sat down to speak with him outside; far enough away that he would not be able to overhear us if he happened to awake. "How much did Sesshoumaru tell you about where I came from?" I inquired almost instantly, slightly startling the toad.

"I would assume everything. I can not imagine there is more to your story than my lord has already shared with me. It is unbelievable enough already," Jaken insisted and I could not blame him. If it had happened to anyone other than myself I knew I would not believe it.

"Well now there is more to my story. I am not sure if it is not about yet or not, but every four years in the future we have an extra day. I do not really remember the reasoning behind it, only that it is there. Yesterday was leap day in the future, but if my theory is correct, it was not leap day here.

"Because of this inconsistency, or maybe even some other reason I can not comprehend, when I went through the well yesterday I did not end up here. I arrived about 200 years from now; about the same time I had originally gone back to. When I got there, I found history repeating itself.

"Inuyasha was once again bound to the God Tree; only this time the one that betrayed him was different. I want you to promise me something, Jaken. If something was to really happen to me and I was unable to come back, promise me that you will make sure Sesshoumaru takes care of his responsibilities."

"Of course Lord Sesshoumaru would! He does not shrink from his duties," Jaken insisted harshly, as though I had just insulted his mother unjustly rather than simply speaking truthfully about Sesshoumaru.

"But that is just it, Jaken. Sesshoumaru did not take care of his responsibilities. If he had, he would not have ended up pinned to a tree; just as I had been trying to prevent," I reminded him, only to realize a moment later that I had bad timing. Hearing footsteps behind me, I turned around to find a still half-asleep Inuyasha rubbing his eyes and asking me what I meant.

Hoping he was still asleep enough to buy my cover I explained, "It is a metaphor. It means to be stuck in one place for a long time and feel as though you are still half asleep." I was glad he was not fully awake himself since I was certain he never would have believed such a blatant lie had he been completely alert. Nodding his head as though he actually knew what I was talking about, Inuyasha whispered a quick 'goodnight mommy' and began making his way back inside.

"Do you not mind that?" Jaken questioned, catching me off guard and thoroughly confusing me. Apparently he saw it in my face because he elaborated, "A half-demon calling you its mother." Unable to stop myself, I laughed. It was not really a humorous laugh, but at the same time it was not humorless.

"One day Jaken you will understand what I have already learned. Whether you are a demon, a half-demon or a human, it did not matter when it came to who you loved and who loved you. You love those you do because of what is on the inside, not their shell."


Later that night, I was resting in bed waiting for sleep to come when I heard a slight rustling. Opening my eyes, I watched as Jaken made his way quietly outside. Knowing he could only be going out there for one reason, I quietly climbed out of bed without waking Inuyasha and followed after him. From the shadows, I watched their exchange. "Speak," Sesshoumaru prompted.

"She returned a day late from her latest trip home due to something she called 'leap day'. Apparently an extra day threw off the magic of the well. The half-breed was so worried about her failure to return that he cried himself to sleep. She told me that when she went through the well yesterday, she was transported to the time she originally went to and found him pinned to the tree."

"Very good, Jaken. Keep watching," Sesshoumaru instructed before turning and making his way deeper into the forest as Jaken headed back inside. Moving quickly, I placed myself in between him and the path he was taking. I waited until he had stopped, noticing my presence, before speaking to him.

"If you want to know what is going on in our lives, why not just come and ask me directly? Or better yet, stick around long enough to see for yourself what is happening if you are so interested in our lives. As opposed to sneaking around and asking Jaken after we have all gone to sleep."

Instead of answering my questions, he opted to growl at me, "What I do is none of your business," before sidestepping me and attempting to continue on his way.

My retort of, "Hiding in the shadows is weak," caused him to stop as he spun around and growled at me once more. For a moment, I thought about laughing at Gina attempts to intimidate, but soon decided against it. Just because I was sure I could not be killed due to my wish on the jewel, it did not mean he could not hurt me.

"Watch what you say to me girl or I will kill you," Sesshoumaru threatened and even though I did not wish to kick a sleeping dragon, or dog demon in this case, it did not mean that I was going to be pushed around by him either. So I did what I usually did whenever he threatened me; I ignored it.

"If you want to know how your brother is doing, then you need to be around so you can be apart of his life. I realize you can not be here all of the time, but he should at least know that you are here," I insisted, still completely in the dark about his behavior. He seemed to want to know every detail of Inuyasha's life, but only if he did not know that he knew.

"I do not come here for the half-breed!" he yelled at me; catching me off guard. For a moment I could only stare at him in stunned silence as I thought about all of the things that could mean, but eventually I mentally shook such thoughts from my mind. Staring up at him, I decided against getting into a screaming match with him and instead choose to follow a page from his book.

"Then leave and stay gone," I told him as coldly and calmly as I could, making sure no emotion crept into my voice. "The only thing we could possibly have to talk about is that little boy you are in such a hurry to abandon again. If you are not here to be the brother you are supposed to be, then he is better off without you ever coming around." Turning my back to him, I took a deep breath and felt stronger than I could ever remember feeling. Strong enough to tell him, "You are not welcome around our home any longer."

"Do not assume you can tell me what I can and can not do, little girl. Or I shall kill you where you stand," he threatened, but for the first time his threats seemed completely hollow. It was not as though there was something in his voice or a look in his eyes that assured me he did not mean it, but for some reason he no longer frightened me. No longer was he the blood thirsty, extremely powerful demon in my eyes. Now he was just Inuyasha's older, slacker brother.

"No you will not, Sesshoumaru. If you did, it would only prove you to be the monster that the older Inuyasha and everyone else had always claimed you to be." Having said my peace, I headed home without looking back to see if he would leave or bothering to give him the chance to respond. This time, I would get the last word in.

2012 term 2, -canon universe, -friendship, -angst, *seasons challenge, hairann, -hurt/comfort

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