Title: Wonderful
Series Title: Guns and Lovers
Author: milingchi
Prompt: Armed and Dangerous[Wanted challenge]
Genre: Humor most likely...
Rating: T
Warning: Naughty Language and alchohol refrence
Word Count: 142
Summary: He was offering her a job.
Notes: Sorry for misspellings, I'm tired and I looked through but whatev.
A rich man like himself wasn’t supposed to be here. Not in the place that reeked of shit and whiskey, a place where your feet stuck to the ground because of the sweat and grease of the pig-like men that came here to pick up girls. This place was far from the upscale lounges and parties that he was used to but when it came to some business partners, he would make do.
“Well Mr. Sesshomaru, I hear that you want to take down a rival in the business world, eh?” the woman, Kagome, that stood across from him asked.
“And you can do it?” he asked casually.
“Well you see,” she said pulling out a silver pistol, “I’m armed and dangerous along with little bit of sass and ass to top it off.”
“Wonderful,” he said with a fake, pained smile.